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... selected countries. The lack of data is more pronounced in the case of Kosovo. Diaspora mapping and creation of a database for distinct categories of migrants can help in mainstreaming migration into development plans. (p56f; Brain Circulation and the role of Diaspora in the Balkans - Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, 2013) Bosnia and Herzegovina The BiH diaspora option and strategic planning in this regard is still in what could be denoted as an early phase of articulation, since the only state institution explicitly dealing with the diaspora is a Department within the State Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees. In a more advanced phase ...
... various scholarly disciplines, the project participants are to engage in consultative workshops with national and EU level offices for European integration of the Western Balkan countries.   Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON United Kingdom Participants INSTITUT ZA ETNOLOGIJU I FOLKLORISTIKU Croatia UNIVERZA V MARIBORU Slovenia CENTAR ZA INTRADISCIPLINARNA PRIMIJENJENA DRUSTVENA ISTRAZIVANJA Bosnia and Herzegovina CENTER FOR EMPIRICAL CULTURAL STUDIES OF SOUTH EAST EUROPE Serbia INSTITUTE FOR DEMOCRACY SOCIETAS CIVILIS SKOPJE Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia QENDRA E KERKIMEVE HISTORIKE DHE ANTROPOLOGJIKE Albania SOCIAL RESEARCH KOSOVA LLC Kosovo RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE Latvia     G M T     Detect languageAfrikaansAlbanianArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBasqueBelarusianBengaliBosnianBulgarianCatalanCebuanoChichewaChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)CroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchGalicianGeorgianGermanGreekGujaratiHaitian ...
... Europe. Its objective is to help boost investment in innovative companies to promote jobs and growth." Borislav Kostadinov, member of the management board of ProCredit Holding added: “We are proud that ProCredit is the first group of banks to sign the umbrella InnovFin SME Guarantee for its operations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and Serbia. This will stimulate innovative ideas and investments by our clients and thus enable them to increase their competitiveness. As the leading “house bank” for small and medium-sized enterprises in this region, we know that modern technology, innovative thinking and environmental orientation are key factors ...
... II Programme is centrally run by the European Commission, which is in charge of programming, implementation and monitoring of the Programme’s implementation. (The text of the call for proposals below was originally published by the BiH Directorate for European Integration at Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina The European Commission has designed and delivered drafts of parts of Actions envisaged to be implemented under Multi-Country IPA programme in 2016 to the national IPA coordinators and requested comments to be delivered. Civil society organisations and other interested stakeholders are hereby invited to deliver their comments on the above ...
The Strategy is defined in a Communication  from the European Commission (2014), accompanied by an Action Plan which presents the objectives and concrete pillars and topics of the Adriatic-Ionian Strategy. For a prosperous and integrated Adriatic and Ionian Region (English version) Brochure in all EUSAIR languages General Affairs Council Conclusions of 29 September 2014 Endorsement by the European Council - 23 and 24 October 2014 Supportive analytical document accompanying the ...
The South East Europe 2020 strategy of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) has been published in 2013 and complemented by the SEE 2020 Baseline Report: Towards Regional Growth reflecting the work on the implementation in 2014. The goal of the South East Europe (SEE) 2020 strategy of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), is to improve living conditions in the region and bring competitiveness and development back in focus, closely following the vision of the EU strategy Europe 2020. It ...
The Strategy is defined in a Communication from the European Commission (2010) The EUSDR Action Plan  Council Conclusions (2011) on the EUSDR Commission Report (2013) on the added value of macro-regional strategies Council Conclusions (2013) on the added value of macro-regional strategies Commission Report (2013) concerning the EUSDR Commission Report (2014) on the governance of macro-regional strategies Joint Statement (2014) of Ministers ...
46% Adriatic & Ionian Initiative Organisation 27. Jan. 2016
The Adriatic & Ionian Initiative (AII) (which includes eight Members: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia) aims to strengthen regional cooperation in order to promote political and economic stability, thus creating a solid base for the process of European integration.
Providing think tanks from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia with training and networking opportunities, the TRAIN Programme seeks to foster a fruitful policy dialogue between think tanks and political actors in the Western Balkans. During a series of seminars, participants will receive training on the conduct and efficient communication of policy research and will ...
... Abstract: In the past decades, many countries around the globe faced the consequences of the brain drain phenomenon. Bosnia and Herzegovina is not an exemption in this regard. As the prospects  for  mobility  change,  it  is  reasonable  to  expect  that  this  would  also  affect  the movement  of highly skilled  individuals.  Meanwhile,  BiH has ...
This publication has been produced within the framework of the research project "Connecting the Scientific Diaspora of the Republic of Moldova to the scientific and socio-economic development of the home country" which was implemented by Academy of Sciences of Moldova. However, few chapters of the book are dedicated to South East European countries, and thus might be of interest for readers as well. ...
... 2013 to 14 July 2017. Please find all related information in pdf attached below. Source: ERAWEB   Erasmus Mundus-Western Balkans (ERAWEB) is announcing call for applications 2016 for academic mobility scholarships in thematic fields related to MEDICINE, HEALTH and PUBLIC HEALTH unter: ERASMUS MUNDUS - Action 2 Partnerships: Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia.   ...
48% Analytical Study of Montenegrin Diaspora Document 29. Dec. 2015
This Study was conducted under Government of Montenegro’s five-year project entitled “Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness” (HERIC). This Study examines available data to assess the plausibility of scientific  Diaspora’s  involvement  in  innovation  processes  inside  Montenegro. This  is  achieved through an analysis of Diaspora’s potential, as well as of Montenegro’s legal and institutional framework, current policies ...
The main purpose of the scholarship is to enable scientific staff of universities to do research at Austrian universities in the context of master or doctoral studies (an age limit of 40 years applies, priority is given to PhD candidates). targeted countries: Applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The role of WUS Austria is to promote the program and provide information to interested persons; further information can also be obtained at the Institute of International Law and International Relations/University of Graz, which is in charge of selecting the candidates. Implementation ...
... nbsp; Deadline of abstract submission 13 March 2016 Notification of acceptance 18 March 2016 Conference Dates 27-31 May 2016 Further information is available from the Conference Website.  The International University of Sarajevo is announcing the International Congress on Applied Biological Sciences'2016, which will take place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on May 27-31, 2016 ...
... nbsp; Deadline of abstract submission 13 March 2016 Notification of acceptance 18 March 2016 Conference Dates 27-31 May 2016 Further information is available from the Conference Website.  The International University of Sarajevo is announcing the International Congress on Applied Biological Sciences'2016, which will take place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on May 27-31, 2016. Sarajevo
... key reforms. On this basis, the Council of the EU called on Bosnia and Herzegovina to maintain positive momentum by continuing to implement the reforms, in cooperation with civil society. Meaningful progress in the implementation of the Reform Agenda is necessary for the EU to consider a membership application from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Council also called on Bosnia and Herzegovina to focus on the improvement of the socio-economic situation in order to make further progress in EU integration and avoid attention being diverted by a discussion on a possible holding of an entity-level referendum on State Judiciary. The SA Council recalled that the SAA will help Bosnia and Herzegovina harmonising ...
... are currently working on a research project in the field of social sciences at public or private research centers (higher education institutions, research institutes, think tanks), who have gained their master’s degree in the field of social sciences at a university in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), and who live and work in the region. The Research Academy is designed as a summer school composed of several linked one-day modules. During the program of the Research Academy junior researchers will be guided through all stages of the research process and the sessions ...
Abstract The main purpose of the paper is to accent the importance of the quality of FDI as a way of stimulation and encouragement the innovation activities in the host country. One of the benefits that come from the inward FDI is the possibility of transferring new technologies, but the most favorable benefits come from the possibility of using the inward location for development of new technologies. The FDI could have positive contribution to the qualitative improvement in the production ...
... prosperity and will support the political and economic reform process of the countries on their EU accession path", said Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. Support for reforms The funding comes under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II), and will be available to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. It will support further democratic and economic reforms, the modernisation of the judiciary and of public administration, as well as regional cooperation. Investment in Connectivity The package notably includes a €155 million programme to help fund major regional infrastructure ...
... well as participation in various initiatives that PolicyHub will organize, feel free to contact the editors and suggest topics you would like to write about at: Possible formats are: policy brief, policy memorandum, discussion paper, working paper, interview or blog post, in English or official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. PolicyHub is a part of the Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) in the Western Balkans. In addition, PolicyHub is also supported through the project Policy Initiative: Developing Capacity for Research in the Field of Public Policy, funded by the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina. For additional information, visit the ...
... well as participation in various initiatives that PolicyHub will organize, feel free to contact the editors and suggest topics you would like to write about at: Possible formats are: policy brief, policy memorandum, discussion paper, working paper, interview or blog post, in English or official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. PolicyHub is a part of the Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) in the Western Balkans. In addition, PolicyHub is also supported through the project Policy Initiative: Developing Capacity for Research in the Field of Public Policy, funded by the Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina. For additional information, visit the ...
... are currently working on a research project in the field of social sciences at public or private research centers (higher education institutions, research institutes, think tanks), who have gained their master’s degree in the field of social sciences at a university in the countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), and who live and work in the region. The Research Academy is designed as a summer school composed of several linked one-day modules. During the program of the Research Academy junior researchers will be guided through all stages of the research process and the sessions ...
... Strategy, of the EU macro-regional Strategy for the Danube Region and of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region.    Background The "Interreg-IPA CBC Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro" programme includes 12 NUTS III regions in Croatia, 10 municipalities in Montenegro, and the Brčko District alongside 109 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The five main priorities of the programme are: 1.  Improving the quality of services in public health and social care in the programme area. 2.  Protecting the environment, improving risk prevention and promoting energy efficiency. 3.  Contributing to the development of tourism and to the preservation of ...
... year’s launch.   - The European Social Innovation Competition team The European Social Innovation Competition team announced today via video the three winners with ideas for ‘New Ways to Grow’ that will share the €150,000 prize! And the winners are… sit-in beekeeping foundation Apiform from Bosnia and Herzegovina peer-to-peer homestay model for older people The Freebird Club from Ireland accessible car sharing platform Wheeliz from France ...
... on around 1% of GDP on R&D, while other countries in the region spend up to 0,3% of GDP). Following the Progress Reports 2014 for WBC within the “Enlargement package” adopted each year by the Commission - the progress made in Science and Research is assessed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo as limited, in Serbia some progress and FYR of Macedonia and Montenegro good progress was identified. In Albania further capacity building and investment in research are required to ensure integration into the ERA and contribution to the Innovation Union. Also increased efforts for successful participation in Horizon 2020 ...
This  Regular  Economic  Report  (RER)  covers  economic  developments,  prospects,  and  economic policies in six South Eastern European countries (SEE6): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.
... Please find attached the country presentations (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia) prepared by National Erasmus+ Offices from the region and held at the Networking Seminar “EU-Higher Education Cooperation between Germany and Western Balkan region”. This event was organised on September 23-24, 2015 in cooperation with the DAAD Information Center Belgrade, the National Erasmus+ Office in Serbia and ...
... 2015) Ms. Saja Kosanović, Faculty of Technical Sciences Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovoi Mr. Mithat Smailbegović, State University of Novi Pazar, Serbia Priorities and possibilities for cooperation with the Western Balkans / Current trends and challenges Serbia, Ms. Sofija Dukic, National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) Serbia Albania, Ms. Blerjana Bino, European University of Tirana Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms. Nena Markovic, National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovoi, Mr. Goran Lazic, National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) Kosovoi Montenegro, Ms. Vanja Drljevic, National Erasmus+ Office (NEO)          Presentation of project ideas from German conference participants Friday, 25 September 2015 DAAD Funding possibilities for bilateral cooperation between Germany and the region Ms ...
... TRAINEE PROGRAM & INTERNSHIP Graduates or students in economics or law at accredited universities in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” as well as students from the University of Graz who come from one of these countries will be given the opportunity to complete a  trainee program or an internship program at the Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank or in another Styrian business ...
... TRAINEE PROGRAM & INTERNSHIP Graduates or students in economics or law at accredited universities in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” as well as students from the University of Graz who come from one of these countries will be given the opportunity to complete a  trainee program or an internship program at the Steiermärkische Sparkasse Bank or in another Styrian business ...
... Tel: 00355-2422-3113; Fax: 00355-2422-3113                       ;  Ana Dervishi, Irena Topalli Rifat Demalija Bosnia and Herzegovina PRONI Brčko – Center for Youth Development Mehmedagića 24, Brčko Distrikt 76100      Tel: + 387 49 217 695; Fax: + 387 49 217 695; Slavka Bulić-Zovko Kosovo * LIGO LEX LEGIS Zahir pajaziti Blv., 4-I, N˙ 21, 1000 Prishtina ...
Participation to the contact seminar was free of charge, here you can find more info about the programme: Programme and practical information (pdf) Participants List of participants (xls) Compendium of participants (pdf) Country presentations Albania The Albanian higher education system (pdf.) Bosnia-Herzegovina Higher Education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Suad Muhibic, NEO Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf.) Summary of Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf.) Denmark Danish Education System in graph (pdf.) Description of the Danish Education System (pdf.) Estonia Estonian Higher Education System, Helve Rammul, Archimedes Foundation (pdf.) Estonian Higher Education overview (pdf.) Finland Higher Education in Finland, Sini Piippo, CIMO (pdf.) Education system in Finland (pdf.) Iceland Icelandic Higher Education System, Sigríður ...
... October 19-21, 2015, the Center for Social Research Analitika, in cooperation with the Regional Research Promotion Program in the Western Balkans (RRPP) and the Think Tank Fund of the Open Society Foundations jointly organized "International Workshop for Managers of Research Organizations in the Western Balkans and the EU" in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.   ...
... Europe (3) It also highlights the constructive role civil society organizations can play in regularly monitoring the policies and performance of government institutions The webinar will be held on November 18th and 19th at 11:00 AM in two separate one-hour sessions. Representatives of civil society and civil servants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia and Montenegro are invited to participate. For registration, please click here. *A webinar is a seminar that is transmitted over the Internet using video conferencing software. Download: Call for Participants Source: PASOS The Center for Research and Policy Making is pleased to invite ...
... Europe (3) It also highlights the constructive role civil society organizations can play in regularly monitoring the policies and performance of government institutions The webinar will be held on November 18th and 19th at 11:00 AM in two separate one-hour sessions. Representatives of civil society and civil servants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia and Montenegro are invited to participate. For registration, please click here. *A webinar is a seminar that is transmitted over the Internet using video conferencing software. Download: Call for Participants Source: PASOS The Center for Research and Policy Making is pleased to invite ...
Selected programmes attached below are related to: Technology Transfer capacity building in the Western Balkans   Western Balkans Youth Window under Erasmus+ Statistics  Improving economic governance and competitiveness  Regional School of public administration Further programme documents are available at the DG NEAR website: Background A) Horizontal support Technical assistance, information and ...
48% UNESCO Science report 2015, Towards 2030 Document 12. Nov. 2015
Key messages For two decades now, the UNESCO Science Report series has been mapping science, technology and innovation (STI) around the world on a regular basis. Since STI do not evolve in a vacuum, this latest edition summarizes the evolution since 2010 against the backdrop of socio-economic, geopolitical and environmental trends that have helped to shape contemporary STI policy and governance. Key messages are: Today, there are fewer grounds than in the past to deplore a simple „North-South“ ...
... The Serbian government’s biggest challenge will be to overcome a linear understanding of the innovation process which has resulted in a highly fragmented innovation system; this fragmentation is the biggest obstacle to networking the R&D sector with the rest of the economy and society at large. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia and Montenegro are all faced with structural adjustments and political and economic challenges which tend to have relegated the reform of their respective innovation systems to a lower priority. All are suffering from sluggish economic growth, the ageing of researchers, severe brain drain, a lack of private sector ...
WESTERN BALKAN YOUTH WINDOW The WBYW offers opportunities to finance projects within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme involving organisations and participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. These projects are funded within the Programme's Key Action 2, in particular under the Capacity-building in the field of youth. All basic information about Capacity-building in the field of youth can be found on the relevant web page of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture ...
... European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD), the Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovation and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO), the Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and several institutional and individual private investors. At second closing it is expected that additional investors will enter the fund, alongside investing entities from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo[2], Montenegro and Serbia (and other private investors). The Enterprise Innovation Fund (ENIF) forms one pillar of the umbrella structure - the Western Balkan Enterprise Development and Innovation Facility (WB EDIF) which provides a range of complementary financial instruments and support services to SMEs in the Western Balkans Details of ...
... Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Bosnia and Herzegovina addresses the following: Preparations on education and research and innovation policy are at an early stage. There was no progress in these sectors but Bosnia and Herzegovina actively participated in different cultural programmes as well as research networks and activities. In the coming year, the country should in particular:  ...
48% EC Progress report 2015 Serbia Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Serbia addresses the following: Serbia is at good level of preparation in science and research. Some progress was made in improving the framework for science, research and innovation. In the coming year, Serbia should in particular: → take actions to modernise organisation of research and innovation in line with the European Research Area and Innovation Union;  → stimulate cooperation between industry and academia and ...
48% EC Progress report 2015 Montenegro Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Montenegro addresses the following: There is a good level of preparation in this chapter and some progress was made in the past year. In the coming year, Montenegro should in particular:  → enhance efforts to increase investment in research, in particular through stimulating investment by the private sector;  → increase and focus efforts on participation in the EU Programme 'Horizon 2020'. Montenegro participates in the ...
48% EC Progress report 2015 Albania Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Albania addresses the following: Preparations are at an early stage in the area of science and research. There was no progress in the past year. In the coming year, the country should in particular:  → build capacity and increase investment in research to ensure integration into the European Research Area and contribute to the Innovation Union;  → increase efforts for successful participation in the research and ...
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for fyr of Macedonia addresses the following: There is a good level of preparation in the area of science and research. Good progress was made with respect to actions on innovation, and with initial and active participation in the EU Research and Innovation Programme "Horizon 2020". In the coming year, the country should focus on:  → actions to strengthen the research capacity in line with the European Research Area;  → ...
48% EC Progress report 2015 Kosovo* Document 11. Nov. 2015
Related to Research and Innovation, the progress report 2015 for Kosovo* addresses the following: Preparations in education and research are at an early stage. There has been no progress in this area over the last year. The quality of education needs to be considerably improved. In the coming year, Kosovo should in particular: → improve quality of education at all levels and improve access to quality education for marginalised groups, especially children with disabilities, Roma, Ashkali and ...
... insufficient to make a meaningful contribution to competitiveness and growth. Due to a lack of reliable statistics it is also difficult to measure the precise level, in particular for expenditure on research by the private sector. On the Innovation Union, no specific actions to stimulate innovation have been taken.   Bosnia and Herzegovina Preparations on education and research and innovation policy are at an early stage. There was no progress in these sectors but Bosnia and Herzegovina actively participated in different cultural programmes as well as research networks and activities. In the coming year, the country should in particular:  → step up coordination ...
... and gradually building a solid track record on fighting corruption and organised crime. A more systematic approach to the protection of fundamental rights needs to be ensured and, regarding property rights, the legislation on restitution and compensation of property nationalised under the communist regime needs to be adopted. As regards Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country is back on the reform track. The EU initiative of December 2014 enabled a new reform momentum which led to the entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement in June and the adoption of a comprehensive Reform Agenda focused on socio-economic, rule of law and public ...
... accession process with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – a candidate country since 2005 – remains at an impasse. Albania was granted candidate status in 2014 and is addressing a number of key priorities before the Commission can recommend the opening of accession negotiations. A Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Bosnia and Herzegovina entered into force in June. An SAA with Kosovo was signed in October 2015. For detailed findings and recommendations on each country see: Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo Montenegro Serbia The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Turkey More information at: IP ...
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