News archive - Spain Supports EU Integration of Western Balkans

Spanish Foreign Affairs Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos began a tour of the Balkans on Tuesday as a representative of the Spanish EU presidency. He said that Spain is ready to continue to provide assistance to the Western Balkan countries on their way of integration into the EU, and expressed the hope that greater progress for the entire region will be made by the end of the Spanish EU presidency at the end of June this year.

Moratinos added that he is confident that it will be possible 'to announce a date for beginning accession negotiations' with the FYR of Macedoniaby the end of June. The conference to be held in Sarajevo this June should make a complete success and will be a turning point in the context of European involvement in the Western Balkans

Moratinos explained that he and his Turkish counterpart Davutoglu had come to Belgrade for several reasons, the main being that Serbia is a central player in the Western Balkans. “We came to support the joint vision of the Western Balkans in the EU, but also to define steps for realizing this vision,” Moratinos said.

Sources: and as accessed on April 21, 2010.

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 21, 2010
Modified on April 21, 2010