News archive - Event Review: Science & Education Policies Conference in Moldova

As a result of the International Conference for the Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucasus and Baltic States on SCIENCE & EDUCATION POLICIES, which was held September 18-21, 2008 in Chisinau, there were issued two documents: Final Communique & Declaration, as a contribution to developing better science and higher education policies in the regions targeted by the Conference and beyond. As well, these documents constitutes a contribution of the Central and Eastern European countries, Balkans, Caucasus and Baltic States to the World Conference on Higher Education (Paris, July 2009) and World Science Forum (Budapest, November 2009).

The declaration can be downloaded from
The final communique is available from

The programme of the Conference addressed several challenges affecting science and higher education policies today, mainly: strengthening international impact of national research and education programs; strengthening research in higher education; developing a knowledge-based economy; stemming and reversing brain drain.

From the website presentations made during sessions can be downloaded. They include:

Session I “Strengthening International Impact of National Research and Education Programs”:
- Speech by Amb. Pietro Ercole AGO, Secretary General of the Central European Initiative
- “Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation Activities: Key Factors and Synergies” by Dr. George BONAS, Adviser for S&T, International Centre for Black Sea Studies
- “The Global Research Partnership of KAUST: A Model for Research Universities in the 21st Century” by Dr. Huntington WILLIAMS, III, Director, the Washington Advisory Group
- “Some Important Questions Concerning Development of Research and Education in Serbia” by Acad. Zoran KOVACEVIC, President of Novi Sad Branch, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- “Achieving the Teaching Goals of Bologna Process in Higher Education in B&H, and Neglecting Research Programs and Policy” by Prof. Adila KRESO, University of Sarajevo, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- “Estonian HE and R&D Policy, 1992-2008” by Prof. Jaan KORGESAAR, Head of Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Estonia
- “Research and Education: Supporting Integration for Discovery and Student Learning” by Karen K. OATES, Deputy Director of the Division of Undergraduate Education, U.S. National Science Foundation

Session II “Strengthening Research in Higher Education”:
- “The Impact of Research on the Development of Higher Education” by Michael SCHLICHT, Head of Division Cooperation with Russia & CIS, Federal Ministry for Education and Research, Germany
- “A 10-year U.S.-Russian Collaboration in Research and Higher Education” by Dr. Marjorie SENECHAL, U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation Board Member
- “Contribution of Academy of Sciences of Albania on Strengthening Research in Higher Education” by Prof. Teki BICOKU, President of the Academy of Sciences of Albania
- “Education through Research: Educational-Scientific Cluster of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova: UnivER SCIENCE” by Acad. Gheorghe DUCA, President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
- “Science for Education & Education for Science” by Acad. Momir DJUROVIC, President of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
- “Synergy between Research and Higher Education in the Republic of Moldova” by Dr. Larisa SAVGA, Minister of Education and Youth of the Republic of Moldova
- “Macedonian Approach to Strengthening the Research in Higher Education” by Acad. Vlado KAMBOVSKI, Vice-president of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- “Science and Higher Education in Bulgaria in Searching of Common Perspectives” by Cor.mem. Atanas ATANASSOV, Scientific Secretary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- “How to Facilitate Professional Research in the Hungarian RTD” by Prof. Valeria CSEPE, Deputy Secretary General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- “GNSF as a Key Player in Reforms of S&T Sector in Georgia” by Dr. Revaz ASATIANI, Head of Science Division, Georgia National Science Foundation

Session III “Developing a Knowledge-based Economy”:
- “Research as a Driving Force for Economic and Social Growth” by Prof. Vaclav PACES, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- “Building a Knowledge-based Economy” by Dr. Eric NOVOTNY, Senior Vice President, U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation
- “Forming a New Economy in the Republic of Belarus” by Acad. Mikhail MYASNIKOVICH, Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
- “Science – Education – Innovation: the Basis for the Development of Scientific Centres and State Economy” by Prof. Aleksei SISAKIAN, Director of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research & Prof. Mikhail ITKIS, JINR Vice Director
- “Global Open Innovation System. Mega-Clusters and the Knowledge-based Economy” by Prof. Kenneth STOKES, Dean of the Tillman School of Business, Mount Olive College, North Carolina, USA
- “Linking business with science and technology – policy developments in Lithuania” by Prof. Eugenijus BUTKUS, Chairman of Science Council of Lithuania
- “Cooperation between National Academy of Science, Universities and Business in Contest of Economic Knowledge Development” by Acad. Gennadiy PIVNYAK, Rector of the National Mining University of Ukraine
- “Information Technology and Cultural Heritage” by Acad. Florin FILIP, Vice-president of the Romanian Academy & Igor COJOCARU, Director of the Information Society Development Institute of Moldova

Session IV “Stemming and Reversing Brain Drain”:
- “Stemming and Reversing the Brain Drain: a Global Perspective” by Christine AGHAZARM, International Organization for Migration
- “Common Problems that the SEE Region Faces in Terms of Brain Drain” by Dr. Vanya DOBREVA, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Bulgaria
- “The Problem of Outflow of Young Researchers and Specialists: the Ukrainian Experience” by Amb. Sergii PIROJKOV, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Moldova
- “Stemming and Reversing Brain Drain – A role for STCU” by Dr. Landis HENRY, Deputy Executive Director (Canada), Science & Technology Centre in Ukraine (STCU)
- “Mobility of Talent: the Other Side of the Coin” by Dr. Gilbert FAYL, Secretary of External Affairs, European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- “Involvement of Young Scientists in Decision Making Process in Latvia - First Step to Stem Brain Drain” by Janis JASKO, Secretary General, Association of Latvian Young Scientists
- “Problems of Measurement of the Real Brain Drain in the post-Soviet States: Ukrainian Case” by Dr. Igor YEGOROV, Centre for S&T Potential and Science History Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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Entry created by Elke Dall on October 12, 2008
Modified on October 12, 2008