ICT Statistical Report for Annual Monitoring 2011 (ICT StReAM 2011)

The ICT Statistical Report for Annual Monitoring 2011 (StReAM) contains an analysis of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) funding under FP7.

Published by DG CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology), the new name for the former DG INFSO, the report presents a comprehensive view of the DG´s monitoring activities, reviewing not only the FP7 ICT theme, but also the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme´s ICT Policy Support Programme.

For the FP7 ICT portfolio the report draws comparison with FP6 or with data under StReAM 2010 when relevant. The findings are wide-ranging and show that under FP7 ICT projects and consortia tend to be smaller than in FP6, although the average amount per participant is increasing.
The report consists of four chapters which cover policy, an analysis of the FP7 ICT project portfolio, the state of play of the CIP ICT PSP programme, and a detailed country analysis of the 27 EU member states´ involvement in the FP7 ICT theme. Germany is the main recipient of FP7 ICT funding, followed by the UK, Italy and France. Each chapter has a useful „in a nutshell‟ section with key facts and figures.

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • FP7
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Gabriela Thomasova on August 13, 2012
Modified on August 13, 2012