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... their economic development through joint research efforts and allowing the WBCs to get familiar with the EU decision-making on research policy. In short, association to FP7 is a good pre-accession tool. All WBCs except Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are associated to FP7 ( 92 KB). The Memorandum of Understanding associating Bosnia and Herzegovina Herzegovina was signed on 24 November 2008 with effect as from 1 January 2009. Kosovo can participate in FP7 as a third country with International Cooperation Country Partner (ICPC) status. Association to FP7 allows for increased research opportunities because associated countries have the same possibilities (minimum requirement for participation) as the ...
48% 2009 - Year of the Western Balkans News 3. Dec. 2008
... elections and to improve the dialogue between major political parties and actors. There has also been some progress on fighting corruption, civil service reform, improving the business environment and stimulating employment. Nonetheless, further efforts are necessary. The Commission will continue to monitor progress on these areas closely. Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina are moving ahead with the implementation of their respective Interim Agreements and have made progress in important reform areas. Consolidating the rule of law and administrative enforcement capacities remains a major challenge in these countries. In particular, Albania needs to ensure the proper preparation and conduct of its 2009 parliamentary ...
... establishment of the School in Montenegro has been initiated today. The reform of public administrations is essential for both candidate and potential candidate countries in their path towards the EU. The future activities of the School will strengthen the administrative capacities of the signatory Parties while promoting regional co-operation. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, acting on behalf of Kosovo pursuant to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, shall, after signature, engage to ratification, acceptance or approval in accordance with their respective legal requirements ...
... board to participate in the ERA”. Source: RAPID Press Release; RTD Insight December 2008. Janez Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Science and Research, and Sredoje Novic, minister for Civic Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the EU and BiH on the association of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the "Seventh European Framework Programme" on November 24, 2008. Bosnia and Herzegovina have thus become the 12th associated country to the EC's 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7). The other Associated Countries are Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Israel, Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYRoM), Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania ...
... Minister of Education & Science of  Albania has officially recognized the National Grid Initiative in Albania. ALBGRID is funded by the National Programme for Research and Development in ICT for 2007-2009. Central part of ALBGRID team is involved in the SEEGRID-SCI project. Training of meteorologists from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia - Herzegovina A two-day training of meteorologists from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina on SEE-GRID infrastructure, services, and grid usage and programming, was held at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade on June 24-25. The following institutions participated in the training: South Environment and Weather Agency, Serbia; Republic Hydrometeorogical Institute, Banjaluka ...
48% BiH Donor Mapping Report 2007 News 19. Nov. 2008
The Donor Mapping Report enumerates donor-supported activities in ten sectors and provides an analytical overview of how these funds contribute to sectoral reforms. In addition, each chapter maps existing government strategies and donor coordination mechanisms. Although the analysis focuses on 2007 contributions, projections for 2008 and beyond ensure the continued relevance of this document. Accompanying the Report is a website (, which is the electronic background for ...
... will be gathered by Gorazd Weiss at, but users are also invited to directly submit research funding programmes tackling global issues. Link: Current (November 2008) data entries are as follows: UNDP/GEF CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAMME Albania National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) Bosnia and Herzegovina National Strategy for Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Chane (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol in the Republic of Croatia, with an Action Plan Croatia National Program to Mitigate Drought Impacts and Combat Desertification (NAP)-thematic area CLIMATE Croatia Strategy on Sustainable Development of Forestry Macedonia, former ...
The Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) aims at establishing and strengthening research capacities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The programme has an implementation perspective of 10 years and will support the development of research capacities in the area of social sciences, especially in topics relevant to transformation. It should offer a cooperation platform to researchers in the region, particularly those that are to ...
As regards research, Bosnia and Herzegovina has requested to become associated to the Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) and expects full participation as from 2009. Until then, Bosnia and Herzegovina is participating under FP7 as a third country partner. Compared to the previous year there is a slight improvement in the success of cooperation with EU ...
... which is flexible, inclusive, open and creative, is a matter of the survival of the nation. The experience, which Latvia has accumulated over the past decade in life-long learning, has become attractive to the FYR of Macedonia and Croatia. These countries expressed their willingness to participate in collaborative projects. Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro are involved in TEMPUS projects. In the area of research relations between the WBCs and Latvia started under the EC’s 6th Framework Programme. The leading country was Croatia (participating in 53 projects with Latvia), followed by Bosnia Herzegovina (5), Serbia (5), and Albania (3). There ...
Partners for Investment Promotion is a 18 months programme co- financed by the European Union which aims at helping the business communities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia to develop a favourable environment for attracting foreign investments (FDI). The project was launched in May 2008 and is endowed with a total budget of approx. 1.1 million Euros. Main project objectives: to strengthen the role of Chambers of ...
... and the preparatory meeting of the Regional eGovernance Advisory Taskforce (REGATA) of the UNDP’s eLeadership Programme for the Western Balkans, which will aim to introduce important innovations for Southeast Europe to capitalize on the benefits of ICT use in the governance processes. The eSEE Initiative membership includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and UNMIK/Kosovo. In addition to the eSEE members, the bSEE Taskforce also includes Greece. Source: RCC website The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat hosted a meeting of the Electronic South East Europe (eSEE) Initiative Working ...
This association should increase the research opportunities in the first place for B&H but also at regional level among WBCs and with Member States. Source: European Commission As from 1 January 2009 also Bosnia & Herzegovina research entities will be able to participate in FP7 as associated participant. The Memorandum of Understanding associating B&H to FP7 will be signed in Brussels on November 24, 2008 by Commissioner Potocnik for the European Commission and Minister Novic of Civil Affairs for B&H ...
In this training workshops are promoted two different aspects: first, policy makers are trained in the use of statistical indicators for policy-making while the second part is oriented toward the applications and production of indicators geared towards statisticians. The target for the learning group are national statistical offices dealing with Science and Technology statistics in Western Balkan Countries (WBC), and the representatives of the relevant ministries, responsible for S&T ...
... On behalf of the nucleus partners, Slobodanka Markovska (Gender Studies Institute of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje) expressed her satisfaction for being involved in the Programme that, besides the financing of the research projects, will also provide numerous opportunities for regional and international networking and capacity building. Researchers in Bosnia and Herzegovina will investigate different aspects of the topic “State and Nation Building” The MoU in Bosnia and Herzegovina were signed with representatives of the following institutions:   Human Rights Centre (HRC), University of Sarajevo (RRPP Local Coordination Unit)   ...
... activities towards the United Nations Climate Change Conference - the 14th session of the Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC-COP14), in Poznań, Poland in December 2008. The First Ministerial Thematic Conference on "Combating Climate Change in SEE" within the Framework Programme "Roadmap for Environmental Cooperation in SEE", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Young Scientists of various disciplines (geography, history, polical science, law, sociology and economics) from CEE/SEE and Austria shall have the opportunity to present their papers and/or projects and to exchange proposals and ideas on the theme of the conference. Further aims of the Forum are to encourage Young Scientists to deal with the CEE/SEE region, to support the building of networks and to support the mobility of Young Scientists, particularly from SEE. A collection of papers will be ...
... exchanges have facilitated knowledge sharing, curriculum development in accordance with EU standards, and established mechanisms to introduce and promote new businesses throughout the region. The dutch NGO SPARK has undertaken some effective initiatives to help launch promising SMEs in the Western Balkans. By establishing local Business Start-Up Centers (BSCs) in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia as well as creating a pan-region Southeast European Network of Start-Up Centers and Incubators (SENSI), SPARK aims at building an enabling environment for entrepreneurs under 35 years old ...
The Southeast European Network of Business Start-up Centers and Incubators (SENSI) was established in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2006. The network currently consists of over 30 members. All existing Business Centers and Incubators in Southeast Europe are invited to join. By creating its network, SENSI aims to develop business support for young/starting entrepreneurs, and improving the quality of and accessibility to these services, in order to ...
... efforts of the candidate and potential candidates over the next years. Financial assistance plans for the Western Balkans and Turkey The European Commission has completed the strategic planning of EU financial support for 2008-2010 to the candidate countries and potential candidates: Croatia, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo. The money is intended to boost political and economic reform and development, so as to help the countries realise their European perspective. The overall indicative amount under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is € 4.47 billion. The strategies adopted set out the priorities for ...
... WBC, the following split-up should be considered: the Candidate countries Croatia and FYRo Macedonia has been merged in one category with Turkey the Associated Countries Albania and Montenegro have been included in the same category as all other associated countries (such as Israel, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland) the data of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are to be fund under Third Country statistics. FP6 final review The EC has also published a final report on the Subscription, Implementation and Participation in FP 6, covering all FP6 activity areas and implementation aspects, from submitted proposals and applicants to signed contracts and participants, including success ...
... these services,” stressed Mr. Ćurić. The project is implemented by the Žepče Association of Entrepreneurs and Employees together with the Association of Agricultural Producers “Poljoprovrednik” (Zavidovići) and the Association of Agricultural Producers „Jedinstvo“ (Bočinja, Maglaj). Source: Website of the Delegation of the Euopean Commission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (Nov. 4, 2008) With aim to support agricultural business development in the Central Bosnia region, the “Agro-incubator Žepče” was opened in Žepče on Friday, August 29, 2008. Beneficiaries of the incubator will be individual producers-farmers and various associations and small and medium enterprises that work in the field ...
... Bosnia and Herzegovina. The outputs are aimed to assist the Entity governments in their preparation of strategic documents for the water sector according to the Entities' Water Laws, as well as to facilitate planning of urban wastewater investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina by provision of the related tools. The "Support to Water ...
A European Commission funded report examining the potential sources of and obstacles to competitiveness in the West Balkan Countries has become available on line. "A Recommendation for a Regional Investment Strategy”, published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), notes that to compete effectively, the Western Balkans need to leverage both short-term cost advantages and the region's proximity to EU markets, and to invest continuously in value-added ...
The Basileus project, which is coordinated by the University of Gent in Belgium, provides funding for academic mobility from the Western Balkans to the EU and vice-versa. Students and staff members of all partnership universities (eight EU universities and twelve universities in the Western Balkans region), as well as students from educational institutions in the Western Balkan countries not included in the Basileus partnership, can apply for scholarships. A number of application cycles has ...
... Center at the University in Sarajevo and the Foundation Open Society Institute in Macedonia. Source: RRPP website The Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) in the Western Balkans focuses on Social Sciences and has a perspective of 10 years. In the end it will cover six countries in the region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo/UNMIK, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. It is run by the University of Fribourg upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The implementation of the Programme started in summer 2008 with a number of nucleus partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia ...
... Member-state building as envisaged by the International Commission on the Balkans, in particular by building constituencies in the societies of Southeast Europe which are offered an opportunity to experience and learn about Europe. The Fund is both grant-making and operational. Through its activities, it supports individuals and projects from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (incl. Kosovo). The European Fund for the Balkans operates regionally from a secretariat based in Belgrade.   For further information: Any enquiry about its programmes and call of proposals may be directed to Hedwig Morvai-Horvath, Executive Director, or to Other projects ...
... on visa liberalisation for the Western Balkan countries is progressing, and will reach a crucial state during the first half of 2009. Much remains to be done on such key issues as the fight against corruption or the reform of public administration and judiciary, said the Commissioner. Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina face the challenge of implementing their Stabilisation and Association Agreements, including the trade-related provisions. But in the light of events in the Caucasus, "cementing democracy and the rule of law in the Western Balkans and Turkey and encouraging their progress towards the EU is all the more important for ...
Presentation by Prof.dr. Adila Pašalić Kreso, given at the International Conference on Science and Education Policies held in Chisinau, Moldova, 18- 21 September 2008. Adila Pašalić Kreso: Achieving Teaching Goals of Bologna Process in Higher Education in B&H, and Neglecting Research Programs and Policy Academy of Science of Moldova
... by Acad. Zoran KOVACEVIC, President of Novi Sad Branch, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts - “Achieving the Teaching Goals of Bologna Process in Higher Education in B&H, and Neglecting Research Programs and Policy” by Prof. Adila KRESO, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina - “Estonian HE and R&D Policy, 1992-2008” by Prof. Jaan KORGESAAR, Head of Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Estonia - “Research and Education: Supporting Integration for Discovery and Student Learning” by Karen K. OATES, Deputy Director of the Division ...
Still within the programme CARDS 2006, the European community is opening a tender for technical assistance. The Project will establish functional system for dealing with Science and Research issues in the country and harmonized with the EU standards, and to support the integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the European Research Area (ERA) through development and implementing an integrated research and innovation policy, through the capacity and institution building activities and developing of an S&T Strategy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Maximum budget is 500,000.00 EUR On the basis of the applications received, between ...
The Directorate for European Integration is a standing body of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
60% Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Organisation 9. Oct. 2008
Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Secretariat by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, submitted to the Regional Cooperation Council Board in line with article 10 of the Statute of the Regional Cooperation Council This report covers the period between 20 May 2008 and 1 October 2008. Having achieved full operational capacity and having recruited majority of staff, in the period following the meeting of the RCC Board held on 20 May 2008 in Pomorie, the RCC ...
48% PEOPLE Work Programme News 1. Oct. 2008
    The following calls will be open in 2009:   Researchers' Night (NIGHT) Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND) International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Reintegration Grants (RG) Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP)   For further information, please consult ...
48% Summary of the Round Table in Alpbach News 30. Sep. 2008
Significant progress has been made on regional cooperation with the countries of South East Europe assuming responsibility for the Regional Cooperation Council, a regionally owned cooperation framework building on the achievements of the Stability Pact for South East Europe. Five priority areas for cooperation have been defined for the RCC encompassing economic and social development, infrastructure, justice and home affairs, security cooperation and building human capital with parliamentary ...
Deliverable D2.9 (final version), prepared by Nikos Sidiropoulos (GSRT) in 2008, the 2010-Update of D2.9 (final version), prepared by Kelly Vavasi (GSRT) in 2009/2010, and the 2014-Update of D2.9 (final version), prepared by Michalis Kotsias (GSRT) in 2013/2014. For the report D2.9, two CSAs (Coordination and Support Actions), named SCORE and BAFN (identified under T1.4 in Work Package 1), which were running under FP6  and which have already performed S&T priority setting exercises, ...
This document brings the programme of the French, Czech and Swedish presidiencies of the Council of Europe. The programme focuses on development of the  EU, integrated Energy and Climate Policy, Growth and Jobs, General economic Issues/Policy Coordination, Competitvness Internal Market, Research Knowledge and Innovation, Employment and Social Policy, Gender Equality and Non - discrimination, Health and consumers, Culture, Audiovisual and Multilingalism, Sustainable Development, ...
48% Center for Policy Studies Organisation 23. Sep. 2008
CEPOS has been established as a centre for Social, Policy, and Economic Studies by a group of young, politically unaffiliated Bosnia and Herzegovina professional researchers and analysts. CEPOS' main aim is to provide evidence based policy analysis and recommendations to guide and influence the political process and raise the application of social sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of policy analysis and development. CEPOS's main program objectives are:* To initiate and ...
47% Regional Cooperation Council Organisation 23. Sep. 2008
... contributing to the budget of the RCC Secretariat as well as the EU, represented by a representative of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and a representative of the European Commission. The RCC is supported by the Secretary General, a Secretariat based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a Liaison Office in Brussels. The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council is Goran Svilanovic. Source: RCC ...
A record 217 regions and cities from 32 countries have signed up as partners for the OPEN DAYS 2008 European Week of Regions and Cities, the biggest annual gathering of EU and regional policy-makers, experts and representatives of banking, business and civil society groups operator in the regional policy sector. As in previous years, the regions and cities have divided themselves into thematic conglomerates. Under the overall title of "Regions and cities in a challenging world", the ...
The topics covered at the conference were: current projects regarding fostering  of entrepreneurial competitiveness projects presented by successful entrepreneurs transfer of  knowledge into business local government and collaboration with entrepreneurs More than 100 participants from eight countries (USA, Canada, Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia) actively participated in the event.  The outcome of the conference was also a survey on transfer of technology and  competitivness. The survey with the focus on technological transfer from science to business projects, was answered by 66 participants of the conference - 43 from Croatia, and ...
48% FP7 - Work Programme 2008 - People - Update Document 17. Sep. 2008
The second version published in August 2008, brings some changes regarding the version published on 28 November 2007. The modifications are as follows: 2009 Budget: ♦The figures of the 2009 budget related to calls published in 2008 (Initial Training Network and Co-funding) have been introduced. Specific actions not implemented through calls for proposals: ♦Introduction of new awareness and visibility raising activity linked to the re-branding into "EURAXESS –Researchers ...
Supported by international initiatives, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has undertaken a major reform of mental health care within less than 10 years. There are now decentralized community based services, and the country has become a leader in mental health reform in the WBCs region.  However, the further development of services in the region needed ...
48% FP7 - Work Programme 2009 - People Document 15. Sep. 2008
European Commission published Work Programme "People" 2009 on 22 August 2008. The WP is to be read in association with the Framework Programme and People Specific Programme decisions, and with the relevant Guides for Applicants. The most current Guides and other documents are available on CORDIS under The People Specific Programme of the 7th Framework Programme (2007 to 2013) acknowledges that one of the main competitive edges in science and technology ...
48% FP7 - Work Programme 2008 - People Document 15. Sep. 2008
This is the 2008 Work Programme implementing the 'People' Specific Programme of the 7th Framework Programme (2007 to 2013). It translates in specific actions the objectives and priorities in the Specific Programme, the associated funding, and the timetable for implementation for the year 2008. To support the further development and consolidation of the European Research Area, the People Specific Programme's overall strategic objective is to make Europe more attractive for the best researchers. ...
The  novelties are as follows: The dates of next  "Initial Training Networks" and "Co-funding calls will be known only after the publishment of Work Programme 2010. The calls "European Reintegration Grants" and  "International Reintegration Grants" will be integrated into one call. The "International Outgoing Fellowships' and  'International Incoming Fellowships" are summarised into one topic "World Fellowships". The ...
... 700 time series which are regularly updated. All time series start in 1990 (when data is available) and have the following indicators: FDI total, by form, by country and by activities. Data stems from the host countries national Banks or from the central bureaus of statistics. Countries covered are: Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary and Belarus.   The wiiw Database on FDI in Central, East and South East Europe is now also available via the FIW Database Retrieval Tool.   Source: WIIW Mailing The ...
... programme co- financed by the European Union aims at helping business communities in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia develop a favourable environment for attracting foreign investments.   From the Western Balkan region Albania (Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania) , Bosnia and Herzegovina (The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Croatia (Croatian Chamber of Economy), FRY of Macedonia (Economic Chamber (the Former Yugoslav Republic of) Macedonia), Montenegro (Chamber of Economy of Montenegro) and Serbia (Serbian Chamber of Commerce) are represented in EUROCHAMBERS.   Therefore, EUROCHAMBERS successfully launched in 2004 PARTNERS (Programme of Assistance to Regional Trade and Networking for Economic ...
... Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Montenegro, Serbia partcipat ed in the call with some success. Albania has 64 institutions involved,  by two projects Albanian institutions are coordinators, by 27 proposals Albania collaborates either as project partner or project coordinator. 100 institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina are involved in the call, in 5 cases institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina collaborate as project  coordinators and in 41 cases either as project partner or project coordinator. In case of Croatia 126 institutions succesfully applied, by 9 projects institutions from Croatia are listed as coordinators,  and by 40 proposals either as project partners or coordinators. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ...
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