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35% TEMPUS: Statistics for WBC Available News 16. Jun. 2010
... observed. The numbers of submissions per country (as a coordinator/as a partner) are the following:  Albania: 2 / 23 (5 %) Bosnia and Hercegovina: 5 / 33 (7 %) Croatia: not eligible in the 2010 call  FYR of Macedonia: 6 / 41 (9 %) Montenegro: 2 / 17 (4 %) Serbia: 18 / 49 (11 %) Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244): 3 / 20 (4 %) Out of all 27 countries involved, the largest percentage of applications was received from the Russian Federation (28 percent), followed by the Ukraine (25 percent) and Serbia on the third rank (11 percent). The FYR of Macedonia shares the third rank with Kazakhstan ...
... comments on the set of priorities selected by Western Balkan countries’ science & research communities. The questionnaire included personal opinions and all stakeholders: Education and Research, Business and Social communities; and it was disseminated through respondent’s base of all Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Montenegro, and Serbia). Survey respondents from Western Balkan countries chose as national priorities the same fields of science (research themes) as in WP2 of the WBC.INCO.NET project – Priorities setting in order to structure participation of researchers from Western Balkan countries in research programmes in the ...
In his article “The Western Balkans in 2010: One step forward, two steps back?”, Hannes Swoboda, Member of the European Parliament, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the EP, the Vice-President of the S&D Group and as well as the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Croatia, presents an overview of the current situation in the Western Balkans in 2010 as well as in the region concerned, with an emphasis on the role of Croatia. Hannes Swoboda, “The Western Balkans in 2010: One ...
... submitted work shall deal with the topic of European economic integration. Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) , Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. The Oesterreichische Nationalbank shall receive the work submitted for this award, by October 4, 2010, and the work shall be sent by e-mail or in hard copy to Ms Eva Gehringer-Wasserbauer, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Foreign ...
... the following three categories: tuition and university fees; living expenses (such as medical insurance, books, or other academic material); or transportation costs (travel to/from university, conferences, etc.) Eligibility: The Global Supplementary Grant Program (GSGP) is available to citizens of the following: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Only students who have been accepted into a full-time doctoral (Ph.D.) program at an accredited university are eligible to apply. Contact: Global Supplementary Grant Program – Europe, Open Society Foundation, Scholarship Programs, Cambridge House ...
37% The Lisbon Review 2010 Document 20. May. 2010
The World Economic Forum’s study is the fifth and final review in a biennial series that assesses the progress made by EU Member countries in the far-reaching goals of the EU’s Lisbon Strategy of economic and structural reforms. In addition to assessing the performance of 27 existing EU Members, it also measures the competitive performance of EU candidates and potential candidate countries. WEF: The Lisbon Review 2010, May 2010. WEF ...
... authorities from Italy and SEE for an effective local development of involved territories and for long-term partnerships at regional level and with the Italian system of decentralized cooperation. The call is open to public and private research organisations ("host  institutions") legally established in Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia with demonstrated capabilities in  conducting policy-oriented research on democratic governance and local  development in SEE, on decentralised and international cooperation as  well as on European enlargement issues. Each researcher will deal with one territory, to be indicated in the application and ...
... amp;T cooperation with the region (like e.g. The Western Balkan Countries INCO-NET, Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries etc.). Who can apply  Research Managers and Research Administrators, from both governmental and academic levels, from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. Applications for participation of female research managers are highly encouraged. Early stage career researchers who have not yet administered research projects but intend to do so as part of their career development plan can also apply. Language: English Organisational and contact details: Austrian Science and ...
86% Business Support Centre Kosovo Organisation 6. May. 2010
... and the Business sector in Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) in order to better meet the needs of the labour market • Contribute to the economic development in Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244); and • Improve the regional trade and investment climate to accelerate European economic integration. The partners of the Business Start-Up Centre Kosovo are: • University of Prishtina (UP); • Kosovo Chamber of Commerce (KCC); • Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST); • Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI); • Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture; and • College of International Management – Globus. • Business community representatives Contact Person: Besnik Krasniqi, Director E-mail: Further contact details are provided below. www.bsckosovo ...
The report provides an analysis of the current situation and policies regarding research in social sciences in Kosovo, public institutions involved in research and that support research activities, main research institutes that conduct research and key financial sources that finance research activities in Kosovo. The scientific and research activity in Kosovo is mainly organized within public and private institutions (universities, independent research institutes, think-tanks, NGO’s, and international organizations). Currently in Kosovo, there are two public and ten private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST). The majority of the recently established and ...
This report has been organized by the Human Rights Center of the University of Sarajevo for the University of Freiburg (UF) as a part of the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The Report provides a survey into the current state of research capacities and research funding opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It reviews research capacities of selected state and private higher education ...
The Gender Alliance for Development Centre in Tirana compiled this report for the University of Fribourg, as a part of the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The report provides a review and critical analysis of the policies and decision making process related to research work, of the institutions conducting and supporting research in social sciences and it gives an overview of the status of the ...
... Research Programme should aim - among other things - to work upon identified research priorities, to establish provisions for infrastructural investments, to enhance participation in international scientific research projects and to elaborate a systematic education programme for researchers. The Research Programme should be approved for a period of five years by the Kosovo Assembly which also has to provide the funds for the realisation of the programme as proposed by the government. The National Research Programme of the Republic of Kosovo, Prishtina 2010. Kosovar Research Council
... Serbia (13 agreements): Technical University Vienna (2) University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (1) Vienna University of Economics and Business (1) University of Salzburg (1) Johannes Kepler University Linz (1) Karl-Franzens University Graz (5) Technical University Graz (2) Furthermore, one agreement has been established between the Technical University Vienna and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). Further information is available under the related link. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, Club International Universitaire and the Austrian Rectors' Conference have established a new web portal on international university cooperation. At this stage, it contains statistics as well as contact information ...
... post (if any of the necessary documents can not be scanned, they must be sent by post or by fax), an announcement of the application by email until latest 30th of May 2010 is indispensable! See also: For students of Universities in Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, who are presently enrolled in a Master- or PhD-Programme in the field of History, philology or political sciences. Deadline: May 30, 2010 ...
The Report provides an overview of the main institutions involved in the field of social sciences in Serbia, as well as an analysis of difficulties and challenges for scientific research. The findings show that younger researchers are especially affected by the unsatisfactory situation in this field, having few opportunities for career advancement in their home country. Furthermore, although researchers and institutions are eligible for applying for the extensive EU FP7 funds, many institutes ...
... and beyond (especially current PhD projects and/or research results) that can be related to the topic: "Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans". • The papers to be presented can deal with the region in general or with the change-processes in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia in particular. • For more information about the RRPP current research projects, please go to the RRPP Web site. The selected candidates will be able to present and discuss their work in one of the methodological or thematic workshops, where the RRPP researchers ...
... has forward looking research ideas. These could be researchers or developers from research institutions, NGOs, administrations or companies based in the WBC. Research ideas could eventually be turned into project proposals to be financed by FP7/ICT. Ideas are expected from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Kosovo/UNMIK 1244/99, Montenegro and Serbia. Awards: The six best ideas will be awarded participation to the ICT 2010 event in Brussels. In addition the winners will receive support to write a proposal or be included in a proposal to FP7/ICT. PLEASE NOTE: all project ideas received will ...
Eligibility: GSGP is available to citizens of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Kyrgyzstan, the FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Please note that this is a supplementary program and is not intended for full funding. Applicants must be able to demonstrate additional support from other sources. Deadline: The deadline ...
"We must show the countries in the region that we continue to care even more than we did ten years ago," Spain and Italy said in a statement to their EU partners circulated at an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Cordoba, Spain. "Relevant partners" such as the US, Russia and Turkey could be invited to attend part of the meeting, the document suggested. The two countries are reported to have circulated a joint letter to other EU states setting out a vision for the ...
... that the reaction of the international community to the conference has been positive. EU Enlargement Commissioner visits Balkans Štefan FÜLE , European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy is paying an official visit to the Western Balkans region this week (March 17 to 19), visiting Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania. Before his departure Commissioner Füle stated: ''I want to firmly anchor the Western Balkans region in the European perspective. But each country will be judged on its own merits, according to the membership criteria. I will discuss with my interlocutors in these countries which are the best ...
This event will be used as an opportunity to present the main result of the LDP Kosovo Joint Activity, “How can the EU do better?” publication. This presentation is a result of three months long research and interviews conducted with experts and civil society representatives in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Kosovo. The publication is offering inputs and suggestions how can the EU do ...
On this page you will find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports will be provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Belgrade on June 24, 2010. Please visit this page again if you are searching for a particular country report which is not available yet because further reports ...
37% LOGIC PLUS Organisation 4. Mar. 2010
Logic Plus is one of Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244)’s leading consultancy firms, providing advisory and training services in Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Albania, the FRY of Macedonia and the region. Our successful track record includes work for a wide range of ex-Provisional Institutions of Self Government (PISG) and current Kosovo Institutions including government Ministries, all 30 (thirty) Municipalities of Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), NGO’s and UN bodies. Logic Plus’s core competencies include project management, technology and management consulting and systems delivery. Logic Plus has implemented a project, funded by British Office, to provide advice and assistance on coordinating Standards for Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) and Benchmarking System in ...
To be eligible, departments must be at universities in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999), Kyrgyzstan, the FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, or Ukraine. An ideal AFP partner department is part of a classical state university and is in one of the following disciplines: anthropology, area/cultural studies, economics, gender studies, history, human rights & public ...
The draft of the Reserach Program for the years 2010-2015 has been approved by the Research Council of Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999) in its meeting held on February 11, 2010 and put it in public discussion.  "The National Research Programme of the Republic of Kosovo (DRAFT)", Prishtina, January 2010.   Research Council of Kosovo
... invited to sent them to by March, 2010. Furthermore, a conference will take place in Prishtina on March 3, 2010. The agenda is attached below. If you are interested in participating, please contact, phone number 044/405-357. The Research Council (NRC) of of Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999) has recently approved the draft of the Reserach Program 2010-2015 in its meeting held on February 11, 2010 and put it in public discussion. Input from WBC-INCO.NET has been used for the compilation of this programme ...
The CITSEE project is a research project based at the University of Edinburgh. It studies the citizenship regimes of the seven successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, the FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia). After first nine months, the CITSEE researchers have produced six working papers dealing with citizenship regimes and policies in the former Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslav states. They are all available for download on the CITSEE website.  The following working papers ...
... they should address and deal with specific issues at stake. The Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) Western Balkans launched in 2007 and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), aims at establishing and strengthening research capacities in the area of social sciences in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. For this purpose funding is provided for research projects conducted by researchers from the region. WBC Participation Among the WBC countries, only researchers from Serbia are eligible to apply for this call. Name of the programme and of the thematic/horizontal area: Social Sciences Call for Research ...
35% Phonogrammarchiv Research Infrastructure 17. Feb. 2010
... qualified researchers. Typical users coming abroad to Phonogrammarchive are MA and PhD students and researchers from different disciplines using equipment for their field research; trainees from countries like Romania, Albania, Philippines and China. Phonogrammarchive have already experience in cooperation with Western Balkan countries. Till today they cooperated with Albania, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/199) and the FYR of Macedonia. The most significant cooperation among these was cooperation with Albania where digitisation of the Audio Archive of the Institute for Folk Culture, Tirana, Albania, was financed by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and Phonogrammarchive took an active part in this ...
35% University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf Organisation 28. Jan. 2010
... center treats around 50,000 in-patients. Additionally, approximately 250,000 out-patients as well as 50,000 emergency patients are treated.   The Medical Center disposes of an office for SEE cooperation which has been cooperating with WBC institutions since the 1980s (Zagreb: 1986, Sarajevo: 1996; Skopje/ Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999)/ Tirana: 2000; Belgrade and Podgorica). Focus: Formation of medical students; curriculum reform, TEMPUS projects Formation of young doctors in the region; regional exchange as well as exchange between the region and Germany. PhD theses in Zagreb and Germany (also via scholarships) Regional cooperation ...
... In cooperation with ZSI in Vienna, the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana is announcing a call for proposals for projects in research cooperation and networking between institutions in Austria, Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Montenegro, Serbia). The call is open until February 23, 2010 (date of postmark ...
35% University of Prishtina - Chemistry Department Organisation 18. Jan. 2010
University of Prishtina is the main public University in Kosovo
... financial matters Strengthening the technological capacity of small enterprises Successful e-business models and top class business support Developing stronger, more effective representation of small enterprises Launched in Brussels on 17 June 2009, this report covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99. Availablity The report consists of six parts which are available online at,3343,en_2649_40340912_43220337_1_1_1_1,00.html. To order your personal hard copy, please contact   The full text of the SME charter is available ...
... in the region”. The WBIF consists of a joint grant facility and a joint lending facility to finance priority projects in the Western Balkans. The joint grant facility will contribute to financing the preparation and implementation of priority projects in Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia. Good preparation and a strong implementation framework are essential for projects to receive loan financing and to successfully contribute to economic growth in the Western Balkans in the context of the accession process. The European Commission has so far allocated some €110 million ...
... ASO Ljubljana. The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana, in cooperation with the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is announcing a call for proposals for projects in research cooperation and networking between institutions in Austria, Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Montenegro, Serbia ...
... document about "Cooperation with Third Country Participants in an EC funded FP 7 multi-partner research project - practical advice for proposal submission and negotiation". Please note that the West Balkan Countries are associated to FP7 and not Third Country Participants. In the region, this document is only relevant for Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999). furthrmore, it may be of use for consortiums aiming to integrate partners from International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPCs).    ...
... on how to advance towards integration of establishing stronger platform among national systems. Out of invited 14 experts from 7 beneficiary states, 9 experts attended the workshop, 1 from Croatia, 2 from Bosnia and Herzegovina (one from Republika Srpska and one from Federation of BIH), 2 from Serbia, 1 from Kosovo, 1 from Macedonia and 2 from Albania, however 12 of the invited experts were involved in writing the country reports. Out of 9 workshop experts, 5 are coming from universities, 2 from ministries of sciences and 2 from research institutes. As revealed by the reports and reinforced in the discussion ...
The Handbook “How to turn your ideas into European projects” is a guide on the 7th EU Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7). It was prepared in the frame of the EU-Balkan FABNET project, a Specific Support Action financed under the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) which was funded by the EC under FP6 (contract No. 043119) and coordinated by ETAT S.A. The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in ...
Priručnik “Kako pretvoriti svoje ideje u eurospke projekte” je vodič kroz Sedmi okvirni program Europske unije za istraživanje i razvoj (FP7). Priručnik je izrañen u sklopu EU BALKAN FABNET projekta, specifičnog projekta za potporu (Specific Support Action) kojeg financira Šesti okvirni program EU (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food ...
Priručnik: “Kako da pretvorite svoje ideje u evropske istraživačke projekte?” je vodič za Sedmi okvirni program EU za istraživanje i razvoj, a pripremljen je u okviru FABNET projekta - specifične aktivnosti podrškve - koji je finansiran iz Šestog okvirnog programa (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food researchers, this guide provides ...
Priručnik “Kako da pretvorite svoje ideje u evropski projekat” predstavlja vodič za 7. okvirni program EU za istraživanje i razvoj (FP7). Pripremljen je u sklopu projekta EU-Balkan FABNET, gdje je konkretna aktivnost podrške finansirana na osnovu 6. Okvirnog programa (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food researchers, this guide ...
Manuali “Si të ktheni idetë tuaja në Projekte Evropiane” është një udhëzues i Programit Kuadër 7 për Kërkim dhe Zhvillim (FP7). Ai është përgatitur në kuadrin e Projektit EUBalkan FABNET, një Veprim me Mbështetje të Veçantë, i financuar nga Programi Kuadër 6 (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food researchers, this guide provides the ...
The Handbook “How to turn your ideas into European projects” is a guide on the 7th EU Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7). It was prepared in the frame of the EU-Balkan FABNET project, a Specific Support Action financed under the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) which was funded by the EC under FP6 (contract No. 043119) and coordinated by ETAT S.A. The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in ...
This report aims to offer a contribution to the support of coherent approach to offer scientific community important information on the possibilities to establish links with current EU and WBC research infrastructures and also to inform important national and EC policy makers on the important barriers and needs that still needs to be tackled in relation to the development of future Pan-European Research Infrastructures. Based on an online questionnaire which was the basis for the assessment ...
Persons who do not hold a biometric passport and the residents of Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/199) holding a Serbian passport issued by the Coordination Directorate in Belgrade will still need a visa. The same goes for the persons who intend to work during a short stay or who want to come for more than 90 days; they need visas and work permits ...
... the project a consultation sessions on the several field of sciences and research were organised. At these occasions, regional research priorities of common interest were agreed upon among the participants. The meetings were attended by national expert delegations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia, as well as representatives of the European Commission and the WBC-INCO.NET project ...
... The International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has analysed the reform of the higher educational sector in Kosovo. The most relevant and interesting sections from the comprehensive analysis entitled “REFORMS OF (PRIVATE) UNIVERSITY SECTOR IN KOSOVO 2009” are given in the attached file. International Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES), Reforms of (private) University Sector in Kosovo 2009, 2009.   IFIMES
The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of transport research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). The partners of WBC-INCO.NET and relevant experts compiled reports on the research system in the field of environmentfor each Western Balkan country. The reports have been discussed in a workshop for priority setting and resulted in the definition of common priorities for the field ...
The Gallup Balkan Monitor’s Focus on Migration report brings first-hand data to this ongoing debate, as it summarises the experiences and opinions of Balkan people on all aspects of migration. This data was collected in two waves of the Balkan Monitor survey – in 2006 and 2008. The findings show that while relatively high percentages of Western Balkan residents have considered leaving their home countries, these numbers have tended to decrease in recent years. Relatively few people ...
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