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  • Posted on March 1, 2016
  • RTDI Programme Evaluation Guidelines

    The main objective of the RTDI Programme evaluation Guidelines published by EVAL-INNO is to support the organisations in the South-East european countries, responsible for commissioning RTDI programme... read more

  • Posted on December 29, 2015
  • Analytical Study of Montenegrin Diaspora

    This Study was conducted under Government of Montenegro’s five-year project entitled “Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness” (HERIC). This Study examines available data to assess... read more

  • Posted on December 29, 2015
  • 10 years of Brain Gain in Kosova

    The Brain Gain Program (BGP) was a project implemented by WUS Austria and financed by the Austrian Development Coopera on (ADC) from 2002 until 2011. The main aim of the project was to open up the higher... read more

  • Posted on November 12, 2015
  • UNESCO Science report 2015, Towards 2030

    The UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030 provides more country-level information than ever before. The trends and developments in science, technology and innovation policy and governance between 2009... read more

  • Posted on November 11, 2015
  • EC Progress report 2015 Montenegro

    Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Montenegro addresses the following: There is a good level of preparation in this chapter and some progress was made in the past year... read more

  • Posted on November 11, 2015
  • EC Progress report 2015 Serbia

    Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Serbia addresses the following: Serbia is at good level of preparation in science and research. Some progress was made in improving ... read more

  • Posted on November 11, 2015
  • EC Progress report 2015 Kosovo*

    Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Kosovo* addresses the following: Preparations in education and research are at an early stage. There has been no progress in this area... read more

  • Posted on November 11, 2015
  • EC Progress report 2015 Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Bosnia and Herzegovina addresses the following: Preparations on education and research and innovation policy are at an early stage. ... read more

  • Posted on November 11, 2015
  • EC Progress report 2015 Albania

    Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Albania addresses the following: Preparations are at an early stage in the area of science and research. There was no progress in the... read more

  • Posted on October 28, 2015
  • Horizon 2020 - First results

    The text and charts below have been taken from the brochure, "Horizon 2020 - first results" (PDF 3MB), which presents information on the first 100 calls for proposals. By 1 December 2014 the first ... read more

  • Posted on October 28, 2015
  • Frascati Manual 2015

    The OECD has recently published the latest edition of the Frascati Manual, the OECD's internationally recognised methodology for collecting and using R&D statistics for statisticians and science... read more

  • Posted on July 22, 2015
  • Balkan Business Barometer 2015

    The report presents the results of the RCC-commissioned survey of business sentiment in SEE on crucial economic and development issues, intended to engage more closely the business community in context... read more

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