News archive - [Event Announcement] “How can EU do better in the Balkans?”

The conference “How can EU do better in the Balkans?” on Friday, March 19, 2010 is organised in the framework of the IV Edition (2009 – 2010), Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme, an academic programme developed by the College of Europe (Bruges), the TRANSFUSE Association (Berlin) and the European Fund for the Balkans (Belgrade).

This event will be used as an opportunity to present the main result of the LDP Kosovo Joint Activity, “How can the EU do better?” publication. This presentation is a result of three months long research and interviews conducted with experts and civil society representatives in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Kosovo. The publication is offering inputs and suggestions how can the EU do better in the Balkans. After official presentation this publication will be widely distributed among the stakeholders in the region and EU.

LDP Fellows hereby invite all interested students, academics, representatives from the civil society, international community and public institutions to attend this conference to share their opinions and extend views on the topic. Please confirm your participation by sending an email to or .

Please see the Agenda here.

Source:, as accessed on March 16, 2010.

Geographical focus
  • Kosovo*

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 16, 2010
Modified on March 16, 2010