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The TRAIN programme seeks to foster a fruitful policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). Especially with a view to the European integration process, the voice of regional think tanks and their impact upon national policy-making must be strengthened and their visibility and credibility vis-à-vis EU actors enhanced. In order to build the necessary institutional capacity in the countries concerned and to support networking within ...
... Finally, CHER regularly organizes an international symposium to discuss the developments in higher education and higher education research. More information is available here: Date: From: 10 September 2012 To: 12 September 2012 The 25th CHER annual conference will take place in Belgrade, Serbia from September 10 to 12, 2012. The conference will be organized by the Centre for Education Policy (CEP) and the Centre for Education Policy Studies of the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Education (CEPS). For the first time since its foundation, the CHER conference will be held in this part ...
... receive a monthly stipend to cover the tuition fee and cost of living. The scholarship is awarded for three years, conditional on timely fulfilment of all academic and project-related requirements. The call is open to citizens from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. More information is provided in the document attached below. Additional information about the Doctoral programme in Comparative Politics is available at or by email at As part of the Norglobal research project entiled 'European integration in higher education and research in the ...
The proceedings of the Danube Rectors Conference 2011 which took place in Vienna on November 17 and 18, 2011 are attached below including the agenda, all presentations etc.  In case you are just interested in specific presentations and do not want to download the full proceedings, all presentations have also been individually linked in the programme available on the website: ...
... and their attitudes towards corruption. The paper is based on a survey conducted on the sample of over 1800 business owners and managers in the Western Balkans region. Using the original survey data collected in 2010 for seven countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia – the authors explore business people’s views on the ways in which the business sector is dealing with corruption as well as on the perceived role of private and government agents in curbing corruption. The findings provide useful policy recommendations for countries in the Western Balkans region to ...
... below. Register here: Date: From: 21 February 2012 To: 23 February 2012 This event is jointly financed and organized by the European Fund for the Balkans, Think Tank Fund and Human Rights and Governance Grants Program of the Open Society Foundations, Foundation for Open Society Serbia, National Endowment for Democracy and Balkan Trust for Democracy and open to members of think tanks and advocacy organisations operating in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (UNSCR 1244 ...
The 4th issue of the SEERA-EI newsletter (December 2011) is available now and include the following topics: Eastern Europe Partnership Event: Policy Makers and National Representatives from the Region Gathered to Deliberate on the Enhancement & Sustainability of eInfrastructures in Eastern Europe National Programme Cookbook Joint Action Plan South East Europe i* Forum took place in Sofia ICT Turkey 2012 Event Bilateral Cooperation between Ministries of Bulgaria and Montenegro ...
... the EU amounted to about €147 mio in 2010. Background In 2000 the European Union established for the first time exceptional unlimited duty-free access to the EU market for nearly all products originating in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo) in Regulation (EC) No 2007/2000). Only wine, sugar, certain beef products and certain fisheries products enter the EU under preferential tariff quotas, as negotiated under the SAAs. The regime was renewed in 2005, and due to expire on 31 December 2010. Therefore, on 22 February 2010, the ...
... June 2012 The aim of the 5th International Symposium of Industrial Engineering – SIE 2012, held in Belgrade from June 14 to 15, 2012, is to contribute to a better comprehension of the role and importance of Industrial Engineering and to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Industrial Engineering program in Serbia, established at FME, Belgrade. The Symposium is expected to foster networking, collaboration and joint effort among the conference participants to advance the theory and practice as well as to identify major trends in Industrial Engineering today. According to these goals the Symposium addresses itself  to all experts in all ...
 As part of WBC-INCO.NETs Work Package (WP) 8 on Innovation support, the underlying task of this report is to collect good practice examples of innovation activities that can be adapted to the region of the Western Balkan countries or to some individual countries of the region. This deliverable presents a collection of good practice examples of programmes, instruments and measures aiming at supporting innovation activities. The examples are presented in two parts: the first part (Chapter ...
The European research and innovation cooperation and the close connection between research, innovation and education play a decisive role in securing future growth. Therefore, the EU gives high priority to this area and allocates considerable funds annually to finance the research programmes. During the Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU, there are two dossiers on the research- and innovation area that will dominate the work of the Council. The European Institute of Innovation and ...
... Preparation for acquis implementation, strengthening of administrative capacity, contribution to socio-economic development Kosovo1 62,900,000.00 Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights; private sector-led economic development; public administration reform Montenegro 26,493,599.00 Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights, public administration reform, social development, environment and climate change Serbia 178,556,810.00 Strengthening of the rule of law and public administration, overcoming of the economic crisis and improvement of competitiveness, support to social inclusion and reconciliation Turkey (including participation in European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) 232,968,023.00 Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights; environment and climate ...
... time and have a representation of 5 and 2 participants respectively.  (Participant means coordinator or partner of a proposal, and number of proposals equal to number of  coordinators.) In total there are 37 eligible countries: EU27, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Israel, Turkey, Serbia and Albania. Around  52%  of  the  proposals  originated  from  one  country,  while  48%  are  submitted  by multinational  consortia,  with a 3%  increase  compared to  last  year.  In  total  ...
... nbsp; together  with  an  assessment  of  the  impact  of alternative scenarios for the instrument.  Currently, the EU is dealing with 5 candidate countries (Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro and Turkey) and 4 potential candidates (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99). By 2014, only  Croatia  is  foreseen  to  become  a  Member  State.  Socio-economic  indicators  show  that, with the exception of Iceland, enlargement countries are still well below the EU average and ...
... the index is prepared is available in the FAQs. Source: The Western Balkan countries rank as follows among the 183 countries assessed:   country - rank - score (maximum score =10) Croatia 66 4.0 Montenegro 66 4.0 FYR Macedonia 69 3.9 Serbia 86 3.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 91 3.2 Albania 95 3.1 Kosovo UNSCR 1244 112 2.9       Transparency International
... nbsp; together  with  an  assessment  of  the  impact  of alternative scenarios for the instrument.  Currently, the EU is dealing with 5 candidate countries (Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro and Turkey) and 4 potential candidates (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99). By 2014, only  Croatia  is  foreseen  to  become  a  Member  State.  Socio-economic  indicators  show  that, with the exception of Iceland, enlargement countries are still well below the EU average and ...
... regional initiatives (ex. ERI SEE) and strategies (ex. EUSDR) dealing  with  those  subjects  and  shall  put  a  focus  on  innovation and  a  coherent project- and result-oriented work. In particular, the TFBHC and the RCC, in close cooperation with Serbia as the host country, will support the further development of the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE) as a platform for regional cooperation in education and training and a potential implementing structure for EU funded regional projects. A milestone in this process will be the envisaged setting ...
... the CEP on behalf of the ERI SEE, and by the Task Force Secretariat. Source:  Task Force Newsletter, no 7Date: 10 November 2011 from to 4th annual Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital of the Regional Cooperation Council meeting will take place on November 10 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia. This meeting will be kindly hosted by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science. This occasion will present itself as an opportunity to summarize major achievements in the work of the Task Force in the past year and to decide upon next steps ...
A booklet called „Structuring inter-regional co-operation, international co-operation, INCO-NET projects‟ outlines the activities of all INCO-NET projects which have been selected for FP7 funding in 2006, 2009 and 2010. INCO-NET projects cover different regions of the world and aim to establish co-ordination platforms by bringing together a range of stakeholders in the EU and relevant third countries. Other objectives include implementing awareness and dissemination activities, strategic ...
An updated list of all RTD Association and Co-operation Agreements has been published in table format, providing information such as the dates when agreements were signed, when they entered into force, and last and next renewal dates. The information covers a number of different types of agreements in the field of RTD, including countries associated with FP7, countries with EU International Agreements on Science and Technology (S&T) and countries with Euratom International Agreements. For ...
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