News archive - [Event Announcement] 4th annual Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital of the Regional Cooperation Council meeting

4th annual Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital of the Regional Cooperation Council meeting will take place on November 10 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia. This meeting will be kindly hosted by the Serbian Ministry of Education and Science. This occasion will present itself as an opportunity to summarize major achievements in the work of the Task Force in the past year and to decide upon next steps.

The Annual Task Force meeting will be held back-to-back with the 15th ERI SEE Governing Board and Consultative Body meeting scheduled on November 11 2011.

Further details on both meetings will be provided soon by the CEP on behalf of the ERI SEE, and by the Task Force Secretariat.

Source:  Task Force Newsletter, no 7

Date: 10 November 2011 from to

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on March 12, 2012
Modified on May 12, 2012