News archive - [Event Announcement] Regional Cooperation in South East Europe: perspectives and challenges for the International Community

UNESCO-BRESCE organises an international seminar on  Regional Cooperation in South East Europe: perspectives and challenges for the International Community in Venice on January 30, 2008.

Please find here the programme:

14:30 - Part I

Engelbert Ruoss, Director of BRESCE
Key note speeches
- Wolfgang Petritsch, Austria’s Permanent Representative to OECD
- Christophe Solioz, General Secretary Center for European Integration Strategies


Coffee break

17:00 - Part II

Round table
- Massimo Cacciari, Mayor of Venice
- Raimondo De Cardona, DG Europe, Italian MAE
- Massimo Caneva, International University Cooperation, Italian MAE
- Anton Sbutega, Ambassador of Montenegro at Vatican
- Luigi Vittorio Ferraris, University Roma Tre
- Luisa Chiodi, Director of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

The seminar will be held in English (no simultaneous translation will be available)
The participation is upon invitation.

Further information:
UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)
Palazzo Zorzi, Castello 4930 - Venezia
telephone: 041 2601511

Entry created by Elke Dall on January 23, 2009
Modified on January 23, 2009