News archive - [Event Announcement] Ministerial Thematic Conference on "Combating Climate Change in SEE"

The First Ministerial Thematic Conference on "Combating Climate Change in SEE" within the Framework Programme "Roadmap for Environmental Cooperation in SEE", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The event will follow the Preparatory Meeting gathering SEE Expert Group, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) representatives on November 13, 2008. Both events are jointly organized by the RCC and the REC.

The purpose of the Ministerial Conference is to agree modalities of environmental cooperation in SEE, adopt SEE Climate Change Framework Action Plan for Adaptation, adopt Ministerial Statement on this plan and agree joint activities towards the United Nations Climate Change Conference - the 14th session of the Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC-COP14), in Poznań, Poland in December 2008.

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Entry created by Elke Dall on November 8, 2008
Modified on November 10, 2008