D2.11 T2.5 Report on survey results reflecting priorities stemming from civil society and the business sector

As a second part of this project’s work package, a web-based survey was conducted. The web-based survey consisted of two parts. The first part was dealing with collecting personal opinions about priority settings, and the second part was dealing with comments on the set of priorities selected by Western Balkan countries’ science & research communities.

The questionnaire included personal opinions and all stakeholders: Education and Research, Business and Social communities; and it was disseminated through respondent’s base of all Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Montenegro, and Serbia).
Survey respondents from Western Balkan countries chose as national priorities the same fields of science (research themes) as in WP2 of the WBC.INCO.NET project – Priorities setting in order to structure participation of researchers from Western Balkan countries in research programmes in the European Union. So-called regional research priorities for the Western Balkan countries are identified as results of the consultation sessions in the fields of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Agro-Food technologies (AF), Health (HEA), Transport (TRA) and Environment (ENV).
This survey analysis is unique as in WBC there has never been a survey conducted regarding broader society opinions on priorities in science, research and development. Also there hasn’t been any inquiry about the interest of the same groups of respondents for the development of science, basic and/or applied research.
Document type
  • Deliverable - wbc-inco.net
  • Report


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
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Entry created by Dialechti Fotopoulou on June 10, 2010
Modified on April 23, 2012