Republican Bureau for International Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation

The Agency for the International Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation was established upon the decision of the Executive Board of the Parliament of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro on July 1st 1972 as an administrative organisation with the characteristics of a legal person. It is dealing with the activities related to the initiating, programming, stimulating, realization, coordination and records of International Scientific, Educational, Cultural and Technical Cooperation of Montenegro with other countries, regional and international organizations. Ever since its establishment, the Agency successfully coordinated the cooperation between the institutions of the Republic of Montenegro and many international partners. It has been for many years the only institution appointed by the government to deal with matters of international cooperation, which was as such, and still is, known and acknowledged by foreign partners. Throughout its 35 years of existence and operation the Agency has contributed immensely towards the improvement of international cooperation between the Republic of Montenegro and numerous countries, their institutions and agencies, justifying in full the necessity of its operation and further development. A number of our programme contents and their implementation is based on cooperation with eminent experts from different areas – prominent scientific workers for the area of international scientific–technical and educational cooperation, and the most famous Montenegrin artists for the area of international cultural cooperation.Source: ZAMTES website, Oct. 9, 2008.
Contact details
Address: Njegoševa br.2 81 000 Podgorica
Geographical focus
  • Montenegro

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 9, 2008
Modified on October 9, 2008