News archive - [Event Review] 7th International Conference on Financing SME Innovations

The 7th International Conference on Financing SME Innovations organised by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development was held in Belgrade on October 4, 2011. It is part of the EC initiative “European Week of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises 2011”. 

The aim of the Conference was to advance the dialogue between the Government representatives and the representatives of economy through exchange of ideas and experiences related to the measures and instruments available for facilitating access of this sector to funds. More than 300 participants from Serbia, the countries in the region and EU discussed “Micro Financing and Guarantee Schemes”, “EU Support to SME Funding”, “Role of
Commercial Banks in SME Funding”, “New Instruments for Funding Innovative SMEs”.
The Ministry of Economy will use the conclusions and recommendations of the conference as well as the presented best practices as guidelines for improvement of the SME policy development and for advancement of measures and programmes of support to this sector.
The participants were addressed by the high Government representatives, representatives of the EU institutions, the banking sector and the industry.

Contact: Ministry of Economy and Regional Development,

Source: 9th Newsletter on Social Inclusion in the Republic of Serbia

Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on October 15, 2011
Modified on October 24, 2011