News archive - Italy and Spain Coorganise EU – Balkans Summit Planned for Sarajevo

Spain and Italy are currently co-organising with an EU – Balkans summit planned for Sarajevo in June, 2010. The high-level meeting of European Union and Balkan officials is expected to to "reinforce the European perspective of the region."

"We must show the countries in the region that we continue to care even more than we did ten years ago," Spain and Italy said in a statement to their EU partners circulated at an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Cordoba, Spain. "Relevant partners" such as the US, Russia and Turkey could be invited to attend part of the meeting, the document suggested.

The two countries are reported to have circulated a joint letter to other EU states setting out a vision for the Western Balkans, in preparation for the Sarajevo summit. The letter reportedly says that security and prosperity in the Balkans have an impact on the daily lives of EU citizens, and the stability of the region is of crucial importance for the security of Europe. The only long-term solution for the region would therefor be its integration into the EU.


Sources: and, as accessed on March 23, 2010.

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Europe
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 23, 2010
Modified on March 23, 2010