Report from the EC concerning the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region

The Strategy operates at an intermediate level between national and EU-wide work on topics such as research and innovation, migration or security. It strengthens the integration of countries with the EU, and brings countries in the Western Balkans, Moldova and regions of the Ukraine closer to the Union. 
After 18 months of implementation, significant achievements are evident.
The Strategy: 
  • promotes concrete transnational projects with impacts on the Region and gives new impulse to action in the Region; 
  • supports the coordination of different national and EU policies and funds, and paves the way for more coherence and better results, with more impact for 2014-2020; 
  • develops a wide-ranging cooperation platform, addressing challenges that have been identified as needing joint attention. There are 24 Priority Area Coordinators and 14 National Contact Points driving implementation forward; 
  • highlights the political importance of the Region, through strategic support at ministerial level and concrete advances in terms of implementation; 
  • The following chapters report on these achievements, giving concrete examples, while identifying areas that need more attention. Chapter 5 summarises lessons learnt and Chapter 6 suggests recommendations for the future. 
Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


EU COM(2013) 181 final - 08/04/2013
Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 8, 2013
Modified on July 8, 2013