News archive - Western Balkan Countries involvement in TEMPUS IV

The results of the first TEMPUS IV call show that Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Montenegro, Serbia partcipated in the call with some success.

Tempus (The Trans-European mobility scheme for university studies) supports the modernisation of higher education and creates an area of co-operation in countries surrounding the EU. The scheme now covers 27 countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

The latest phase of the programme, Tempus IV, started in 2008 with a call for proposals lasting from January to April.

The results of  this call show that Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Montenegro, Serbia partcipat ed in the call with some success.

Albania has 64 institutions involved,  by two projects Albanian institutions are coordinators, by 27 proposals Albania collaborates either as project partner or project coordinator.

100 institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina are involved in the call, in 5 cases institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina collaborate as project  coordinators and in 41 cases either as project partner or project coordinator.

In case of Croatia 126 institutions succesfully applied, by 9 projects institutions from Croatia are listed as coordinators,  and by 40 proposals either as project partners or coordinators.

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia also  applied 9 projects as coordinator and by 68 proposal institutions from FRY of Macedonia collaborate either as project coordinator or project partner , while alltogether 166 institutions from FRY of Macedonia are coinvolved in the projects.

Serbia has the highest number of coordinators, namely 13, and the highest number of the instutions from the region  involved in the projects, namely 160, while Serbia is involved by 66 proposals either as partner or as coordinator.

Kosovo under UNSCR 1244  is involved in 14 projects as a partner, and in one as a coordinator. Alltogether there are 26 institutions from Kosovo collaborating by Tempus IV projects.

The picture is pretty similar for Montenegro, since 26 institutions from Montenegro are involved in Tempus IV projects, in 17 cases Montengro collaborates as partner and in 3 as project coordinator.

Alltogether there are 668 institutions from the region involved in projects, and partners from the region are collaborating in 227 projects, in 42 projects as project coordinators. The number of institutions from the represents 13% of the all the institutions (5055) involved in projects, while in case of coordinators intstutions from the region represent 7,7% of all the involved coordinators (539). In the case of the partners by accepted proposals the region represents 9% of the all sucessful proposals(2945).

Regarding the number of project coordinators, Serbia is on the 10th place with 13 project coordinators coming from Serbia, slightly behind Austria and Greece on the 9th place with 14 project coordinators. 1st is Germany (88), 2nd Italy (57), than 3rd France (52) followed by United Kingdom (40), Sweden (37), Egypt (25), Spain (24) and Russian Federation (22) on 8th place, Russian Federation has also the most institutions involved in projects (548).


The results are available on:


Entry created by Elke Dall on August 20, 2008
Modified on August 20, 2008