News archive - [Event Review] Regional Workshop On Migration Research in BiH

A two-ay regional workshop on migration research in BiH was held in Sarajevo in the organization of TAIEX (The Technical Assistance and Information Exchange  of  European Commission)  with  a collaboration  of  the  Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of  Bosnia and Herzegovina , Swiss Cooperation Office in BiH  and in partnership with Institute for Social Research at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo.

Researchers from Norway, Sweden, Swiss, Serbia, Austria, Australia, Germany, Slovenia, France, Croatia and BiH participated in the panel and presented their research papers on the topic of migration and diaspora. The focus was on issues such as integration of migrants from BiH in the receiving countries, connections of immigrants from BiH with their homeland and the State and Diaspora in the context of globalization.

Talking about the reasons why this workshop was initiated, Ms. Ruzmira Tihić-Kadrić, Assistant Minister for Diaspora Matters at Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, emphasized that although BiH is a country with a lot of migration flows, so far there has not been many research on this subject and she expressed her belief that this workshop represents an opportunity to learn more about the migration from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The final common session was devoted to the discussion about the possibilities for this workshop to become the initial phase of the research program and focused dialogue that will continue to integrate the various researches on migration, and discussion about the role of institutions in BiH as well as the role of the academic community and other organizations in BiH in the future cooperation.


Bosnia and Herzegovina
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on September 14, 2012
Modified on October 5, 2012