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  • Posted on September 10, 2013
  • EUREKA Annual Report 2012

    The EUREKA 2012 Annual Report is now publicly available on the EUREKA Network website. Compiled during the Hungarian and Turkish chairs, the 84 pages report features ten chapters of in-depth analysis ... read more

  • Posted on September 4, 2013
  • Young people and entrepreneurship

    The EC has published a document featuring 36 pioneering projects in the Youth in Action programme that have nurtured the development of entrepreneurial skills among young people. The EU strongly promotes... read more

  • Posted on September 4, 2013
  • EU energy statistics pocketbook 2013

    The EC has published the 2013 edition of the "EU Energy in Figures" statistical pocketbook. The publication provides an overview of the most relevant annual energy related statistics for the European ... read more

  • Posted on August 28, 2013
  • Sixth FP7 Monitoring Report

    The Sixth FP7 Monitoring Report focused on the Framework Programme implementation in 2012 was published at the beginning of this month. In this report, you can see in detail the outputs obtained and... read more

  • Posted on August 9, 2013
  • LSEE - Annual Newsletter 2013

    The last academic year has been another busy and productive year for LSEE. LSEE Visiting Speakers Programme covered a range of topical presentations on Southeast Europe, while it ... read more

  • Posted on July 30, 2013
  • Global Innovation Index 2013

    Co-published by Cornell University, INSEAS, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Global Innovation Index is a key indicator of regional strengths, capabilities and results in innovation... read more

  • Posted on July 30, 2013
  • Overview of TACSO achievements 2009 - 2013

    The European Union (EU) funded project Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) has for four years (2009-2013) worked on the main objective to strengthen the overall capacities and... read more

  • Posted on July 23, 2013
  • Balkan Social Science Review (first volume)

    BSSR is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed, journal for academics with an interest in the Balkans seen through the lenght of diferent social science disciplines. The first volume is accessible here ... read more

  • Posted on June 21, 2013
  • Patent Information News 2013

    Patent Information News is a quarterly publication that informs European patent information users of new developments in the area. To receive an e-mail notification when a new edition of Patent... read more

  • Posted on June 5, 2013
  • International patenting strategies in ICT

    The European ICT Poles of Excellence (EIPE) research project at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies is investigating the issues of growth, jobs and innovation, which have ... read more

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