Mapping of national road transport research activities in Europe

Since 2005, ERTRAC has regularly updated a survey of Member State research programmes in road transport research. The current report is the second version and includes up to date information from 6 countries (Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden). The data of the other countries remain the ones given in the first version of 2010.

This document includes basic information about the national road transport sector, infrastructure and industry, and information about national road transport research, including objectives, strategies, resources, RTD programmes and research themes.
It further provides an excellent use of comparing national activities with EU activities and ERTRAC’s research priorities, and to draw conclusions for reducing fragmentation and increasing harmonisation of funding programmes.
Initial input for this document was contributed mainly by the Transport Research Knowledge Centre EXTR@WEB - Exploitation of Transport Research Results via the WEB1 and ERA-NET TRANSPORT.2 More information about these two initiatives is provided in the Annex. Additional information or updates have been made on several occasions since 2005 by ERTRAC members, with the latest updates occurring till June 2012.
The document structure for each state is:

  • Country description and transport infrastructure
  • Transport industry
  • Transport policy related general goals
  • Mapping of the country specific transport research funding system
  • National RTD programmes for road transport from the last 5 years and sometimes more
Document type
  • Deliverable – other projects


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • European Union (EU 27)
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 15, 2012
Modified on June 15, 2012