Commission presents its evaluation of the 7th Framework Programme for Research
The European Commission has published its ex-post evaluation of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), the EU's research funding programme between 2007 and 2013.The evaluation is based on a report by an independent group of high level experts, as well as the Commission's response to its recommendations published in two legal documents.The main findings are that FP7 was effective in boosting excellent science and strengthening Europe's industrial competitiveness, contributing to growth and jobs in Europe. The evaluation also identified ways to improve how the EU funds research and innovation, of which many issues are already being taken up by Horizon 2020, the successor programme to FP7.
- Press Release: EU research funding boosts scientific excellence and competitiveness, report finds
- Commission presents its evaluation of the 7th Framework Programme for Research
- Communication on the Ex-Post Evaluation of FP7
255 KB
- Annex to the Communication
250 KB
- Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication
3.0 MB
- Executive Summary of the Staff Working Document
120 KB
- Annex to the Staff Working Document: Part 1
3.9 MB | Part 2
2.9 MB
- Opinion of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board on the Staff Working Document
110 KB
- Ex-post Evaluation of indirect actions of the Euratom FP7 and Euratom 2012-2013 FP
1.2 MB
- Report
- FP7
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on February 2, 2016
Modified on February 2, 2016