This comprehensive report deals with developments, structures and perspectives of CEE/SEE research institutions for their integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area from a comparative perspective. The following countries are beeing examined: Croatia Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Montenego Kosovo/UNMIK FYR of Macedonia Albania Romania Bulgaria Greece Wolfgang Mantl/Joseph Marko/Hedwig Kopetz, Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South ...
... research institution from Austria. Eligible participants are universities, non-university research institutions and tertiary education organisations. From Kosovo only public higher education institutions are eligible. The consortium composition must include one partner from Austria, one partner from Kosovo and at least one partner from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. Contact: in Austria: Mag.a Johanna Scheck Zentrum für Soziale Innovation/Centre for Social Innovation Linke Wienzeile 246 A-1150 Wien Tel. +43 1 49 50 442-76 e-mail: in Kosovo: Prof. Dr. Johann GÜNTHER Project Manager Agency for European Integration ...
... further details. Deadline: March 10, 2009. Source: SESI newsletter. The International Higher Education Support Program (HESP) of the Open Society Institute (OSI) invites concept papers for cross-border student initiatives from the following Southeast European (SEE) university student communities: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo/UNMIK, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia ...
... Wolfgang Petritsch, Austria’s Permanent Representative to OECD - Christophe Solioz, General Secretary Center for European Integration Strategies Discussion Coffee break 17:00 - Part II Round table - Massimo Cacciari, Mayor of Venice - Raimondo De Cardona, DG Europe, Italian MAE - Massimo Caneva, International University Cooperation, Italian MAE - Anton Sbutega, Ambassador of Montenegro at Vatican - Luigi Vittorio Ferraris, University Roma Tre - Luisa Chiodi, Director of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso The seminar will be held in English (no simultaneous translation will be available) The participation is upon invitation. Further information: UNESCO Office in Venice UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (BRESCE ...
... January 15, 2009. Applications are now available at americancouncils: American Councils Southeast Europe Research Program provides full support for U.S. graduate students, faculty, and post-doctoral scholars seeking to conduct research for three to nine months in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia. Scholars may apply for support for research in more than one country during a single trip, provided they intend to work in the field for a total of three to nine months. Fellowships are available for field research through American Councils from U.S. Department of State ...
... this annual allocation. This would enable several hundreds additional students to receive a scholarship. In the academic year of 2009/10, the current Western Balkans window will be transformed into a "Western Balkans and Turkey Window", including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, as well as Turkey. Sources: Rapid Press Release of March 5, 2008;, as accessed on January 8, 2009. Within the "Erasmus Mundus – Western Balkans Window", starting in academic year 2007/08, up to ...
... Commission intends to double this annual allocation. This would enable several hundreds additional students to receive a scholarship. As the "Western Balkans and Turkey Window" has been created especially for the region, interested parties from the WBC (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99) and Turkey are only applicable under this particular scheme (and not under the main ERASMUS MUNDUS external cooperation window). The scholarships cover travel and accomodation expenses as well as well as the complete tuition fees (21.000,00 EUR for a 1 ...
... by the Austrian Development Cooperation. In the implementation of the Balkan Case Challenge, WUS Austria is depending on the cooperation with partners that support the event financially or in-kind. Source: e-mail from organisers WUS Austria invites exceptional students from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, who study law, economics, political sciences, international relations, information technologies or related disciplines to take part in the BCC 2009 ...
... to FDI in the region Consultation of ca. 1 000 companies of all sectors/ sizes in the beneficiary countries plus ca. 1000 companies of all sectors/ sizes in the EU 3) Participation in EUROCHAMBRES Academies 10 middle/ senior staff from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia will be selected to attend EUROCHAMBRES Academy, a top-range development programme for the Chamber Network. Organisation: Liaison Officers appointed in each of the six partner organisations. The project is endowed with a total budget of EUR 1.1 Mio and will run for a period of 18 months ...
The main objectives of this deliverable are - as agreed upon at the workshop in Bled (March 2008, see D3.14) - to develop the technical platform (online questionnaire and homepage for data retrieval) for the information system and to collect data about national RTD policies and programmes with regard to Climate Change Research in Western Balkan countries. For further information on climate change research in WBCs see also D2.12 "Report on each of the thematic priorities defined in the second ...
The National Report on the Progress of the Bologna Process in Montenegro for the years 2007-2009 focusses on the following questions: Important developments relating to the Bologna Process, including legislative reforms and changes in institutional structures since 2007 National structures responsible for the implementation of the Bologna Process Implmentation of and access/admission to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle of the ...
On this page you will find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries. These reports have been provided by the members of the WBC Steering Platform on Research in preparation of the Steering Platform Meeting in Paris on Dec. 19, 2008. Please visit this page again if you are searching for a particular country report which is not available for download yet because further reports are being uploaded continuously. ...
The European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies have publicised the European Economy Economic Papers No. 346 on the 'Adjustment capacity of labour markets of the Western Balkan countries', with a focus on labour markets, and background studies on several countries of the region. The main question addressed in this study is the performance of the labour markets in the Western Balkans; to find ...
The SCORE Policy Paper presents the regional/common ICT Research & Development priorities of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia. The priorities were defined following a two-phase consultation process that involved more than 320 ICT stakeholders in the region. Moreover, the paper presents concrete recommendations on what the Western Balkan countries on the one hand and the EU on the other hand could further undertake in order to enhance the ...
The Chamber of Commerce Belgium-Luxembourg South-Eastern Europe is an officially certified Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Belgium and Luxembourg in charge of Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece,Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia including Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), and Slovenia, aswell as of cooperation with Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Turkey.One of the prominent goals of the Chamber is, acting both on the federal levels and on those of the Regions, support of business expansion with the different countries of the ...
... regional development Ministry of regional development, forestry and water management Vlaška 106 10 000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia Tel: +385 1 4695 835 Fax: +385 1 4695 819 for Montenegro (updated on December 9, 2008): Marija Maras Secretariat for European Integration Government of Montenegro Stanka Dragojevica 2, 81000 Podgorica Montenegro Tel: +382 81 246 264 Fax: +382 81 244 824 (Darko Kasalica Secretariat for European Integration Government of Montenegro Stanka Dragojevica 2, 81000 Podgorica Montenegro ...
December 1, 2008, Prime Minister of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic led in Sarajevo delegation of Montenegro in talks to the BiH CoM representatives led by CoM Chair Nikola Spiric. Therefore the representatives of the two governments signed four interstates agreements. BiH Minister of Civil Affairs Sredoje Novic and Minister of Interior and Public Authority of Montenegro Jusuf Kalamperovic signed the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation ...
"Policy Background The integration of Western Balkan countries (WBCs) into the European Union (EU) is a major political and economic project designed to assure stability and development in the region. The association of these countries to the Seventh (EC) research framework programme (FP7) has to be seen as a means to facilitate this integration and support their economic development through joint research efforts and allowing the WBCs to get familiar with the EU decision-making on research ...
The agreement shall enter into force when five of the seven signatories have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval with the Depositary, in this case, the government of Montenegro. Background The Regional School for Public Administration (ReSPA) was created in May 2006 to promote regional cooperation in the field of public administration. It followed the Thessaloniki conclusions of June 2003 which, inter alia, emphasized the need to support necessary reforms in the field of public administration, strengthening administrative capacity ...
... and fair elections and to improve the dialogue between major political parties and actors. There has also been some progress on fighting corruption, civil service reform, improving the business environment and stimulating employment. Nonetheless, further efforts are necessary. The Commission will continue to monitor progress on these areas closely. Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are moving ahead with the implementation of their respective Interim Agreements and have made progress in important reform areas. Consolidating the rule of law and administrative enforcement capacities remains a major challenge in these countries. In particular, Albania needs to ensure the proper preparation and conduct ...
University Mediterranean is the first private university in Montenegro and a fully accredited institution providing Bachelor's and Master's degrees in tourism and hotel management, law and foreign languages.The University Mediterranean consists of the following faculties:Faculty for Tourism, Hotel and Trade Management,Montenegro Business School,Faculty of Information Technologies,Faculty of Visual Arts,Faculty of Law,Faculty of ...
... accessed on November 24, 2008. NISPAcee is announcing a "Panel on Policy Analysis Development" that will be included into the programme of the 17th NISPAcee Annual Conference on "State and Administration in a Changing World" to take place from May 14 to 16, 2009 in Budva, Montenegro ...
... Herzegovina to the "Seventh European Framework Programme" on November 24, 2008. Bosnia and Herzegovina have thus become the 12th associated country to the EC's 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7). The other Associated Countries are Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Israel, Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYRoM), Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania ...
... established The Minister of Education & Science of Albania has officially recognized the National Grid Initiative in Albania. ALBGRID is funded by the National Programme for Research and Development in ICT for 2007-2009. Central part of ALBGRID team is involved in the SEEGRID-SCI project. Training of meteorologists from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia - Herzegovina A two-day training of meteorologists from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina on SEE-GRID infrastructure, services, and grid usage and programming, was held at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade on June 24-25. The following institutions participated in the training: South Environment and Weather Agency, Serbia; Republic Hydrometeorogical Institute, Banjaluka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Hydrometeorological Institute ...
... and Agro Food were chosen for the next steps leading to a further implementation of priority setting (Task 2.4: Organisation of consultation process). Stakeholder seminars are planned for each of the themes, the first ones to be held in autumn/winter 2008 (ICT in Belgrade, and Agriculture/Food in Montenegro). The second phase of stakeholder seminars (in the themes Transport, Health and Environment) is supposed to take place in spring 2009. authors WBC-INCO.NET Work Package Leaders: PT-DLR ■ and BMBF ■ The aim of Work package 2 ...
Participation in CIP, and, in particular the cooperation in the new Enterprise Europe Network, which Montenegro has already successfully entered, will help Montenegro to increase the competitiveness of its enterprises, in particular SMEs. Under the CIP, the European Commission promotes innovation, entrepreneurship and growth in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). European Commission Vice President Günter Verheugen and Mr Branimir Gvozdenović, Minister for Economic Development of the Republic of Montenegro, signed a ...
The Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) aims at establishing and strengthening research capacities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The programme has an implementation perspective of 10 years and will support the development of research capacities in the area of social sciences, especially in topics relevant to transformation. It should offer a cooperation platform to researchers in the region, particularly those that are to become the driving ...
... of WBCs by the rapid process of FP7 association was the base for very clear suggestions of further integration possibilities. The possibilities of using the Multi-Beneficiary IPA funds that were discussed at the Steering Platform meeting were strongly supported even in the Science, Higher Education and Policy Forum held in Montenegro in July 2008 organised by UNESCO and the Montenegrin Ministry of Education and Science. The respective visit of Mr. Potocnik to Montenegro and his participation in the forum was the opportunity to elaborate further possibilities of WBCs in FP7 and all the novelties that WBCs might face after the process ...
As regards research, in July 2008 the government adopted a strategy for scientific and research activities in Montenegro for the period 2008-2010, which defines the science and technology (S&T) priorities and sets out an annual budget for research, aiming at a gradual increase. Montenegro is also actively considering how to strengthen its national research capacity in terms of research infrastructure and human resources and reforming the ...
Partners for Investment Promotion is a 18 months programme co- financed by the European Union which aims at helping the business communities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia to develop a favourable environment for attracting foreign investments (FDI). The project was launched in May 2008 and is endowed with a total budget of approx. 1.1 million Euros. Main project objectives: to strengthen the role of Chambers of Commerce in the Western Balkans to attract and ...
... open and creative, is a matter of the survival of the nation. The experience, which Latvia has accumulated over the past decade in life-long learning, has become attractive to the FYR of Macedonia and Croatia. These countries expressed their willingness to participate in collaborative projects. Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro are involved in TEMPUS projects. In the area of research relations between the WBCs and Latvia started under the EC’s 6th Framework Programme. The leading country was Croatia (participating in 53 projects with Latvia), followed by Bosnia Herzegovina (5), Serbia (5), and Albania (3). There are more joint ...
... rsquo;s eLeadership Programme for the Western Balkans, which will aim to introduce important innovations for Southeast Europe to capitalize on the benefits of ICT use in the governance processes. The eSEE Initiative membership includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and UNMIK/Kosovo. In addition to the eSEE members, the bSEE Taskforce also includes Greece. Source: RCC website The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat hosted a meeting of the Electronic South East Europe (eSEE) Initiative Working Group and the Broadband South East Europe Taskforce (bSEE), at its premises ...
In this training workshops are promoted two different aspects: first, policy makers are trained in the use of statistical indicators for policy-making while the second part is oriented toward the applications and production of indicators geared towards statisticians. The target for the learning group are national statistical offices dealing with Science and Technology statistics in Western Balkan Countries (WBC), and the representatives of the relevant ministries, responsible for S&T ...
Young Scientists of various disciplines (geography, history, polical science, law, sociology and economics) from CEE/SEE and Austria shall have the opportunity to present their papers and/or projects and to exchange proposals and ideas on the theme of the conference. Further aims of the Forum are to encourage Young Scientists to deal with the CEE/SEE region, to support the building of networks and to support the mobility of Young Scientists, particularly from SEE. A collection of papers will be ...
... sharing, curriculum development in accordance with EU standards, and established mechanisms to introduce and promote new businesses throughout the region. The dutch NGO SPARK has undertaken some effective initiatives to help launch promising SMEs in the Western Balkans. By establishing local Business Start-Up Centers (BSCs) in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia as well as creating a pan-region Southeast European Network of Start-Up Centers and Incubators (SENSI), SPARK aims at building an enabling environment for entrepreneurs under 35 years old ...
... candidate and potential candidates over the next years. Financial assistance plans for the Western Balkans and Turkey The European Commission has completed the strategic planning of EU financial support for 2008-2010 to the candidate countries and potential candidates: Croatia, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo. The money is intended to boost political and economic reform and development, so as to help the countries realise their European perspective. The overall indicative amount under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is € 4.47 billion. The strategies adopted set out the priorities for EU ...
... of EUR 5.7 billion (16%) of requested EC contribution. West Balkan Countries' Participation in FP7 Concerning the statistical data for the WBC, the following split-up should be considered: the Candidate countries Croatia and FYRo Macedonia has been merged in one category with Turkey the Associated Countries Albania and Montenegro have been included in the same category as all other associated countries (such as Israel, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland) the data of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are to be fund under Third Country statistics. FP6 final review The EC has also published a final report on the Subscription, Implementation ...
A European Commission funded report examining the potential sources of and obstacles to competitiveness in the West Balkan Countries has become available on line. "A Recommendation for a Regional Investment Strategy”, published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), notes that to compete effectively, the Western Balkans need to leverage both short-term cost advantages and the region's proximity to EU markets, and to invest continuously in value-added ...
The Basileus project, which is coordinated by the University of Gent in Belgium, provides funding for academic mobility from the Western Balkans to the EU and vice-versa. Students and staff members of all partnership universities (eight EU universities and twelve universities in the Western Balkans region), as well as students from educational institutions in the Western Balkan countries not included in the Basileus partnership, can apply for scholarships. A number of application cycles has ...
... Foundation Open Society Institute in Macedonia. Source: RRPP website The Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) in the Western Balkans focuses on Social Sciences and has a perspective of 10 years. In the end it will cover six countries in the region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo/UNMIK, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. It is run by the University of Fribourg upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The implementation of the Programme started in summer 2008 with a number of nucleus partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia ...
... Commission on the Balkans, in particular by building constituencies in the societies of Southeast Europe which are offered an opportunity to experience and learn about Europe. The Fund is both grant-making and operational. Through its activities, it supports individuals and projects from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (incl. Kosovo). The European Fund for the Balkans operates regionally from a secretariat based in Belgrade. For further information: Any enquiry about its programmes and call of proposals may be directed to Hedwig Morvai-Horvath, Executive Director, or to Other projects of the King Baudoin Founcations ...
Version 1.13 of Mr. Myer W. Morron’s FP7 Book, which follows on from the highly acclaimed FP5 and FP6 versions has been published by EFPConsulting Ltd. It replaces drafts that were previously released. The downloadable book continues to be free as it was in the previous framework programs. The book is constantly updated and registered users are notified of important changes and updates by Email. The book is over 200 pages long and covers subjects such ...
... that dialogue on visa liberalisation for the Western Balkan countries is progressing, and will reach a crucial state during the first half of 2009. Much remains to be done on such key issues as the fight against corruption or the reform of public administration and judiciary, said the Commissioner. Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina face the challenge of implementing their Stabilisation and Association Agreements, including the trade-related provisions. But in the light of events in the Caucasus, "cementing democracy and the rule of law in the Western Balkans and Turkey and encouraging their progress towards the EU is all ...
EU support for RTDI is provided mainly through the Seventh Research Framework Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and the Structural Funds. When operating individually, these three funding sources already act as effective tools in support of RTDI. However, their value can be further enhanced by combining them. How can this be done? The answer to this question is provided by the "Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and ...
Presentation by Prof.dr. Adila Pašalić Kreso, given at the International Conference on Science and Education Policies held in Chisinau, Moldova, 18- 21 September 2008. Adila Pašalić Kreso: Achieving Teaching Goals of Bologna
Process in Higher Education in B&H, and Neglecting Research Programs and Policy Academy of Science of Moldova
... greatest asset a state may have. Last January Montenegro has gained an associate status in the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This is yet another crucial step forward in Montenegro’s integration in the European Research Area and EU in general. This also proves that the Government is aware of the importance of education ...
... DEADLINE FOR THE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: March 31, 2009 CONFERENCE PAYMENTS(for fees, lunches): April 15, 2009 Source: The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe is holding its annual conference in Budva, Montenegro on May 14-16, 2009 ...
The Agency for the International Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation was established upon the decision of the Executive Board of the Parliament of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro on July 1st 1972 as an administrative organisation with the characteristics of a legal person. It is dealing with the activities related to the initiating, programming, stimulating, realization, coordination and records of International Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Montenegro with other countries, regional and international organizations. Ever since ...
Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Secretariat by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, submitted to the Regional Cooperation Council Board in line with article 10 of the Statute of the Regional Cooperation Council This report covers the period between 20 May 2008 and 1 October 2008. Having achieved full operational capacity and having recruited majority of staff, in the period following the meeting of the RCC Board held on 20 May 2008 in Pomorie, the RCC ...
The following calls will be open in 2009: Researchers' Night (NIGHT) Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Reintegration Grants (RG) Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) For further information, please consult ...