News archive - European University Association assists in diploma certification between Kosovan and Serbian universities

In the context of the EU-facilitated Pristina-Belgrade dialogue, EUA last year agreed to assist in the process of certifying diplomas issued by universities in Kosovo or in Serbia as a means of facilitating mobility in the region for the purposes of further education and/or public employment. On 26 June, an EUA-established Academic Committee certified the first 73 diplomas from Kosovo having verified that these diplomas were correctly issued by authorised institutions and were in line with European best practice, thus including detailed transcripts of records and the required Diploma Supplements.

In carrying out this service to its members in Kosovo and Serbia, EUA would like to underline that this does not constitute a recognition of the diplomas concerned, as certain media reports have indicated. The role of the EUA Committee is limited to verifying that the university diplomas submitted to the Committee have been correctly issued by authorised institutions, and in line with European best practice as developed through the Bologna Process. 

These certified diplomas will be treated in Serbia the same way as other diplomas issued outside of Serbia. Currently this means that graduates who want to pursue further education programmes and/or public employment in Serbia may now submit their diplomas, together with the EUA certificate, to a university of their choice. The university in question will then issue a confirmation of acceptance. With this confirmation graduates may then either enrol in academic programmes or apply for a position in the public administration.

Read more on the website of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia.

Source: EUA

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 1, 2012
Modified on August 1, 2012