Study on "Institutional Support for Young Researchers in Serbia"

The subject of this study is status and working conditions of the young researchers in humanities and social sciences in Serbia, and in particular support mechanisms that are available to them. The key questions that the study answers are:

  1. what are basic socioeconomic characteristics of young researchers (family status, income, housing situation);
  2. what types of support are available to young researchers, to what extent are they used and what doctoral students think of them;
  3. how young researchers assess the conditions in which they work.

On the whole, the young researchers are dissatisfied with their material position, working conditions, as well as with support provided by their institutions and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. More than half of doctoral students do not have housing problem adequately solved (they live with parents or in rented apartments) and this is one of the most important problems of young researchers.

You can find the study (in Serbian) here.

A summary in English in available here.

Document type
  • Research paper

WBCRTI: Local languages

Publication Year


Ivan Stošić and Mihajlo Đukić
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on March 21, 2016
Modified on March 21, 2016