Environmental Protection in Bor and Pancevo: Challenges of Participatory Approaches to Environmental Governance

This publication is part of the RRPP research project Environmental Protection in Bor and Pancevo: Challenges of Participatory Approaches to Environmental Governance led by the Institute for Sociological Research, Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade. 

For countries undergoing Europeanisation, the book Environmental Protection in Bor and Pancevo: Challenges of Participatory Approaches to Environmental Governance contributes to the understanding of decision-making processes in the environmental protection field. 

The papers collected in this volume focus on the actors and structural requirements of cooperative and participative environmental governance in Serbia. The relevance of this analytic orientation stems from the fact that Serbia’s EU accession grants it new opportunities for developing advanced environmental governance models. However, the readiness of key stakeholders to implement this model is still questionable. Thus, an analysis was conducted of the empirical material gathered in two case studies involving communities dealing with serious environmental issues (Pancevo and Bor). This analysis is directed towards the understanding of major obstacles impeding the development of participatory models of environmental governance in Serbia. 

The book consists of four unique sections. The first section is devoted to a thorough description of socio-environmental conditions in research communities. The second part consists of texts handling inclusion of the civil sector in emerging environmental governance policies. Contributions in the third chapter discuss the role of media and experts in the promotion of environmentalism; taking the environment into consideration in terms of available authentic local community resources. The final section of this volume consists of specific recommendations for public policies aimed at strengthening key stakeholder capacities for responsible environmental governance. 

Findings from the volume demonstrate that the introduction of a participatory approach to environmental governance is still rare, despite formal opportunities created in the process of European integration. Anticipating that the presented results will contribute to critical reflection on the present situation, two key messages of the collected materials should be highlighted. First, the environment could become an adequate resource for development only if it is understood and treated as a collective good. Second, the establishment of ecological citizenship is key to the foundation of sustained community action in environmental protection and development.
Document type
  • Deliverable – other projects


Publication Year


Mina Petrovic and Jelisaveta Vukelic
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 16, 2013
Modified on July 16, 2013