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... Researchers from Norway, Sweden, Swiss, Serbia, Austria, Australia, Germany, Slovenia, France, Croatia and BiH participated in the panel and presented their research papers on the topic of migration and diaspora. The focus was on issues such as integration of migrants from BiH in the receiving countries, connections of immigrants from BiH with their homeland and the ...
... and some rural communities. Coordinator: Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering More information is available at Source: Researchers' Night in Serbia 2012, entitled Science in Motion for Friday Night Commotion (SCIMFONICOM), will be organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE), Institute for Biological Research (IBR) and Faculty of Physical Chemistry (FPC), members of the University of Belgrade, highly experienced in organization and implementation of science promotion and ...
... participants, and welcome new professionals. NISPAcee will be accepting paper proposals on all relevant topics. Proposals are due by October 15, 2012. The selection results will be available from the beginning of December 2012. The event is organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia ...
... Eligible applicants are scientists affiliated with academic or research insititutions from Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. In total, around 4,6 Million CPU core hours and 1.8 Million GPU Core hours will be available for the selected scientific projects. The number of cores available in the HPC systems range from 256 to 4096 ...
The WIRE III conference, supported by the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for research and technological development (FP7), and organised by the Polish National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the European Union, brought together nearly 500 stakeholders from European Member States and FP7 Associated countries. The conference took place at a key moment in the development of EU research and innovation policy as it addressed many issues that are important for the effective implementation of ...
... originality of the work.  Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries:Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Slovakia, Slovenia or Ukraine. Proof of date of birth and citizenship must be provided upon application; authors shall also include a brief CV. In the case of coauthored work, each of the coauthors has to fulfill all the criteria. Previous winners of the Olga Radzyner Award, ESCB central ...
... separately including a description of the events planned. For more information on the organisation of local events, please check the OPEN DAYS Information pack. Country leaflets Bosnia EN Bosnia ENG Bosnia HR Croatia EN Croatia HR Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia EN Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MK Montenegro EN-Montenegrin Serbia EN Serbia SR Austria DE Austria EN Belarus-Moldova-Russia EN Belgium EN Belgium FR DE NL Belgium FR-DE-NL Bulgaria BG Bulgaria EN Cyprus EL Cyprus EN Czech Republic CS Czech Republic EN Denmark DK Denmark EN Estonia EN Estonia ET Finland EN Finland FI France EN France FR Germany DE Germany EN Greece ...
The report focuses on three types of scholarly sources: (a) more general studies on European integration and Europeanization of public policy, predominantly belonging to comparative politics, policy analysis and international relations, (b) studies on European integration and Europeanization in higher education and (c) studies mapping higher education policy developments since the end of 90s and early 2010s until present day in the countries under study. The report, among other things, ...
The report focuses on three types of scholarly sources: (a) more general studies on European integration and Europeanization of public policy, predominantly belonging to comparative politics, policy analysis and international relations, (b) studies on European integration and Europeanization in higher education and (c) studies mapping higher education policy developments since the end of 90s and early 2010s until present day in the countries under study. The report, among other things, ...
30% WIPO: 2012 IP Facts and Figures Document 30. Aug. 2012
The World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) has published the 2012 IP Facts and Figures. This publication includes data on patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs and it is focused on application data only. The guide is therefore an important source of information on the global trends of intellectual property activity.
Published by DG CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology), the new name for the former DG INFSO, the report presents a comprehensive view of the DG´s monitoring activities, reviewing not only the FP7 ICT theme, but also the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme´s ICT Policy Support Programme. For the FP7 ICT portfolio the report draws comparison with FP6 or with data under StReAM 2010 when relevant. The findings are wide-ranging and show that under FP7 ICT projects and ...
... domains: Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences Food and Agriculture Forests, their Products and Services Materials, Physics and Nanosciences Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technologies Earth System Science and Environmental Management Information and Communication Technologies Transport and Urban Development Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia belong to the 36 COST countries that govern the initiative and participate also ib the COST actions. To illustrate, in 2012 approved calls Serbia participates in the action "An Integrated European Platform for Pancreas Cancer Research: From Basic Science to Clinical and Public Health Interventions for a Rare Disease", Croatia ...
... at local, regional and pan-European levels will be further elaborated into a set of implementation plans. These plans should present notably the infrastructures needed, transport modes and flows of feedstock. The South East European and East Neighbourhood countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova and Ukraine) shall be considered as part of this Pan-European approach. Appropriate links will be made with relevant programmes and actions, notably in the context of the EU Agricultural, Environmental, Regional, Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies. Once validated, most, if not all, SRT material shall be made public in ...
... animal origin; assessing the effectiveness of related control systems and needs for their further improvements; dissemination of the results from ongoing research currently conducted by the participants; indicating the main knowledge/data gaps and related directions for further research in the area; strengthening the scientific basis of food safety in Serbia. The scope of the meeting encompasses risk assessment, diagnosis, monitoring and control of microbial, parasitic and prionic food safety hazards along the food chain. In addition, factors affecting nutritional and sensorial quality of foods along the food chain will be addressed. Please find further information at: ...
... media reports have indicated. The role of the EUA Committee is limited to verifying that the university diplomas submitted to the Committee have been correctly issued by authorised institutions, and in line with European best practice as developed through the Bologna Process.  These certified diplomas will be treated in Serbia the same way as other diplomas issued outside of Serbia. Currently this means that graduates who want to pursue further education programmes and/or public employment in Serbia may now submit their diplomas, together with the EUA certificate, to a university of their choice. The university in question will then issue a confirmation of acceptance. With this confirmation graduates may ...
28% Euro Asia Projects Organisation 30. Jul. 2012
... Asia Projects is a fast growing company, supported by European Projects Consulting in Romania. It offers a true understanding of the needs, opportunities and challenges presented in Turkey. European Project Consulting is an international firm founded in 2006 and specializing in project development, management and business consultancy services for Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria. Through consultancy, trainings, lobbying activities and research, we aim to contribute to the development of the society and the European integration process of Turkey. The fields in which Euro Asia Projects offers assistance are varied, they include: elaboration of projects accessing European and national funds, project management, lobbying ...
... The event is organised by Donau-Universität Krems and Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) under the patronage of ARGE Donauländer. It will be held in English and German with simultaneous interpretation. Further information: Keynote speaches will be delivered by Bozidar Delic (Serbia), Peter Havlik (wiiw, Austria), Martin Gerzabek (BOKU, Austria) several panels will discuss the topic of the Danube Region, e.g. The Danube REgion and its importance for European Macro Regions Regional Cooperations as Key Factors for the EUSDR's Success Focussing on Human Needs - Potentials and Opportunities of the Danube Region ...
... proposing open innovation approach in the Living Labs environment with a special attention to the SMEs. The signatories of the document were the representatives of the following universities: Bucharest, Romania; BW Munich, Germany; Corvinus, Hungary; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Graz, Austria; Košice, Slovakia; Maribor, Slovenia; Novi Sad, Serbia; Primorska, Slovenia; Rijeka, Croatia; Ruse, Bulgaria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Trento, Italy; Trieste, Italy.  Numerous innovative eSolutions & eServices based on future Internet and cloud computing will be needed to support eleven Priority Areas of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The coordinators of several priority areas are involved in ...
Comparative studies are especially encouraged, since these countries share a similar socio-economic background and comparative studies offer a valuable source of insight for policy formulation as well as a basis for competitive benchmarking. The journal welcomes empirical and policy-oriented papers relevant to a broader international audience. Contributions need not be limited solely to economics; submissions from other related disciplines are encouraged. Additional information about the ...
... This Austrian programme offers professors and assistants of public universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and FYR of Macedonia the possibility to spend one month at an Austrian university for a research visit provided an Austrian university institution is ready to ensure the supervision. Important Documents & Links see Questions and Answers Statement of Advisor ...
... on the self-assessment tool. The European Commission reiterated that – where it can – it will continue to assist and support the WBCs in their efforts to strengthen the Research and Innovation capacity at national and regional level, while at the same time underlining the importance of ownership of the beneficiary countries. Serbia expressed an interest in holding the next meeting, to be co-chaired by Serbia, in the second half of 2012, together with the upcoming EU Cyprus Presidency and European Commission. Information will be announced in due time. The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries met in Tirana on 12-13 June 2012. The meeting was co-chaired by the Danish Presidency of the ...
30% Global Innovation Index 2012 Document 15. Jul. 2012
Global Innovation Index logo© INSEAD, 2011 The 2012 GII model includes 141 countries that represent 94.9% of the world's population and 99.4% of the world's GDP. The top 10 include Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore, Finland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark, Hong Kong (SAR, China), Ireland, and the United States. Most of the old EU member states (EU-15) are in the top 30 of the GII ranking. However, some of the new member states, namely Malta (16th), Estonia (19th), Slovenia (26th), Czech ...
... GII 2012 Albania (pdf, 69.25Kb) GII 2012 BiH (pdf, 68.16Kb) GII 2012 Croatia (pdf, 68Kb) GII 2012 FYR of Macedonia (pdf, 68.54Kb) GII 2012 Montenegro (pdf, 70.23Kb) GII 2012 Serbia (pdf, 68.21Kb) INSEAD, a leading graduate business school with three campuses on two continents, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, a specialized agency of the United Nations), on Tuesday 3 July released their Global Innovation Index 2012 (GII 2012), ranking six EU countries and Switzerland among the top ...
The report, which reflects the framework of the Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve Communiqué, is the result of a joint effort by Eurostat, Eurydice as well as by Eurostudent and has been overseen by the Bologna Follow-up Group and more specifically by a working group established by the latter. In line with the specific mission and methodology of the aforementioned data collectors, the report describes the state of implementation of the Bologna Process in 2012 from various perspectives and with data ...
... This expedition will take place from August 3 till September 20, 2012. One minivan, five countries - Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Turkey - and six participants from EU countries representing various regions of Europe. Who will be the lucky participants of this expedition? You could be one of them! All you need to do is fill out this application form. The registration deadline is July 8, 2012. The ...
... but also with the possibility of applying corrective measures. These two chapters are the most important and the most effective instruments for the Commission to support transformation in the candidate countries. The whole Western Balkans region is moving ahead. Croatia will become the 28th member of the EU next year. Serbia was granted candidate status this March. We have launched High Level Accession Dialogues with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and High Level Dialogue on Accession with Bosnia and Herzegovina. We agreed on a list of deliverables on the key priorities with Albania. We also launched a Feasibility Study with ...
Abstract: This paper presents the evaluation of carbon emission characteristics of low calorific Kolubara open pit mined lignite. The samples of Kolubara Basin coal were carefully selected to cover a wide range of the net calorific value, ash and wather content, in order to ensure the coverage of wide spectra of the expected lignite qualities that are usually supplied to Serbian thermal power plants. Data base with results of complete proximate and ultimate analysis for the set of selected ...
... frameworks into consideration." Read more in the policy brief attached below. The project "Innovation Policy Learning from Norway in Western Balkans" (WBinNO), - WBC-INCO.NET's project of the month June 2012 - successfully organised the workshop: "From National Innovation System to Innovation Policy Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia" in Sarajevo, on June 5-6 2012. Now, a policy brief called: "Governing Innovation Policy in the Western Balkans" has been published summarising the main findings and massages from the workshop ...
Abstract  The necessity of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as formulated in the Kyoto Protocol, imposes the need for improving environmental aspects of existing thermal power plants operation. Improvements can be reached either by efficiency increment or by implementation of emission reduction measures. Investments in refurbishment of existing plant components or in plant upgrading by flue gas desulphurization, by primary and secondary measures of nitrogen oxides reduction, or ...
... a wide network of key players and stakeholders from the 14 countries of the Danube Region. Here you can find out about main activities, projects a... PA 1B | Mobility | Rail-Road-Air Priority Area 1B of the EUSDR "To improve mobility and intermodality - rail, road and air" is coordinated by Slovenia and Serbia, with the involvement of a wide network of key players and stakeholders from the 14 countries of the Danube Region. Here you can find out about main activities, projects... PA 02 | Energy Priority Area 2 of the EUSDR "To encourage more sustainable energy" is coordinated by Hungary and the Czech ...
28% Cyprus takes over EU Presidency News 2. Jul. 2012
... relevant Council conclusions. The Cyprus Presidency stands ready to implement swiftly the Union’s decision to open accession negotiations with Montenegro and to contribute to the decisive advancement of these negotiations. The Presidency will seek to build on the momentum created by European Council Decision to grant candidate status to Serbia, a key country in the Western Balkans, aiming potentially to a European Council decision for the opening of accession negotiations. The Cyprus Presidency will follow closely the monitoring process for the implementation of the commitments assumed by Croatia during the accession negotiations, in view of the Comprehensive Monitoring Report to ...
... the respective region Quality of promotion activity Best value for the time and money spent Detailed cost overview  Call deadline: September 15, 2012 Announcement of results 01 October 2012   Who can apply? All WBC NCPs and their teams (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*) and their teams NCP-Host institution has to permit the application  Budget Maximal Costs per proposal 2450 EUR Evaluation of proposal will make experienced NCP Team from Austria, France, Italy and Turkey Realisation From October 2012 until May 2013 If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact ...
... Faculty of economics-Prilep, Macedonia Prof. Dimitar Eftimoski, PhD, University “St. Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola, Faculty of administration and management information systems, Macedonia Prof. Mirjana Borota Popovski, PhD, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Institute for sociological political and juridical research, Macedonia Prof. Tibor Kiš, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of economics-Subotica, Serbia  Prof. Zoran Aranđelović, PhD, University of Niš, Faculty of economics, Serbia Prof. Evis Kushi, PhD, University “Alexander Xhuvani”-Elbasan, Faculty of economics, Albania Prof. Avdullah Hoti, PhD, University of Prishtina, Faculty of economics, Kosovo Prof. Rumiana Stoilova, PhD, Bulgarian academy of science, Institute for study of societies and knowledge, Bulgaria Prof. Branislava Baranović, PhD, Institute for social research - Zagreb, Croatia Stojan ...
Topics inside this issue: HP-SEE provides new user communities in SEE fast track access to regional HPC resources HP-SEE to launch a pilot call of access to regional HPC resources South Caucasus NRENs are now IPv6 enabled HP-SEE and LinkSCEEM-2 signed Memorandum of Understanding GIM application  “Day of open doors for students in field of mathematics and informatics”,  Organization of  a short HPC centre tour for a group of students in IICT-BAS - HP-SEE’s Bioinformatics Portal - ...
30% EVAL-INNO Newsletter, Issue No1 Document 21. Jun. 2012
The key objective of EVAL-INNO is to strengthen regional as well as national evaluation capacities, in order to improve the the framework conditions for RTDI policies, programmes and institutions. Please find attached the first issue of the EVAL-INNO newsletter. here.
... Interregional and Cross-Border Cooperation. Additional information about the programme Eligible Applicants All public and private bodies in CEI Member States as well as international organisations and other regional bodies. Eligible countries: Albania Austria Belarus Bulgaria Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Czech Republic Hungary Italy FYR of Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine Indicative Timetable for the Evaluation of Applications Deadline for submission of Applications: please note that the deadline for the submission of applications has been postponed to 20 July 2012. Evaluation of Applications: July-September 2012 Acknowledging applicants (qualified; rejected): publication on CEI website in September ...
... in R&D. It is commonly perceived that the majority of WBC lost a critical mass for conducting R&D (Action Plan 2003; Linden et al. 2008). For example, GERD6 in the majority of WBC is far behind that of other European countries, and only Croatia, Turkey and Serbia could partly compete with EU in terms of research intensity. They invest about 0.85 per cent of GDP in R&D while investments of other countries are almost negligible, around 0.1 to 0.2 per cent of GDP.7 Despite the scientific and technological lagging of WBC ...
... UK) Industrial upgrading in Western Balkans and policy implications: pointers for discussion Country Report presentations: Strengths and weaknesses of the National Innovation Systems of the Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (Anto Domazet, Almir Pestek) Croatia (Zoran Aralica, Denis Redzepagic) FYR of Macedonia (Slavica Roceska, Gjorgji Mancheski, Olivera Kostoska, Marjan Angeleski) Serbia (Djuro Kutlaca, Marija Mosurovic Ruzicic) As a part of the project Innovation Policy Learning from Norway in Western Balkans (WBinNO), the workshop: "From National Innovation System to Innovation Policy Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia" was successfully held in Sarajevo, June 6 2012. 22 participants coming from ...
... UK) Industrial upgrading in Western Balkans and policy implications: pointers for discussion Country Report presentations: Strengths and weaknesses of the National Innovation Systems of the Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (Anto Domazet, Almir Pestek) Croatia (Zoran Aralica, Denis Redzepagic) FYR of Macedonia (Slavica Roceska, Gjorgji Mancheski, Olivera Kostoska, Marjan Angeleski) Serbia (Djuro Kutlaca, Marija Mosurovic Ruzicic) As a part of the project Innovation Policy Learning from Norway in Western Balkans (WBinNO), the workshop: From National Innovation System to Innovation Policy Learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia was successfully held in Sarajevo, June 6 2012 ...
TEMPUS promotes institutional cooperation between the European Union and Partner Countries, which focuses on reform of higher education systems and universities. Under Action 3, the EU supports national teams of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) in the Tempus Partner Countries. HEREs are usually Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Deans, senior academics, Directors of Study, International Relations Officers and students. They provide a pool of expertise, promoting and enhancing progress toward ...
This document includes basic information about the national road transport sector, infrastructure and industry, and information about national road transport research, including objectives, strategies, resources, RTD programmes and research themes. It further provides an excellent use of comparing national activities with EU activities and ERTRAC’s research priorities, and to draw conclusions for reducing fragmentation and increasing harmonisation of funding programmes. Initial input for this ...
... Objectives The contribution of universities and public research organisations in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia to economic development is not yet fully recognised, and knowledge transfer is just beginning to gain importance: Universities need to develop concepts for joint research with industry, intellectual property management, and university spin-offs. Research personnel and students need to be trained in knowledge transfer issues. Companies need to become more ...
30% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring/Summer 2012 Document 14. Jun. 2012
Two other important events took place in Tirana on June 12–13: the WBC-INCO.NET Innovation Dialogue Forum focusing on the Action Plan to increase innovation capacities in the region, and the Knowledge Transfer Study workshop, which is part of a workshop series covering 39 European countries in 2011 and 2012. This workshop was intended to discuss the status and challenges of knowledge transfer from universities and public research institutes, as well as good practices which are visible. It was ...
... of information such as the Central European Initiative (CEI), EUREKA, UNESCO and the World Bank.  In the following days you will find here detailed information about this event as well as the operational conclusions of the Steering Platform. The next meeting will be held end of the year in Serbia, co-chaired with the European Commission and the Cyprus Council presidency. We will keep you updated in this regard as well. ==> The powerpoint presentations are available from the related event entry, see link below. The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries was held on June 12-13, 2012 ...
... implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national innovation systems Innovation support and incentives, accelerating commercialization and deepening collaboration with the business sector Increasing business R&D and facilitating innovative start-up companies, linking research and innovation with business and society Contributions from stakeholders 28 contributions from the following countries: 8 from Serbia 5 from Germany 5 from Croatia 4 from FYR of Macedonia 4 from Netherlands 3 from BiH 3 from Albania 1 from each of Romania, Greece, UK, Spain and France 11 contributions were not taken into account as they were in essence either: R&D and demonstration project proposals ...
Every 6 months, high level political dialogue meetings are organised linking the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the Western Balkan countries. The meetings are co-chaired by the European Commission, the EU Council presidency country (currently Denmark) and a country from the region (for this meeting: Albania). The invitation to the meeting as well as the draft agenda are attached. Please find the presentations attached below.Please see also the link to the progress reports. The 12th ...
... initial drivers of the project success.” Interviews conducted by Ines Marinkovic, with special thanks to Mr. Cupina and Mr. Nüchter. During the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS monitoring meeting in Vienna (April 23-24, 2012) the coordinator of the project SEELEGUMES, Branko ´Cupina (Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia), and the coordinator of the project ThermalMapper, Andreas Nüchter (Professor at Jacobs University Bremen, School of Engineering and Science), shared their experiences for the WBC-INCO.NET journal in short interviews highlighting once again the importance of cooperation and knowledge transfer in STI ...
... on Quality Management System (SQM) with the international participation has been gathering prominent experts from the field of quality over the last twelve years. In addition to the local, Montenegro experts, the participation lists included a number of well-known scientists and experts from France, Spain, Canada, England, Italy, Denmark, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and 7th International ICQME Conference some of the vital issues of quality, management, engineering, education, and environmental protection will be discussed, and the participants will be from both the university and the commercial fields, which will contribute to a more productive exchange of ideas and experiences. The conference ...
... relevant institutions in the aim of defining sectoral, inter-sectoral and regional strategies, priority needs and selecting adequate projects and programmes which should be financed from EU and development assistance funds; informing donors on priority projects and programmes; cooperation with donors on harmonising donor priorities with those of the Republic of Serbia; participation in the preparation of donor strategies and planning of programmes and projects financed from EU and development assistance funds; monitoring implementation of projects and programmes through reports of EU and development assistance beneficiaries and donors, as well as coordination in providing evaluation reports; harmonisation of programmes and projects with ...
... 11:20 Panel Discussion: Innovation policy learning from Norway in Western Balkans. (Leader: Slavo Radošević, Professor, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, UK) 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Country Report presentation: Strengths and weaknesses of the National Innovation Systems of the Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia. 16:00 Coffee Break 16:20 Panel Discussion: Innovation policy learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Leader: Josef Pöschl, economist, WIIW Vienna, Austria) 17:30 Concluding comments There is no cost to attend the seminar. To confirm your participation, please send an e-mail to or phone ...
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