News archive - Workshop on Integrating RTD Information Systems in countries of Western Balkans-event review

A WBC-INCO.NET project  training workshop has been organized in Maribor, Slovenia on 12 November 2009 by Slovenian Business and Research Association (SBRA).

In order to develop a methodology for greater compatibility of national information systems (with the overall aim of creating a virtual regional information system based on cross linkages and a unique search system) a training workshop has been organized in Maribor, Slovenia on 12 November 2009. The event was organized by Slovenian Business and Research Association (SBRA) as partner of the WBC-INCO.NET project.

The objectives of the Workshop were to review the national information systems in the countries of Western Balkans, look at some good practice, and propose how these systems could better contribute to closer integration of their research communities into the process of building the European Research Area and to more effective participation in EU RTD projects.

The workshop was based on a report - position paper prepared by SBRA on existing databases and portals offering information on RTD capabilities. It envisaged an active involvement of the 2 suitable experts from each of the beneficiary countries with good insight into the RTD information area. The experts were commissioned to prepare national reports by using in depth interviews with relevant policy makers and stakeholders as well as results of an on-line survey organized by SBRA. Interviews were conducted with government officials and other active stakeholders (science boards, RTD agencies, academies, science foundations, etc.) who have an influence on RTD information flows and prepared the country reports based on an on-line survey that was conducted among active researchers and users of RTD information. On the basis of country reports a report on RTD Information Systems in countries of Western Balkans was made, containing also recommendations for national authorities on how to advance towards integration of establishing stronger platform among national systems.

Out of invited 14 experts from 7 beneficiary states, 9 experts attended the workshop, 1 from Croatia, 2 from Bosnia and Herzegovina (one from Republika Srpska and one from Federation of BIH), 2 from Serbia, 1 from Kosovo, 1 from Macedonia and 2 from Albania, however 12 of the invited experts were involved in writing the country reports. Out of 9 workshop experts, 5 are coming from universities, 2 from ministries of sciences and 2 from research institutes.

As revealed by the reports and reinforced in the discussion, there are still serious problems of interactivity of various national info systems. Although some regional top-down initiative can help in search for proper solutions to these problems, the bulk of efforts need to be undertaken at the national level. Workshop was concluded by making some recommendations how to upgrade RTD information systems in the countries and how to better connect them at the regional level where inputs and initiatives by stakeholders can be crucial.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Ales Šifrer on December 11, 2009
Modified on September 5, 2013