International patenting strategies in ICT

The European ICT Poles of Excellence (EIPE) research project at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies is investigating the issues of growth, jobs and innovation, which have become main priorities of the European Union’s growth strategy programme ‘Europe 2020’.

Rapidly growing international commerce is intensifying cross-border competition and forcing firms from technology-intensive sectors, such as in information and communications technologies (ICT), to protect their inventions in foreign markets. This technical report deals with the issue of international patent filings in ICT, and aims to provide answers to questions about the drivers behind this increasingly important phenomenon. We study the factors behind the motivations of non-resident applicants to file an application for patent protection under foreign jurisdictions.

By taking a global view of the issue of international patenting and covering all the involved countries, the report has the aim to expand the understanding of the issue of international patenting activity in ICT.

Abstract by Authors - The document studies the drivers of international patent applications in ICT technologies by non-residents. It constructs bilateral measures of foreign patent applications for all countries active as both a source of patents and a destination of applications filed between 1990 and 2007 to any patent office in the world. Despite the global character of the ICT industry, applicants from different regions follow different patenting strategies, only Japanese and US applicants are exceptionally active in seeking for patent protection in the majority of world markets. Applying a gravity model to explain the determinants of seeking patent protection in foreign markets, the authors find that economic and inventive capacity of a country attracts foreign patent applications. 

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Authors: Giuditta De Prato and Daniel Nepelski
JRC - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
Geographical focus
  • General/no specific focus
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on June 5, 2013
Modified on June 5, 2013