News archive - Global Innovation Index 2012 measures capabilities of 141 countries including the Western Balkan countries
INSEAD, a leading graduate business school with three campuses on two continents, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, a specialized agency of the United Nations), on Tuesday 3 July released their Global Innovation Index 2012 (GII 2012), ranking six EU countries and Switzerland among the top 10. Upon invitation of its developers and for a second consecutive year, the GII was thoroughly assessed and revised by researchers of the JRC's Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen (IPSC). Its recommendations contributed to the conceptual and statistical refinement of the index.

Global Innovation Index logo© INSEAD, 2011
The 2012 GII model includes 141 countries that represent 94.9% of the world's population and 99.4% of the world's GDP.
The reports on the WBC can be downloaded also from - see link to our document database below.
The website allows also direct analysis of the data, for example
Country/Economy Profiles View the overall performance of an economy in terms of innovation (key indicators and rankings). |
Strengths & Weaknesses Identify the indicators in which a country ranks the best and worst respectively. |
Compare 2 Countries Compare 2 countries against each other under a selected set of indicators. |
Bar Chart Comparison Compare the scores of various indicators on a bar chart for a selection of countries/economies. |
Scatter Chart Comparison Compare the scores of two indicators on a scatter chart for a selection of countries/economies. |
Radar Chart Comparison Compare the scores of three or more indicators on a radar chart for a selection of countries/economies. |
For further information also read:
GII 2012 Albania (pdf, 69.25Kb)
GII 2012 BiH (pdf, 68.16Kb)
GII 2012 Croatia (pdf, 68Kb)
GII 2012 FYR of Macedonia (pdf, 68.54Kb)
GII 2012 Montenegro (pdf, 70.23Kb)
GII 2012 Serbia (pdf, 68.21Kb)
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Elke Dall on July 12, 2012
Modified on October 5, 2012