News archive - EU to invest almost EUR 1 billion to foster reforms in the Western Balkans, Turkey and Iceland

The European Commission has finalised a series of aid programmes to support reforms in countries wishing to join the EU on December 20, 2011. The funding, totalling almost EUR 1 billion, comes under the 2011 budget of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), and will be available to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Turkey, and Iceland.

 "All these programmes have been designed to achieve concrete results in terms of better public administration, more efficient judiciary and law enforcement, stable economy as well as safer environment. This is good news both for the recipient countries and the EU: we all face common challenges that do not stop at EU borders and we need to tackle them together", said European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle.

These actions are funded through IPA 2011, under the Transition Assistance and Institution Building and Cross-Border Cooperation Components. They are based on the priorities set out by the EU and have been designed together with the governments concerned, local stakeholders and other donors.

This year's funding focuses on better governance, with projects aiming at further reinforcement of administrative capacity, more efficient use of EU assistance, adoption and enforcement of EU standards, further support to reforms in public administration, as well as in the judiciary and fundamental rights and the continued support to the fight against organised crime and corruption.

Details per country: 


Amount in EUR

Main sectors financed



Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights, public administration reform, transport, environment and climate change, social development, agriculture and rural development

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Public administration reform, justice and home affairs, private sector development, transport, environment and climate change, social development



General administrative strengthening relevant to the post–accession period, with a particular focus on the justice, home affairs and fundamental rights sector



Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights, public administration reform, social development



Preparation for acquis implementation, strengthening of administrative capacity, contribution to socio-economic development



Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights; private sector-led economic development; public administration reform



Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights, public administration reform, social development, environment and climate change



Strengthening of the rule of law and public administration, overcoming of the economic crisis and improvement of competitiveness, support to social inclusion and reconciliation

Turkey (including participation in European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument)


Justice, home affairs and fundamental rights; environment and climate change; support to Turkey's participation in Union programmes; economic and social development in the Black Sea region

Multi-beneficiary and other programmes


SME development and infrastructure, statistical cooperation, regional cooperation in trade, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus (regional programmes), Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, Audit and Evaluation, Information & Communication, overall support to civil society organisations (Civil Society Facility), technical assistance on the transposition of EU legislation (TAIEX), Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (EU contribution 53%), International Civilian Office (ICO) in Kosovo1 (EU contribution 50%), Cross Border Cooperation programme Kosovo-Montenegro.



Since 2007, countries wishing to join the EU have received focused EU funding and support through a single channel – the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). The total pre-accession funding for the period 2007-2013 is €11.5 billion. IPA consists of five components:

  • Component I: Transition Assistance and Institution Building
  • Component II: Cross-Border Cooperation
  • Component III: Regional Development
  • Component IV: Human Resources Development
  • Component V: Rural Development

The execution of EU pre-accession aid under the IPA programme begins with the definition of the Commission's intentions in terms of indicative financial allocations. This is followed by the adoption of the strategies, based on the countries' specific needs, which have been adopted over the last few weeks setting out the priorities for EU financial assistance for the period 2011-2013. The next step is the preparation, along with the beneficiaries, of programmes to set the frame for the yearly financial allocation. Finally, the programmes are implemented through specific projects on the country or at the regional level.

For more information:

Source: Reference:  IP/11/1570    Date:  20/12/2011

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on December 21, 2011
Modified on December 21, 2011