Brussels Centre for Integration and Development


The Centre for Integration and Development (B-CID) is an independent, not-for-profit organization, committed to making European integration work, to speed up Serbia and the Western Balkan countries integration process, as well focused to contribute to the International Development, cooperation and to the MDGs within the ACP countries. The B-CID works at the ‘cutting edge’ of European and global policy-making providing its members and the wider public with rapid, high-quality information and analysis on the EU and global policy agenda, information dissemination on the EU structural, cohesion and development funds, as well access to other Finance Development and PE & Venture Capital Funds, education and complete project management. It aims to promote a balanced dialogue between the different constituencies of its membership and partnership spanning all aspects of economic, social and political life, communicating daily with all relevant institutions, bodies, and key players, in order to lobby for our strategy and mission goals and values. In line with its multi-constituency approach, members of the B-CID comprise companies, professional and business federations, trade unions, regional and local bodies, government institutions, as well as NGOs representing a broad range of civil society interests, foundations, international and religious organizations. Institutions we are covering with our scope of work and operations: - European Parliament; European Commission; Council of the European Union; European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions; European Investment Bank and Fund; European Central Bank, all specialized EU agencies, - Majority of the most recognized and represented professional and business associations, interest groups, consultancies and research centers, - FUNDS and Budget lines like: IPA, 7FP, EDF, CIP, ProInvest, EDFI, DG AIDCO open calls and tenders, Youth in Action, MEDIA, Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci Programmes, INTERREG IV and others which are programmed and oriented to cohesion and development, which are coming from the EU structures and private sector. The B-CID is providing services of a complete Project Management Cycle in the fields of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with international institutions and agencies: European Commission (primary focus), EBRD, USAID, World Bank, SIDA, etc. The B-CID has great network of cooperators and freelance consultants with wide range of expertise.

  • Association/NGO
Contact details
Phone:+32 (2) 550 3754
Fax:+32 (2) 7 915 480
Address:Place du Champ de Mars 5, 1050 Brussels, Belgium, 1050 Brussels
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Related users

Entry created by Vladimir Bozic on May 31, 2010
Modified on March 12, 2014