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... projects to strengthen cooperation within the FP The FYR of Macedonia had successful numbers as for the proportion of proposals and approvals with over 15% success rate in both cooperation and capacities. Montenergo was also successful, although less so in the field of Cooperation, but this was compensated under Capacities. Serbia is very active, mostly in ICT, with over 15% rate of approval. Serbia is also starting to be successful in collaborative research, which is more finance-intensive.   Source: Minutes of the 8th Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries, Belgrade, June 24, 2010.   Within the frame of the 8th Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for ...
... and research centres. Branch Offices in the WBC To make use of the services offered by the Enterprise Europe Network, please contact a branch office in your vicinity: Bosnia and Hercegovina (Banja Luka, Mostar, Sarajevo, Zenica) Croatia (Osijek, Rijeka, Split, Varazdin, Zagreb) FYR of Macedonia (Skopje) Montenegro (Bar, Podgorica) Serbia (Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad)   Source:
Conclusions of the 8th Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries (Belgrade, 24 June 2010). Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries: Conclusions of the 8th Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries, Belgrade, 24 June 2010. WBC-INCO.NET
The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries met in Belgrade on 24 June 2010. The meeting was co-chaired by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Republic of Serbia on behalf of the Western Balkan Countries – who hosted the event – and the European Commission. The presentations of the progress reports again showed that both the Balkan countries and the other platform members and stakeholders had taken many actions over the last six months to strengthen their research ...
This catalogue contains an overview on all projects funded under FP7 COOPERATION Theme 6 – Environment (Including Climate Change) from 2007 to 2010. European Commission/DG Research: COOPERATION Theme 6 – Environment (Including Climate Change) Catalogue of FP7 projects 2007 - 2010, 2010. DG Research
... these preliminary proposals are selected for the second phase. Successful applicants are then invited to submit a full proposal. Eligibility:  Only the institutions of the 36 COST countries can propose an action. The following WBC are cost member countries at the moment: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Further detail: Click here to proceed directly to the online application page. The FAQ section also answers Open Call specific questions. Please click here to see the COST guidelines. In case of any other questions, please contact   COST invites researchers ...
... number of partners and partner countries involved (in South-Eastern and Eastern Europe); not less than 15%; and not more than 50%.   Partner countries for consortium partners: Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Georgia Kazakhstan Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99) FYR of Macedonia Moldavia Montenegro Romania Russia Serbia Turkey Ukraine Source and further information:, as accessed on July 6, 2010. COIN – Cooperation & Innovation – is a joint initiative launched by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family ...
The present document is the result of a process that started in spring 2009 and aims at providing a new impetus to the RCC’s work in the coming three-year period by making use of its potential and focusing on the lines described above. This process involved an intense dialogue both within the RCC and between it and donor community. The document consists of a general part, ("Strategy"), and the "Work Programme 2011-2013". The Strategy defines the permanent ...
This report contains a statistical analysis of data on Grant Agreements in FP7 signed before April 1, 2010. European Commission/DG Research: Fifth Progress Report on SMEs participation in the 7th R&D Framework Programme, June 2010. EC.
28% Institute for Territorial Economic Development Organisation 29. Jun. 2010
... established in 2006 with the mission of promoting and advancing sustainable socio-economic territorial development in the Western Balkans. InTER's goal is to become a leading policy research centre in the field of territorial development in the Western Balkans. InTER is registered with the Business Registry Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Public Services of the Government of Kosovo. This twofold registration gives InTER the requisite legal status to provide its services in all Western Balkan countries. The central focus of InTER’s work is evidence-based policy making in the field of territorial development, as well as to ...
84% Croatia-Serbia Cross border Programme Link 28. Jun. 2010
The overall objective of the IPA Cross-Border Programme Croatia-Serbia is to stimulate cross-border cooperation in order to diversify and improve the regional economy in a socially and environmentally sustainable way, whilst at the same time improving good neighbourly relations across the border. The programme has been jointly developed by both participating countries based on the partnership principle. The programme document IPA Cross-border programme Croatia-Serbia 2007-2013 has been adopted ...
30% RCC Annual Report 2009-2010 Document 25. Jun. 2010
The "Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional co-operation in South East Europe" deals with the RCC's activities in 2009-2010 (publication date: May 2010). It reports about general trends in regional cooperation in South East Europe, developments in priority areas of regional cooperation in South East Europe within the RCC framework (such as Economic and Social Development, Infrastructure and Energy etc) and outlines 'the way ahead'. ...
85% News from Serbia News 24. Jun. 2010
... President Boris Tadic stressed that the investment in science and education is an investment in the economic development and the future of Serbia, announcing that the government will invest € 400 million in this sector over the next five years. Tadic added that according to the assessment of international institutions, Serbia is “a scientific star in the rise”. A Serbia that does not lag behind, but is at the forefront of scientific and technological development in certain areas is a Serbia from which its citizens, the region and Europe will benefit, the President said. He noted that Serbia does not lack human resources and by investing in them it can ...
... their home countries are scarce. An additional problem is restricted mobility. Even today, visa restrictions create a barrier for international networking, especially for researchers and scientists coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), differentiating them also from their colleagues from the FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and thus, marginalizing them even more. The RRPP has been supporting the new generation of social scientists and researchers in the WBCs for almost two years now, paying special attention to the inclusion of female researchers. The programme covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), the FYR of ...
... FP implementation. Euroinvent: Croatian Inventors Win 18 Awards Inventors from Croatia won the Grand Prix for best group performance and 17 other awards at Euroinvent, an exhibition of innovations and new technologies held in the Romanian city of Ia∫i from May 7 to 9, 2010. Bilateral Cooperation with Serbia The Croatian Minister of Science Radovan Fuchs and his Serbian counterpart Božidar Đelic met in Zagreb on May 13, 2010 to discuss bilateral cooperation and joint scientific projects. 21 bilateral initiatives are currently being implemented, mainly in the field of biotechnology. Several workshops as well as a joint Science Day ...
... principles of the “Charter and Code”. Besides, the University is very much aware of the clear benefit of becoming internationally visible and thus, raising its overall attractiveness. On February 5, 2010 during the 26th Annual Meeting and General Assembly of the Danube Rectors’ Conference in Novi Sad, Serbia, the University of Novi Sad signed the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers ...
... long-term, the activities are expected to bring forward and to improve the capabilities of R&D organisations in SEE to demonstrate their research outcomes and at the same time will facilitate the access of companies to innovative results. The INTERVALUE project includes partners from Greece, Italy, Hungary,Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and the FYR of Macedonia. Another project impacting the SEE region from a different viewpoint is the YOU RESPOND project (funded by the DAPHNE III programme of DG Justice, Freedom and Security). The project is the outcome of a seminar organised by SEERC and the University of Sheffield in Thessaloniki ...
... of its South East European Science Cooperation Initiative The deadline of the call was February 23, 2010. The ASO received a total of 28 project proposals; the six best rated proposals including research institutions from Austria, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) and Serbia will be funded. The total funding available for this call for proposals is € 120,000. More information on the funded projects will be available soon on the ASO website. Author: Andrea Mayr. The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office in Ljubljana (ASO Ljubljana) has evaluated the project proposals ...
The event gathered ministries and high-level representatives responsible for science and higher education from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia, Greece, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey as well as representatives from other European countries and European and international organisations (such as the EU, RCC, ESF and COST). The event’s main goal was to contribute to fostering regional and international cooperation to enhance the competitivenes of SEE countries in the European and ...
... Board will approve the list of Joint European Research Projects to be funded in the frame of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS. We will keep you updated with further details when available. The 8th Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries will be held in Belgrade, Serbia on June 24, 2010. It will be co-chaired by thh EC, Spain as the current EU presidency and Serbia on behalf of the WBC ...
29% TEMPUS: Statistics for WBC Available News 16. Jun. 2010
... nbsp;involvement can be observed. The numbers of submissions per country (as a coordinator/as a partner) are the following:  Albania: 2 / 23 (5 %) Bosnia and Hercegovina: 5 / 33 (7 %) Croatia: not eligible in the 2010 call  FYR of Macedonia: 6 / 41 (9 %) Montenegro: 2 / 17 (4 %) Serbia: 18 / 49 (11 %) Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244): 3 / 20 (4 %) Out of all 27 countries involved, the largest percentage of applications was received from the Russian Federation (28 percent), followed by the Ukraine (25 percent) and Serbia on the third rank (11 percent). The FYR of Macedonia shares the ...
... selected by Western Balkan countries’ science & research communities. The questionnaire included personal opinions and all stakeholders: Education and Research, Business and Social communities; and it was disseminated through respondent’s base of all Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244, Montenegro, and Serbia). Survey respondents from Western Balkan countries chose as national priorities the same fields of science (research themes) as in WP2 of the WBC.INCO.NET project – Priorities setting in order to structure participation of researchers from Western Balkan countries in research programmes in the European Union. So-called regional research priorities ...
In his article “The Western Balkans in 2010: One step forward, two steps back?”, Hannes Swoboda, Member of the European Parliament, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the EP, the Vice-President of the S&D Group and as well as the rapporteur of the European Parliament for Croatia, presents an overview of the current situation in the Western Balkans in 2010 as well as in the region concerned, with an emphasis on the role of Croatia. Hannes Swoboda, “The Western Balkans in 2010: One ...
... integration. Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) , Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. The Oesterreichische Nationalbank shall receive the work submitted for this award, by October 4, 2010, and the work shall be sent by e-mail or in hard copy to Ms Eva Gehringer-Wasserbauer, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Foreign Research Division, PO Box 61, A-1011 Vienna, Austria. To identify ...
... Technology Entrepreneurship Challenge at the University of California, Berkeley. Participants will receive coaching from local and US mentors, access to webinars and feedback on their idea from experts. The following countries are eligible: Bosnia-Hercegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic France Germany Greece Hungary Israel FYR of Macedonia Montenegro Poland Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Turkey United Kingdom Further information is available on Source: Information provided by organisers. The Intel Challenge business plan competition is open to students and young researchers in the fileds of development of technologies that may include, but are not limited to the areas ...
... such as medical insurance, books, or other academic material); or transportation costs (travel to/from university, conferences, etc.) Eligibility: The Global Supplementary Grant Program (GSGP) is available to citizens of the following: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Only students who have been accepted into a full-time doctoral (Ph.D.) program at an accredited university are eligible to apply. Contact: Global Supplementary Grant Program – Europe, Open Society Foundation, Scholarship Programs, Cambridge House, 100 Cambridge Grove, London W6 0LE, United Kingdom Candidates are ...
28% Brussels Centre for Integration and Development Organisation 31. May. 2010
The Centre for Integration and Development (B-CID) is an independent, not-for-profit organization, committed to making European integration work, to speed up Serbia and the Western Balkan countries integration process, as well focused to contribute to the International Development, cooperation and to the MDGs within the ACP countries. The B-CID works at the ‘cutting edge’ of European and global policy-making providing its members and the wider public with rapid, high-quality information and analysis ...
The publication Science and Education Policies in Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucasus and Baltic Countries /(Chisinau; 2008 Science Policy Series n°7) provides insights on subjects related to the linkages between higher education and research and their importance for the development of a knowledge based society in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucasus and Baltic Countries. Experiences from other regions are also included. The following topics are addressed ...
30% The Lisbon Review 2010 Document 20. May. 2010
The World Economic Forum’s study is the fifth and final review in a biennial series that assesses the progress made by EU Member countries in the far-reaching goals of the EU’s Lisbon Strategy of economic and structural reforms. In addition to assessing the performance of 27 existing EU Members, it also measures the competitive performance of EU candidates and potential candidate countries. WEF: The Lisbon Review 2010, May 2010. WEF ...
... an effective local development of involved territories and for long-term partnerships at regional level and with the Italian system of decentralized cooperation. The call is open to public and private research organisations ("host  institutions") legally established in Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia with demonstrated capabilities in  conducting policy-oriented research on democratic governance and local  development in SEE, on decentralised and international cooperation as  well as on European enlargement issues. Each researcher will deal with one territory, to be indicated in the application and to be chosen among the following ...
... well. A list of signatories from all countries is available at The following number of researchers from the Western Balkans have already signed the petition:  Albania - 6 Bosnia and Hercegovina - 9 Croatia - 9 FYR of Macedonia - 10 Montenegro - 4 Serbia - 39 Source and further information: So far, more than 12,500 researchers have signed the 'Trust Researchers' petition, asking for a simplification of FP rules. The signatures will be handed over to the European Parliament on June 8, 2010 ...
The WBC Regional model of university-enterprise cooperation“ covers the following issues: EU legislation, stimulation and achievements in University - enterprise cooperation, State of the art in the WBC, available resources, needs and obstacles Examples of good practice through case studies of 15 EU Universtities Propsed model, i.e. recommendations for modernisation of the Universities in the region and their approach towards the needs of the society and economy, establishment of ...
... region (like e.g. The Western Balkan Countries INCO-NET, Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries etc.). Who can apply  Research Managers and Research Administrators, from both governmental and academic levels, from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia. Applications for participation of female research managers are highly encouraged. Early stage career researchers who have not yet administered research projects but intend to do so as part of their career development plan can also apply. Language: English Organisational and contact details: Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office (ASO) Ljubljana ...
This report has been organized by the Human Rights Center of the University of Sarajevo for the University of Freiburg (UF) as a part of the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP), supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The Report provides a survey into the current state of research capacities and research funding opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). It reviews research capacities of selected state and private higher education ...
The report provides an analysis of the current situation and policies regarding research in social sciences in Kosovo, public institutions involved in research and that support research activities, main research institutes that conduct research and key financial sources that finance research activities in Kosovo. The scientific and research activity in Kosovo is mainly organized within public and private institutions (universities, independent research institutes, think-tanks, NGO’s, and ...
... the formulation of related strategies and public policies; 3) provision of consulting services in the formulation of public policies, development strategies, monitoring and evaluation of development projects, public opinion research, and cultural management. In the previous period CECS has realized three large-scale social research studies: "Social and Cultural Capital in Serbia" (2010-2011) "Fields of Symbolic Contestation in Serbia" (2011-2012) and the regional project "Resistance to Socio-Economic Changes in Westen Balkan Societies“ (2012-2013), while its members have participated in the development of a large number of policy documents (cultural development strategies for the cities of Niš, Vranje and Novi Pazar in Serbia, that is, Kotor, Tivat, and Herceg Novi ...
... 1) Vienna University of Economics and Business (1) Johannes Kepler University Linz (1) University of Klagenfurt (4) Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck (2) Karl-Franzens University Graz (5) University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (1) Austria - FYR of Macedonia (1 agreement): Karl-Franzens University Graz (1) Austria - Montenegro: no agreement established Austria - Serbia (13 agreements): Technical University Vienna (2) University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (1) Vienna University of Economics and Business (1) University of Salzburg (1) Johannes Kepler University Linz (1) Karl-Franzens University Graz (5) Technical University Graz (2) Furthermore, one agreement has been established between the Technical University Vienna and Kosovo ...
... not be scanned, they must be sent by post or by fax), an announcement of the application by email until latest 30th of May 2010 is indispensable! See also: For students of Universities in Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, who are presently enrolled in a Master- or PhD-Programme in the field of History, philology or political sciences. Deadline: May 30, 2010 ...
... The conference to be held in Sarajevo this June should make a complete success and will be a turning point in the context of European involvement in the Western Balkans Moratinos explained that he and his Turkish counterpart Davutoglu had come to Belgrade for several reasons, the main being that Serbia is a central player in the Western Balkans. “We came to support the joint vision of the Western Balkans in the EU, but also to define steps for realizing this vision,” Moratinos said. Sources: and ...
30% NCDIEL Profile Document 20. Apr. 2010
Short description of the National centre for development of innovation and entrepreneurship learning (NCDIEL) of the FYR of Macedonia.  Prof. Radmil Polenakovic
The Report provides an overview of the main institutions involved in the field of social sciences in Serbia, as well as an analysis of difficulties and challenges for scientific research. The findings show that younger researchers are especially affected by the unsatisfactory situation in this field, having few opportunities for career advancement in their home country. Furthermore, although researchers and institutions are eligible for applying for the extensive ...
... or research results) that can be related to the topic: "Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans". • The papers to be presented can deal with the region in general or with the change-processes in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia in particular. • For more information about the RRPP current research projects, please go to the RRPP Web site. The selected candidates will be able to present and discuss their work in one of the methodological or thematic workshops, where the RRPP researchers will also present their research projects, methodology ...
... could be researchers or developers from research institutions, NGOs, administrations or companies based in the WBC. Research ideas could eventually be turned into project proposals to be financed by FP7/ICT. Ideas are expected from Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Kosovo/UNMIK 1244/99, Montenegro and Serbia. Awards: The six best ideas will be awarded participation to the ICT 2010 event in Brussels. In addition the winners will receive support to write a proposal or be included in a proposal to FP7/ICT. PLEASE NOTE: all project ideas received will be treated confidentially and not disclosed ...
The Declaration of the Danube Summit on 25th February 2010 in Budapest, adopted by the representatives of the Governments of Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Declaration of the Danube Summit on 25th February 2010 in Budapest, Budapest 2010.
Eligibility: GSGP is available to citizens of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Kyrgyzstan, the FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Please note that this is a supplementary program and is not intended for full funding. Applicants must be able to demonstrate additional support from other sources. Deadline: The deadline for students pursuing a Ph.D. in Asia, Australia, North America, or the Middle East is ...
30% European Innovation Scoreboard 2009 Document 22. Mar. 2010
... innovation outputs. Overall innovation performance is calculated on the basis of 29 indicators covering seven dimensions of innovation, which are grouped in three main blocks, covering enablers, firm activities and outputs. The EIS 2009 includes innovation indicators and trend analyses for the EU27 Member States as well as for Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. Pro Inno Europe: European Innovation Scoreboard 2009, 2010. Pro-Inno Europe
... ready to implement reforms, adding that the reaction of the international community to the conference has been positive. EU Enlargement Commissioner visits Balkans Štefan FÜLE , European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy is paying an official visit to the Western Balkans region this week (March 17 to 19), visiting Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Albania. Before his departure Commissioner Füle stated: ''I want to firmly anchor the Western Balkans region in the European perspective. But each country will be judged on its own merits, according to the membership criteria. I will discuss with my interlocutors in these ...
... within a framework established and overseen by public authorities.   Please click here to read the full declaration. Further conference documentation: Note that in the Bologna Process Independent Assessment (Overview and Conclusions, Detailed Report, Case studies and appendices) a case study on Serbia is being provided (see case studies report). The ministers responsible for higher education in the countries participating in the Bologna Process (currently comprising 47 states, including the Western Balkans and several international organisations), met in Budapest and Vienna on March 11 and 12, 2010 to launch the European Higher Education ...
28% Forum for Information Society Development LOGIN Organisation 17. Mar. 2010
Trends 2010 is the latest in a report series contributing to the discussions in the Bologna Process. Trends reports are generally timed with the biannual ministerial meetings and track progress of Bologna implementation, within a two-year timescale. Trends 2010 is different. The report has been timed to coincide with the launch of the European Higher Education Area in March 2010 and has a much larger scope both in its focus and longitudinal aspect. Not only does the report examine the ...
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