News archive - FP7 Topic Highlight: Support to the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan-European level

In the WBC-INCO.NET Calls section ( we provide information and links on all open calls, including those in FP7. ALL CALLS and ALL TOPICS are open for participation of researchers from the Western Balkans. Nevertheless, in our news area we would like to higlight some topics which are of specific relevance to the region. Don't miss the particular chances of participation!

The topic in the workprogramme ENERGY "Support to the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan-European level" (ENERGY.2013.3.7.1) calls for collaborative projects with the deadline 28.11.2012. It refers to the development of strategies, roadmaps and tools in support of decision-making at local, regional and pan-european level, building on previous projects: BEE; CEUBIOM; Biomass futures, Biomap, Biomass Trade Centres, Ben, Wood Heat Solutions, BioEnerGis, Sector, Bioboost.
It refers in particular to Balkan and East Neighbourhood Countries (Albania, BiH, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova, Ukraine) which are consiered explicitly to be part of this pan-European scheme. Only one project will be funded.

Topic ENERGY.2013.3.7.1:

Support to the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan-European level
This topic is implemented jointly by the ENERGY and FAFB Theme but only open in call FP7-ENERGY-2013-1

Content/scope: In the context of the development of the Bioeconomy, the sustainable and reliable supply of non-food biomass feedstock (i.e. lignocellulosic biomass: agricultural and forestry residues and energy crops) is a critical success factor for the long-term perspective of biomass-based technologies to produce bioenergy and other bio-based products (In this context, the term ‘‘bio-based product’’ means a commercial or industrial product (other than food or feed) that is composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products or renewable domestic agricultural or forestry materials or an intermediate feedstock.) on a large scale, while not competing with the food market and also benefiting the local rural communities.
The objectives of this project are to develop Strategies, Roadmaps and Tools (SRT) in support of decision-making at local, regional and Pan-European level. This will involve economic, social, environmental and logistics research building on most relevant data and projects (E.g. BEE, CEUBIOM, Biomass futures, Biomap, Biomass Trade Centres, BEn, Wood Heat Solutions, BioEnerGis, CAPRI, etc.).
The development of these SRT will have to confront and make use of a large number of available information including:
- Geographical and environmental (e.g. soil, water, climate, protected areas);
- Agronomical (e.g. best available and identified plant/tree varieties, agricultural and forestry practices including effect of biomass extraction on carbon cycle);
- Industrial (e.g. best available pre-treatment and conversion processes, considering also relevant pilot and demo projects (E.g. Sector, Bioboost) );
- Logistical (e.g. hubs and transportation routes);
- Economic and regulatory (e.g. CAP, RES Directive, strategies for rural and regional development, national support schemes, workforce).
Due consideration will be given to the development of small-scale plants suitable for decentralized operation with associated benefits to rural communities besides the centralized large-scale units involving long distance biomass transport.
The SRT will be offered to Member States, Associated and neighbouring countries in a sufficient number of regions for testing and validation, including the necessary ex-ante economic, social and environmental impact analysis.
The interaction and possible complementarities between these regional SRT at Pan-European level will be investigated. This could lead to suggest optimal flows of biomass feedstock to all uses and the best possible organisation of biomass pre-treatment and conversion plants at interregional levels.
Ultimately, the most promising logistic supply-chains at local, regional and pan-European levels will be further elaborated into a set of implementation plans. These plans should present notably the infrastructures needed, transport modes and flows of feedstock. The South East European and East Neighbourhood countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova and Ukraine) shall be considered as part of this Pan-European approach. Appropriate links will be made with relevant programmes and
actions, notably in the context of the EU Agricultural, Environmental, Regional, Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies.
Once validated, most, if not all, SRT material shall be made public in a computerized and easy to use format with an adequate information campaign associated to it in the perspective of possibly developing it as an interactive and updatable reference tool.
Funding scheme: Collaborative Project

Expected impact: It is expected that the SRT developed would usefully support the local, regional and national authorities in their decisions for planning and strategy implementationwith regard to the non-food use of biomass feedstock. It shall bring substantial environmental, economic and social benefits as opposed to the current largely individual decision-making by most of the concerned actors. The SRT would also help industries involved in logistics,
harvesting, pre-treatment and conversion of biomass for their investment decisions regarding technology, plant location, transport means and industrial operation more generally.
Additional information: Up to one project may be funded which should encompass participation from a sufficient number of countries to ensure Pan-European dimension. This will be considered during the evaluation under the 'Implementation' criterion.
The proposals should clearly identify the links with other relevant projects, how they plan to use synergies and avoid duplication.
The European Commission reserves its right to ask the project, during the negotiation, to establish strong links, where appropriate, with relevant R&D projects at EU, national or regional level.

Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
  • FP7
  • SEE
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Natural Sciences

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 8, 2012
Modified on September 5, 2013