BOLOGNA PROCESS: National Report of Montenegro: 2007-2009
The National Report on the Progress of the Bologna Process in Montenegro for the years 2007-2009 focusses on the following questions:
- Important developments relating to the Bologna Process, including legislative reforms and changes in institutional structures since 2007
- National structures responsible for the implementation of the Bologna Process
- Implmentation of and access/admission to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle of the Bologna degree system
- the Relationship between higher education and research
- the Implementation of national qualifications framework
- etc.
Biljana Misovic/Vanja Drljevic/Nada Kovac: "BOLOGNA PROCESS NATIONAL REPORT: 2007-2009", 2008.
Available online:, as accessed on December 4, 2008.
- Montenegro
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 9, 2008
Modified on December 9, 2008