News archive - [Event review] WBC-INCO.NET - 3rd Innovation Dialogue Forum, Tirana, Albania
The WBC-INCO.NET Innovation Dialogue Forume focusing on the development of an Action Plan to increase innovation capacities in the region was held in Tirana, Albania on June 12, 2012.
- Joint Funding mechanisms (e.g. pilot calls for proposals to support the regional cooperation between research and industry);
- Regional training and mobility measures with research and business sectors;
- Regional evaluation and benchmarking exercises of innovation activities and innovation infrastructures;
- Joint regional approach towards international institutions and funding programs.
Inputs for the Action Plan:
1. Call for proposals open to all stakeholders
- Launched on March 30, 2012; Deadline on May 20, 2012
Stakeholder were asked to submit concept notes / project ideas, based on a simple 2 pages format, on the following three broad categories:
- Improving governance, policymaking, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national innovation systems
- Innovation support and incentives, accelerating commercialization and deepening collaboration with the business sector
- Increasing business R&D and facilitating innovative start-up companies, linking research and innovation with business and society
- 28 contributions from the following countries:
- 8 from Serbia
- 5 from Germany
- 5 from Croatia
- 4 from FYR of Macedonia
- 4 from Netherlands
- 3 from BiH
- 3 from Albania
- 1 from each of Romania, Greece, UK, Spain and France
11 contributions were not taken into account as they were in essence either:
- R&D and demonstration project proposals or tools with no indication as to how they could be used to foster innovation at a regional level and from a policy perspective or
- they were very vague in their suggestions
2. WBC-INCOnet partners’ contributions as discussed in the November 2011 project meeting in Sarajevo
3. The World Bank “Regional Strategy on R&D for Innovation” project Inception Report
4. The recommendations of the WBC-INCOnet deliverable titled “Comparative analysis of the innovation capacities in the WBC with emphasis on joint cooperation needs in the field of innovation”
5. The best practices examined for their suitability to be implemented in WBC as part of the WBC-INCOnet deliverable “Good practice examples of innovation policy approaches and instruments in EU MS and WBC”
6. IDF participants contribution during the workshop in Tirana (3 moderated groups, mix of written inputs and discussions).
Further information on the inputs selected will be provided asap.
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 12, 2012
Modified on October 5, 2012