Institute for Territorial Economic Development



InTER – the Institute for Territorial Economic Development – is a fast growing independent think tank, established in 2006 with the mission of promoting and advancing sustainable socio-economic territorial development in the Western Balkans. InTER's goal is to become a leading policy research centre in the field of territorial development in the Western Balkans.

InTER is registered with the Business Registry Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Public Services of the Government of Kosovo. This twofold registration gives InTER the requisite legal status to provide its services in all Western Balkan countries.

The central focus of InTER’s work is evidence-based policy making in the field of territorial development, as well as to support capacity building of the public sector (principally public administration organisations and local self governments), private sector and civil society organisations. The support offered by InTER is primarily focused on conducting research, evaluations and analyses, development of organizational and management capacities, identification and exploring funding opportunities, as well as to preparing project proposals and implementing projects. InTER attaches great importance to the horizontal issues such as environment, gender equality and creating equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups.

The main focus of InTER's activities are:

-       Promotion of regionalism, decentralization and good governance principles;

-       Supporting processes of regional and local sustainable socio-economic development;

-       Private sector development, advancement of SMEs competitiveness and clustering;

-       Support to public sector reform at the local and regional level;

-       Capacity building of public and private sector, including CSOs;

-       Support to absorption of development-aid through programming, monitoring and evaluation of donor interventions.

More information about InTER is available at the official website:

  • Association/NGO
  • Research Institute
Contact details
Address:Vlajkoviceva 29 , 11000 Belgrade
Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • SEE
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General
  • Social Sciences
Related users

Entry created by Dragisa Mijacic on June 29, 2010
Modified on April 6, 2012