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86% News from Albania News 3. Jun. 2011
... integration of the teaching process in scientific research, Recognition of diplomas and prior qualifications, Preparing the conditions for Life Long Learning, Increasing mobility and participation of students and new academic staff and Enhancing the social dimension of higher education and the scientificresearch system. Implementation of the bologna Process in Albania Albania signed the Bologna Declaration in 2003 and started the Bologna reforms in 2004. Since then, many steps have been taken and the process is well advanced. The higher Education law of 2007 made the introduction of the three Bologna Cycles a legal obligation, together with the European Credit Transfer System ...
Within the project "R&D Capacities" an Assessment Report was published depicting the situation regarding R&D at the universities participating in the project. "The present report is the output of the initial analytical work in the project ‘R&D Capacities’ carried out in 2009. On the one hand it reflects the situation at Western Balkan universities in the year 2009, on the other hand provides essential inputs for consecutive steps within the project: it ...
... of foreign donor aid and civil society development in the Western Balkans. The University of Fribourg, upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), manages the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP). It was established with the objective to advance Social Science research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. This partnership programme was created following a wide consultation process involving well-respected researchers and research institutions in the region, Switzerland and other European countries. The RRPP operates through three inter-related pillars: 1. The allocation of research grants for projects that deal with ...
The Conference Language is English. Intending contributors should submit initially only abstracts. Electronicsubmission (in MS Word format) through e-mail is strongly recommended. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee before their acceptance for presentation. Abstracts should be approximately 250 words in length and should clearly quote the scientific contribution of the proposed presentation, the used methodology/approach and expected outcomes. Authors should include at the ...
... entry into force of a possible visa free regime, it is important to focus on how the visa process can be facilitated for some categories of applicants (for example, students, researchers, members of civil society organizations, etc.). The EU already has several visa facilitation agreements with countries as diverse as Albania, Ukraine or Moldova. These measures include, for instance, lower visa fees, simplified visa procedures or more scholarships and exchange programs for students and researchers.   To read the full article by Maja Šoštarić at (published May 29, 2011) follow this link: ...
33% 2010 UNESCO Annual Report Document 24. May. 2011
This new initiative of the Organization is a result of a collective effort by the Secretariat and offers Member States and the public at large a comprehensive but easy-to-read account of UNESCO’s activities during the course of the past year. Source: Email from Tousnakhoff, P., UNESCO UNESCO (2011): 2010 UNESCO Annual Report
... a horizontal, whole-of-government, policy framework for innovation. In Montenegro, the OECD is engaged in the design of a voucher scheme to support SME innovation. In Serbia, the OECD is working with government to develop a competence technology centre which would facilitate greater collaboration between industry and the public research community. Albania, Croatia and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 will have an opportunity to work with the OECD in 2012. The RCI will also establish working groups on innovation and human capital development. The first meeting of the RCI Working Group on Human Capital and Innovation will take place in Split, Croatia ...
... programs, measures and activities related to SME development and the observation of financial support for SMEs from national and international sources. As of October 2010, WBC-INCO.NET entered a new, enhanced phase, putting a special emphasis on innovation-related activities. In this context, three new partners − responsible for innovation in Albania, the FYR of Macedonia and Montenegro − joined the project consortium to ensure that the responsible institutions for innovation of all WBCs are represented in the project: The Albanian Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, the Macedonian Ministry of Economy and the Montenegrin Directorate for Development of Small and Medium-Sized ...
This document provides an overview of the ongoing research cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans. It also explains why the EU countries engage in research with this region and how they do it. The real impetus for engaging in research cooperation with the Western Balkan countries came from the European Council meeting in Thessaloniki in June 2003. There, heads of state and government reiterated that the future of the Balkans lies within the EU. Ministers of science also endorsed a ...
The SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme provides a framework for the development and implementation of projects around the South East Europe area. By means of joint activities carried out at a transnational level between the 16 beneficiary countries, the Programme works to make the SEE region more competitive and better integrated. This brochure gives an overview on the SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme. Source: SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme. SEE (2011): "DEVELOPMENT ...
33% Growing cooperation in the SEE area Document 19. May. 2011
The implementation of the first generation of transnational cooperation projects financed through the South East Europe Programme began in 2009, after more than one year of preparation and selection. The 40 innovative projects help the integration process of the area and contribute to making South East Europe a more competitive place. The projects benefit from the exchange of experience and the joint work on new and interesting ideas, while developing new opportunities for the region. The total ...
On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Ohrid on May, 26 2011.
The two year ICT-WEB-PROMS project aimed at increasing capacity of stakeholders in the Western Balkan countries (WBC) to fully participate in European ICT research and in the European Research Area by creating and supporting strategic partnership between stakeholders in the EU and the WBC while providing access to relevant knowledge. The four key objectives were networking of WB and EU countries in the area of ICT, increasing the capacity of organizations from WBC to create ICT technology and ...
The Final Report of the project aims to provide a roadmap for subsequent researchers in the Western Balkan region. The nine page document outlines the results achieved by the ICT-WEB-PROMS project, the problems encountered and the needs identified in the WBC. The report furthermore issues recommendations for the European Commission, national governments and stakeholders and outlines the lessons learnt for future activities in the region. Further project documents and deliverables can be ...
... As component II of the European Union's new financial Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), this is the first cross-border programme  on the border between the pre-accession countries of the Republic of Albania and Republic of Montenegro, for the period 2007-2013. The global objective of the Programme is to promote cooperation between people, communities and institutions on the bordering areas, aiming at sustainable development, stability and prosperity in the mutual interest of citizens of the two countries. The specific objectives of the Programme ...
... The cross-border programme between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania is implemented during the period of 2007-2013. The global objective of the cross-border programme is promoting sustainable development in the cross-border area Joint actions and cross-border projects implemented within the programme should have an impact on the social and economic situation of the population, improve the joint management and valorisation ...
71% Albania-Kosovo Cross Border Programme Link 11. May. 2011
Preparation of this programme was completed in April 2010 and final approval is expected to take place by the end of 2010. Preparation of the CBC programme Kosovo – Montenegro is expected to start in the second half of 2010 and completed in 2011. Source: website of the CBC Kosovo as accessed in May, 2011
The present IPA Cross-Border Programme Greece, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is the product of a bilateral “Task Force”, responsible for the joint and interactive planning effort between the two countries.  The Global Objective of the programme is to enhance convergence in the programme area by promoting sustainable local development. The Priority Axes of the Programme are the following: Enhancement of cross-border economic development  Enhancement of the environmental ...
... implementation, working in such strategic fields as investment policy and promotion, tax policy analysis, SME policy and entrepreneurship, and the development of human capital.       Source: e-mail from OECD A press release of the OECD Investment Compact for South East Europe (an OECD initiative covering 10 economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Kosovo - UN Res. 1244) informs about the begin of a development towards a "2020 Vision" for the region ...
... agreed strategy of actions among the partners of the eligible territories". The eligible area of the Programme consists of the territories facing the Adriatic Sea. These are identified as NUTS III (or equivalent level) of three Member States (Italy, Greece, and Slovenia), a Candidate Country (Croatia), three Potential Candidate Country (Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Although not being territorially eligible for the Programme because it lacks of costal area, but taking into account its eligibility in previous INTERREG IIIA NPPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme 2004 -2006, Serbia participates in the Programme with the whole territory under a phasing out condition until ...
... of a database of prospective project partners which will hopefully continue to grow after the end of the TransNEW project. The following countries are covered by the project under the title "Western Balkans": Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo (under UNCSR 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. Albania is covered by the "Southern Balkans and Mediterranean area". Further information is available in the attached files. The TransNEW Project is part of the Coordination and Support Actions for the EU Framework 7 Programme, aimed at supporting transport research activities in the new Member States. It also stimulates ...
... and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Clusters of applicants and projects which demonstrate a European added value and have a high potential for market replication are strongly encouraged. The call for proposals is open to all legal persons located in one of the following countries: * 27 EU member states * Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein * Albania, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Israel, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey * Other non-EU countries provided they have the appropriate agreement in force. The following information is availble for download on the event website: Presentations: Funding areas 2011 [395 KB] [ppt [10 MB] ] Beatriz Yordi, Head of Unit Executive Agency for ...
... the attached file. Contact persons: Mrs.Patris POSHNJARI, Mrs. Mimoza KAÇI Mobile: 00355 68 90 19 434; 00355 68 20 06 325 Email: Source: Information provided by organisers. The European University of Tirana, Department of Finance, is organising the 1st International Scientific Conference:  “Albania 2030” A New Roadmap Toward A Sustainable Growth to take place in Tirana, Albania on June 10 to 11, 2011. A call for papers is now open with an abstract submission deadline on May 5, 2011 ...
The present manual deals with the need for a stronger connection between universities and industry in SEE, but also shows that many different types of cooperation between these stakeholders already exist. Eight country reports of national experts about different aspects of the current higher education sector as well as of the university-enterprise collaboration in each respective country were compiled. Each single report offers recommendations on how to improve the future cooperation in this ...
... Yugoslav Republic of] Macedonia. A recent decision to grant candidate status to Montenegro provides the right encouragement not only for Podgorica, but for the whole region as well. We strongly support Serbia’s integration efforts and we are pleased to see Belgrade’s membership application recently accepted. For Albania, the main goal for 2011 should be to achieve candidate status. We hope that the Albanian authorities will engage in a constructive political dialogue in order to settle the long-standing political stalemate. When it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina, we expect a speedy formation of a new government, whose ...
31% Intellectual Property Institute Organisation 21. Apr. 2011
IPI-Albania jas set the following as its strategic objectives:Integrating IP management;Improving service delivery;Increasing public awareness; andEnhancing enforcement coordination
The Danube Region Strategy follows the welcome for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, now being implemented. The Danube request, based on the Baltic experience, underlines an integrated approach to sustainable development. Synergies and trade-offs must be identified, e.g. developing cuttingedge green technology, working towards better alignment of policies and funding to improve impact on the ground, and overcoming fragmentation. The Commission, operating across many policy domains, ...
... rdquo; According to the Hungarian head of government, the EU should rise above this issue and conditions, which could be raised at the end of the negotiations and not be imposed at the beginning of the talks. The Hungarian Presidency urges the start of negotiations as early as possible with Albania, Mr Orbán said, adding that the postponement of negotiations will only further decrease the chances of establishing internal political stability in that state. In the case of Kosovo, the maintenance of the European perspective is reality, Mr Orbán said. The head of government underlined: no contractual relationship may be established ...
... research must be undertaken at a Guestworking Organisation (a funded JRP-Partner, or REG Home Organisation) located in a different country to the researcher’s employer. RMGs are open to many countries, but EURAMET particularly encourages applications from researchers in EURAMET countries which are not yet participating in the EMRP: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, FYR Macedonia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Serbia. This aims to support EURAMET member countries building and furthering their capacity in metrology. RMG allowances include research & development allowance, contribution to the Guestworking Organisation’s overhead, living allowance, travel allowance ...
... plans in exchange for an EU guarantee on new loans. The five countries agreed to ask for more IPA funding prior the membership which would allow them accelerate EU-related reforms. In exchange, post-accession assistance would decrease.   Source SETIMES/BCSDN Email Alert Nr. 228. On April 4, EU aspirants Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia adopted a common stance regarding pre-accession assistance (IPA ...
... private universities, civil society, public research institutes as well as business organizations in Albania. Source: ASO Ljubljana Email:   Date: From: 19 April 2011 To: 20 April 2011 The Agency of Research, Technology and Innovation (ARTI) in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Albania and the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) are organizing in Albania on April 19 and 20, two training courses aiming at supporting potential applicants to participate in the FP7 Programme, with the participation of the internationally well recognized expert, Mr. Sean McCarthy, in the capacity of the trainer ...
A recent action that has made a significant impact on the lives of citizens in South East Europe (SEE) is the Visa Facilitation Agreement with the European Union (EU) which, at the end of the last year, entered into force in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, who thus joined The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia that entered the visa-liberalized regime a year earlier. The decisions on visa free access are based on the progress made by the countries concerned in implementing major reforms in areas such as strengthening   ...
... particular mobility in the framework of “joint degree” networks. At present CEEPUS unites universities from 15 Central and Eastern European countries in the framework of networks consisting of at least three higher education institutions from at least two different contractual countries. At present the following countries take part: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia. Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) with the University of Prishtina is also eligible for participation. Moldova will join the CEEPUS network as of 2011/2012. Conditions for application ...
71% Ministry of Defense of Albania Organisation 4. Apr. 2011
... interest of stability and predictability, complete the transition and pool around regional recovery and development projects. This is why the call for our countries to join efforts in Europe 2020 implementation comes at the right time.” Eduard Kukan, Member of EP and Chairman of the Delegation for Relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo, underlined that Europe 2020 strategy should give impetus to Western Balkan countries as future EU members to push forward for reforms in the region. Key Role Assigned to RCC The RCC Secretariat present preliminary findings of its survey of regional initiatives and task ...
... map© EU    Source: JRC website   The JRC has launched a call for 40 seconded national experts and grantholders as part of its enlargement and integration actions. The job opportunities are available for experts from research organisations, national enforcement laboratories and scientists from the following countries: Albania, Croatia, Iceland, Montenegro, Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Israel, Serbia and Turkey. Submission deadline: May 16, 2011 ...
Survey of Regional Initiatives and Task Forces in South East Europe – Summary Findings! During the first quarter of 2011, Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat (RCC or Secretariat) conducted a survey of regional initiatives (RIs) operating within, and directed towards, the countries of South East Europe. The survey was carried out in cooperation with the Chairmanship-in-Office of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), the SEECP Troika and the European Union in order to provide ...
31% IPA Partnership Actions Link 28. Mar. 2011
... health at work; energy efficiency or the environment. These projects all aim to strengthen the role of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and to develop sustainable partnerships and networks between on the one hand CSOs (such as business associations, trade unions, other social partners and professional organisations) in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99) and Turkey, and on the other hand their counterparts in the EU. The purpose is to promote a transfer of knowledge and experience and to strengthen civil society within a participative democracy and to stimulate ...
... article; requirements from the publisher’s perspective, authorship, the peer-review process, impact factors, etc. The summer school seminars will be taught by experienced scientists from both German and South-east European universities. All costs will be covered for the participants. Application details: PhD or master students from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, the FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and the Republic of Moldova are invited to apply. Do apply, if you: • Are a master or PhD student in public health or a public health related discipline (medicine, social sciences); • You have conducted ...
... etc). The offer is: a return air ticket, scholarship of 1000-2500 EUR per month, insurance, tuition fee up to 3000 EUR per year.  Fully funded scholarships from and to Western Balkans Who can apply? UG, MA, PhD students, Post Doc’s, Academic Staff and alumni from Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (UN Res. 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Serbia) and from EU partner universities.   Some information about Warsaw • Centre of Europe • Possibility to travel freely to other European Schengen countries • UW - the largest university in Poland, usually ranked as No. 1 in the country ...
 With their legitimate ambition to integrate more closely into the European Research Area, the WB countries need to upgrade their national RTD information systems, and would benefit from developing a regional information system, effectively supporting these ambitions by facilitating closer and more balanced international collaboration. This awareness is slowly growing, primarily in some government and academic circles, but the first step is obviously to properly upgrade and connect ...
... Bio-inspired information systems -Distance Learning Systems -eBusiness -Eco Distributed Systems Further information:   EIDWT-2011: The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies   Organisation Polytechnic University of Tirana ( Tirana, Albania Source: Arjen Scheurer, Linked2Balkan The 14th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS) will be held at Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania from September 7 to 9, 2011. The event is held in conjunction with the EIDWT-2011: The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies ...
... initiative makes it possible for the various national facilities, institutes, universities and private industry to work jointly on a wide range of Research and Development (R&D) activities. WBC Participation to COST Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia as COST Member States and  Albania and Montenegro as Non-COST 'near neighbouring countries'  are eligible for this call.     More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters): COST is based on Actions. These are ...
... Finally, the eight is a case for a more balanced distribution of European research infrastructures as well as support in access to large European infrastructures. (taken from the Executive Summary of the document) The full document is attached to this news below. The “Enlargement Countries Associated to FP7”, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, have taken the initiative to manifest their Joint Position on the next Research and Technology Development (RTD) Framework Programme of the European Union to which currently they are Associated countries. The purpose of this Joint Position Paper is ...
... Tel: +(30) 2310 253 477 Fax: +(30) 2310 234 205 Web:     Building on the success of the five previous Doctoral conferences which each attracted over 100 papers from countries all over the SE European region and beyond (UK, Greece, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Sweden, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Belgium and as far as USA), we are pleased to announce the organisation of the 6th SEERC Doctoral conference. Deadline: April 1, 2011 ...
31% European University for Tourism Organisation 1. Feb. 2011
The European University for Tourism was founded by the European University for Tourism Foundation and is situated in Tirana (Albania) at Bulevardi Zogu I to perform provisions of the European Commission Tourism Unit on General Enterprise. It was authorized by the Council Ministry in 2008 andThe main operative scope of the European University for Tourism is to become the most advanced Euro-Mediterranean pole in the cultural, scientific and formative aspect ...
... and evaluating programme progress, present and assess developments in building a platform for long-term sustainable cooperation in the region, and in designing and implementing concrete short-term and long-term guidelines, best practices and actions at the regional level on e-Infrastructure. The meeting brings together representatives of national authorities and partners from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey, who implement e-Infrastructure strategies and operate the programmes in their respective countries. Source: RCC Press Release. The sixth meeting of the South East European Research Area for e-Infrastructures (SEERA-EI), organised by the Ministry ...
85% Albania: Participation in COST News 14. Jan. 2011
In this conference, the invited experts presented COST Programme to the Albanian scientific community and explained how to be a participant in COST actions, highlighting the benefits and opportunities for Albania, which is currently participating in this program as a non-COST country. Albanian researchers, who are currently participating as a non – COST country, shared their experience and best practices.   Source: ARTI In the frame of the expressed interest of Albania becoming a COST member, the Agency of Research, Technology ...
National E-CRIS system includes interconnected databases comprising data on research organizations, researchers and research projects. The E-CRIS.AL system is managed by ARTI, functioning as the Albanian National E-CRIS Centre. Source: ARTI Albanian Agency of Research, Technology and Innovation (ARTI) and the Institute of Information Science in Maribor, Slovenia signed an agreement on cooperation in setting up the current research information system in Albania E-CRIS.AL.
... the President of the Union of Chambers of Commerce. On December 14th ARTI organized an Information Day with the participation of business representatives and the scientific community to discuss the opportunities and the possibilities that EUREKA Program offers. Source: ARTI, Erisa Lame In the frame of the expressed interest of Albania becoming a EUREKA member, a delegation from EUREKA composed by Mr. Luuk Borg, Director of the Secretariat of the EUREKA and Mr. Svatopluk Halada, Coordinator for the Western Balkan Countries visited the Agency of Research, Technology and Innovation (ARTI) on December 13-14 2010 ...
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