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... documents attached below. More information on Research and Education Program. Monitoring Media Addiction Levels and Media Unreality Index to Create Reality-Centered Media is available here: Source: Ljubisa Bojic, President of Executive Committee, Positive Center for Digital Media   Positive Center for Digital Media (Serbia) is looking for partner to submit a proposal under IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007–2013. Main aim of the program (Research and Education Program. Monitoring Media Addiction Levels and Media Unreality Index to Create Reality-Centered Media) is to tackle important social issues such as media addiction ...
... of further states, particularly that of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia. Finally, in July 2011 the European Commission announced that on the 1st of July 2013, Croatia will be the 28th member country to join the EU. But the accession of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia can only take place once their economic situation is improved and ethnic tensions reduced. In particular Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina struggle to adhere to the special regulations which are essential preconditions for further EU accession negotiations. For Serbia, this means facing its role in the Yugoslavs wars. Through its ...
... 24.8 billion (an EUR 18.8 billion increase compared to 2009). The cumulative net inflow of foreign direct investments by 2020 should be approx. EUR 22.7 billion. Contact: Government of the Republic of Serbia, Source: 9th Newsletter on Social Inclusion in the Republic of Serbia The Government of Serbia has adopted the Industrial Development Strategy and Policy 2011–2020. The Strategy foresees revitalisation and rehabilitation, restructuring and reengineering, modernisation of export-oriented fields and the development of competitiveness of the Serbian industry ...
The aim of the Conference was to advance the dialogue between the Government representatives and the representatives of economy through exchange of ideas and experiences related to the measures and instruments available for facilitating access of this sector to funds. More than 300 participants from Serbia, the countries in the region and EU discussed “Micro Financing and Guarantee Schemes”, “EU Support to SME Funding”, “Role of Commercial Banks in SME Funding”, “New Instruments for Funding Innovative SMEs”. The Ministry of Economy will use the conclusions and recommendations of ...
... of application, both in English, stating your reasons for wanting to become an assessor for the Certification and why you feel particularly well-qualified for the role on the address Closing date for applications is Friday November 11th. Interviews will be held the following week.  Source: ICIP Serbia, Newsletter The EU-funded Improved SME Competitiveness and Innovation Project (ICIP), in cooperation with NARD, has developed a Certification for individual business service providers and consultants as a means of qualifying professionals to work with SMEs in a range of SME development programmes and services. At this stage, applications from qualified ...
The Trieste Declaration adopted at the CEI Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology touches upon the need to increase investments in Research Infrastructures - addressing in particular Horizon 2020, the forthcoming EU Research and Innovation Programme. A network of Centres of Excellence focused on the topic of "next generation biofuels" shall also be established. The Central European Initiative has been mandated to identify potential donors and relevant stakeholders to ...
Eligible Countries of Research: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,  FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. In addition to engaging in research in the region, the IARO fellowship gives scholars the opportunity to increase their understanding of critical, policy relevant issues, develop and sustain international networks, and collaborate with foreign scholars on topics vital to both the academic and ...
The Conclusive Summary report summarises the seven reports on mapping of the innovation infrastructures that have been prepared in summer 2011 covering several important aspects of the National Innovation Systems (NIS) and presenting the status quo of innovation institutions and programmes in the Western Balkan Countries (WBC). This report provides a brief overview on the status quo of the innovation infrastructure landscape in the WBC countries as well as highlights the most noteworthy ...
... from various ministries and agencies and also from the most important institutions representing the interests of SMEs such as the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Serbian SME Association and the Union of Employers. Furthermore, a Business Council was founded in March 2010, bringing together representatives of SMEs from all over Serbia. Serbia uses a definition of SME which is not fully in line with the EU recommendation. Serbia has started to develop an innovation policy. In addition to the Strategy for development of competitive and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises for 2008-2013, in 2010 the government adopted a Strategy for scientific and ...
... the end of 2009. Although progress has been achieved, further efforts are needed to improve the design and impact of credit guarantee schemes. Serbia will need to align its legislation with the Directive on combating late payment in commercial transactions. The issue obringing together representatives of SMEs from all over Serbia. Serbia uses a definition of SME which is not fully in line with the EU recommendation. Serbia has started to develop an innovation policy. In addition to the Strategy for development of competitive and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises for 2008-2013, in 2010 the government adopted a Strategy for scientific and ...
COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL This communication assesses the current state of the European Union's enlargement agenda, comprising the Western Balkans, Turkey, and Iceland. Based on the accompanying in-depth country analyses3, it takes stock of what these countries have achieved preparing for membership, where they stand today, assesses their prospects for the coming years and in this regard makes a number of recommendations. As in previous years, ...
The overall conclusions on BiH in the fields interesting for WBC-INCO.NET read as follows: Bosnia and Herzegovina made some progress with the enforcement of competition rules. There was no progress in the area of public procurement, particularly regarding full alignment of the Public Procurement Law. Progress continued in the area of intellectual property rights. There was little progress in the area of social and employment policies and public health policy. Country-wide strategy papers ...
... the Commission was not in a position to recommend further steps for Albania this year. Building on recent positive signals, the Commission encourages the political forces in Albania to re-establish and sustain a level of political dialogue allowing the functioning of key democratic institutions and the implementation of essential reforms. SERBIA: potential candidate - applied in 2009. The Commission today presented its opinion on Serbia's membership application. Based on its findings, it recommends that the Council grants Candidate Status for Serbia. Condition also set one key priority which the country needs to fulfil in order to achieve the opening of accession negotiations ...
Following Serbia's application for EU membership, the Commission will also present in the 2011 package its Opinion on the readiness of Serbia to start accession negotiations. In this document, the Commission offers a detailed analysis in reference to the Copenhagen criteria for membership and recommends next steps to member states. The Opinion replaced this year's progress report on Serbia. Following the closure of accession negotiations with Croatia, the Commission will also present ...
... the transport research potential in all the New Member and Associated States.  The West Balkan region is named as one of the key regions whose transport research is being assessed.  Citizens of the following countries are therefore invited to attend this import workshop: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Kosovo (UNSCR 1244 ...
... amp; Tourism Department Tel +381 63 362 803 +381 11 762 1457 Email URL Further information is provided in the attached organisation profile of BAS. Source: Diana Spiteri, Malta Council for Science and Technology, FP7 Executive, ETNA BAS (Coach Terminal, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia) is looking for partner to submit a proposal under the topics of Areas SST.2012.3.1-1 (Research actions regarding the accessibility of transport systems ) and/or SST.2012.3.2-1 (Coordinating innovation for efficient bus systems in the urban environment ...
This essay was originally published in The Europa World of Learning, a guide to higher education, research and other academic institutions throughout the world. The print edition of this internationally respected title was first published over 60 years ago and has become widely acclaimed as the premier source of information on the academic sphere world-wide. The online version, updated quarterly, offers an unprecedented level of access to global institutions of higher education and learning, ...
... CY) Italy (IT) Slovakia (SK) Denmark (DK) Latvia (LV) Slovenia (SI) Estonia (EE) Lithuania (LT) Spain (ES) Finland (FI) Luxembourg (LU) Sweden (SE) France (FR) Malta (MT) United Kingdom (UK) Other countries Albania (AL) Liechtenstein (LI) Croatia (HR) Montenegro (ME) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK) Norway (NO) Iceland (IS) Serbia (RS) Israel (IL) Turkey (TR)  Events can be: national, regional, local or even cross-border "European" – organised either by European-level (business) organisations and institutions or by national/regional representations in Brussels. Or events with a strong European dimension held in one of the 37 participating countries. international ...
... and promote sustainable energy development in the region. Date: From: 17 October 2011 To: 19 October 2011 The conference is being organized by regional political schools lead by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence within the Serbian SEECP C-i-O and under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Serbia. The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is providing substantial support in the organization and realization of the conference that will bring together representatives of parliaments, governments, European Parliament, energy industry and business, academia, international organizations, international financial institutions, NGOs, task forces and initiatives, as well as bilateral and multilateral donors ...
... form is provided via a link on the workshop website:  Registration fee 225 euro for laboratories with a HDI below 0.845 (Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, …) 475 euro for laboratories with a HDI above 0.845 575 euro for industrial partners  Contact, further information: see the documents attached below Source: Sarah Berwouts ...
... by the CEP on behalf of the ERI SEE, and by the Task Force Secretariat. Source:  Task Force Newsletter, no 7 Date: 10 November 2011 4th annual Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital of the Regional Cooperation Council meeting will take place on November 10 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia. This meeting will be kindly hosted by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science. This occasion will present itself as an opportunity to summarize major achievements in the work of the Task Force in the past year and to decide upon next steps ...
The workshop is a pre-Conference event of the TAIEX conference “Emigration  Issues in the Western Balkans - joint approach to linking migration and development of the countries of origin“ of Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Department for Emigration/Diaspora. The rationale of the workshop is based on the fact that highly skilled professionals from the fields of science, technology, business etc. have emigrated from Southeast European ...
The report is the second of a series realised within the SeeNet Programme by a research network coordinated by CeSPI (Italy) and composed of seven research organisations from South East Europe, including InTER who does the research on decentralisation and governance in Vojvodina. More about the SeeNet Programme is available at the website: This report is focussed on decentralisation. This issue is particularly relevant in Western Balkan countries, not only for the ...
... chapters of the 2010 European Commission's Progress Reports and Opinions for candidate and potential candidate countries for EU accession. The Commission prepared Progress Reports for the candidate countries Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey as well as for the potential candidate countries Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and for Kosovo (1). Following the two countries application and the Council's request, it also prepared two opinions on Albania and Montenegro. The European Commission adopted the Progress Reports and two Opinions on 9 November 2010. The purpose of this Occasional Paper is to facilitate the work of those scholars ...
... 1.7: Social innovation for inclusion and integration including the following speakers: Paul Stubbs, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia: “Promoting social innovations for inclusion in the Western Balkans: key challenges” Sanja Popović Pantić, Centre for Research of Development of Science and Technology, Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Belgrade, Serbia: “Inclusion of female business community in the economic mainstream” Sanja Crnkovič-Pozaić, consultant, Zagreb, Croatia: “Analytical tools for identifying skill needs: part of the social innovation tool kit?” Dennis P. Culhane, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA: “Housing First! Evidence-based social innovations to tackle homelessness” Ana ...
... Innovation Union flagship initiative and the Horizon 2020 programme." Source: EUROPA - Press Releases European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, met last week with Ministers of Science and Research from six Western Balkans countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia ...
CONFEDERATION OF AUTONOMOUS TRADE UNIONS OF SERBIA Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia is a trade union organization with the longest tradition in Serbia. It was born on March 9 1903 by a decision of various professional and local organizations (created in the second half of the 19th century), to associate and establish, for the first time in Serbian history, one trade union confederation - the Workers’ Confederation of Serbia. Federations of workers in the ...
... letters (in German and English) for the DANUB.IT event. About Vojvodina ICT Cluster: Novi Sad brochure: Contact: Date: From: 20 October 2011 To: 21 October 2011 In recent years, Serbia has emerged as a sought after alternative location for development of sophisticated software. DANUB.IT builds on this trend, offering excellent opportunities for networking and partner search. The Vojvodina ICT Cluster, in cooperation with Europe Enterprise Network, National Agency for Regional Development, German Organization for International Cooperation, Outsourcing Center Serbia ...
IFVCNS is looking for potential partners for the next potential topics within the FP7:  Enlargement network - Economic and policy analysis of the agriculture in the Western Balkan countries. Novel biodiversity sources in crops for improved quality and productivity.   IFVCNS is also interested for the cooperation concerning some other topics which are within their field of work and research. For further information please refer to the documents attached below. Source: Email from ...
This document has been produced within the framework of the European Union's Tempus programme, which is funded by the EuropeAid Development and Co-operation Directorate-General and the Directorate-General for Enlargement. It has been prepared by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on the basis of contributions from the Tempus Offices and the authorities concerned.  The attached descriptions of higher education systems in the Tempus Partner Countries provide a ...
This new Guide provides potential recipients of EU funding for research and innovation with the practical information they need to access this funding. It also provides decision-makers with a full picture of all the funding opportunities available until 2013. The complexity of the present landscape has led the authors to propose to bring together the full range of research and innovation financing instruments within a common strategic framework under the future multi-annual financial framework. ...
... carry out extensive rail and wagon tests. Dissemination of knowledge and experiences through workshops is also part of the project’s remit, as well as the dissemination of results and other communications efforts. By the end of the project, rail research in the Balkan area and eventual harmonisation of Serbia’s network will facilitate transport in the whole region and solidify the new rail standard that is taking place across the continent. Source: Article published in research*eu results magazine (September 2011) Serbia is at the crossroads of the Balkans and links many countries together by rail. It also ...
The Western Balkans can benefit greatly from this technology as agriculture is the main backbone of the economy. This particularly applies to the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in Serbia where agriculture represents 40 % of GDP.  To support the region's agricultural advancement, the EU-funded Agrosense project is teaming up with the Centre for Measurement Technologies in Precision Agriculture (Metep@) at the University of Novi Sad. The focus is on developing and applying these new technologies so that the ...
... laboratories, research centres, museum collections, ...), use the most recent technologies and instruments with the guidance of scientists, participate in experiments, competitions and quizzes, watch demonstrations and simulations, exchange ideas and party with the researchers. This year, 13 different events are organised in WB countries: Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. CROATIA   LEEDS 2011 Rab, Slavonski Brod,                  Varazdin, Zagreb FYROM REVIS 2011 Bitola, Skopje MONTENEGRO MONTENIGHT2011 Kotor, Nikšic, Podgorica http ...
Prof. Viktor Nedovic from the Ministry of Education and Science will introduce the participation of Serbia in FP7 while Dr. Stefan Weiers from the European Commission will present the open call “Regions of Knowledge" to the participants followed by a panel discussion.  Please register no later than September 12, 2011 per email: More information is available in Serbian ...
In the frame of WP2, T2.4 background reports have been prepared on the national research systems in the field of social sciences and humanities, on social innovation and on priorities of SSH research. The reports have been prepared by national experts / expert teams and edited at ZSI in order to be available at the conference "Challenge Social Innovation" in Vienna. WBC-INCO.NET (2011): National Background Reports on Social Sciences and Humanities.
The Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia and The Delegation of the European Union to Serbia are seeking grant proposals under the grant-scheme, dealing with the following priority measures: (1) Economic Development (2) Environmental Protection (3) People-to-People with financial assistance from the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 budgets of the IPA Cross Border Programme Croatia – Serbia 2007-2013. The overall indicative amount of € 5 ...
... Food and drink sector Water Greening businesses Although priority will be given to SMEs and private beneficiaries, the calls for proposals are open to all legal persons located in one of the following countries: 27 EU member states Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein Albania, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Israel, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey Other non-EU countries provided they have the appropriate agreement in force. The maximum duration of an action is 36 months. Applicants should consult the website of the programme at: You can reach the details for the national contacts through this page.   ...
... please follow You can register on the webpage or send the registration form to: Date: 30 September 2011 TransNEW Consortium and Slovenia Control Ltd. as a host is organising the Transport Research Opportunities Workshop for West Balkan Countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo), which will take place on September 30, 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Due date for registration is September 20, 2011 ...
... city". Alongside the Brussels seminars and workshops organised for the OPEN DAYS 2011 European Week of Regions and cities, more than 250 local events "Europe in my region/city" are planned to take place all over the European Union and beyond (including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey). Most events are scheduled in Italy, France, Spain and Poland. The vast majority of local events (215) will be organised by partner regions and cities, while the rest (39) are held by European associations, European networks, universities and specialised agencies. Most events take the format of seminars ...
30% Fourth FP7 Monitoring Report Document 26. Aug. 2011
The fourth FP7 Monitoring Report covers the implementation of the Framework Programme in the years 2007-2010. It is based on the FP7 monitoring system, which was designed as an internal management tool using a core set of performance indicators. In section 2 this document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2010. FP7 implementation management and quality issues are the focus of section 3 and include the current situation with regard to the simplification process and ...
... along a possible Western Balkans 2020 Agenda on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and fight against organized crime, corruption and illegal migration. Under the topics of Smart Growth and Sustainable Growth the participants will discuss current issues, for example:  Smart Growth  Advantages and disadvantages of doing business in Serbia - Success stories and challenges Evolution of the FDI Key infrastructure projects Export Investing in the knowledge economy Sustainable Growth  Environmental businesses Environmental infrastructure projects in Serbia Green economy and sustainable consumption and production Draft agenda and Registration Form are attached below. Deadline for application is September 1, 2011. For ...
"Die inzwischen vierte Schwerpunktausgabe des ITB infoservice erscheint im Kontext der am 24. Juni 2011 unter ungarischer Ratspräsidentschaft vom Rat der Europäischen Union verabschiedeten Donauraum-Makrostrategie und fokussiert auf Forschung und Innovation als Bausteine der Integration im Donau-raum. Die 2009 initiierte und nach der Ostseestrategie nunmehr zweite in Umsetzung gebrachte EU-Makrostrategie bietet für die kommenden Jahre eine Handlungs-grundlage für die weitere Integration ...
ICIP invites applications from short term experts able to provide training to Business Innovation Support Organisations (BISOs) on one or more of the following topics: Raising awareness & information sharing related to innovation in SMEs including developing and implementing effective communication strategies. Supporting technological and scientific cooperation including technology transfer and knowledge exchange activities. Supporting (new) product and service development or introduction ...
... the long running R&D and Competitiveness funds and their various sub-programmes. Anticipated duration: one day The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) This training will look specifically at the Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). The sessions will focus on the need to develop strong project concepts, the challenges for Serbia in utilising these funds and the possible ways that government can support and intervene to increase success rates for the country in drawing down these funds. Anticipated duration: two days Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer and Commercialization Structures This training will focus on how Innovation happens in Public Research Organisations ...
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