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... results to the EU citizens living in border regions." The Transnational Programmes recently adopted includes: The "South-East European Space" programme involves eight Member States (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia) and eight non-Member States (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine). The "Mediterranean" programme involves Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus, Malta and the United Kingdom (Gibraltar) with the participation of Croatia and Montenegro. and furthermore: The "Central European Space" programme concerns Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary ...
35% Regional Environmental Center Organisation 23. Dec. 2007
... Commission, and on an international agreement with the government of Hungary. The REC has its head office in Szentendre, Hungary, and country offices and field offices in 17 beneficiary countries, which are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.Recent donors are the European Commission and the governments of Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and ...
This study aims to identify and analyze existing research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) cooperation needs in the South East Europe region, focusing in particular on possible innovation support infrastructures and services in the Western Balkan Countries (WBC), their absorption capacity for RTD and innovation, as well as transnational cooperation and regional cooperation opportunities for innovation. Particular emphasis is put on the extent of involvement of SMEs and their ...
The article provides a general introductory overview of the (spatial) mobility of highly skilled/qualified persons and discusses the different terms of the mobility of the Highly Skilled, especially those of scientists. It outlines theoretical and empirical aspects of these movements and delineates the drain of European talent to the U.S., especially the outflow of scientists and researchers who contribute considerably to the U.S. innovation system. Further, it takes a closer look at outward ...
34% Albania signs MoU to join FP7 News 19. Dec. 2007
... links with their counterparts across Europe and build up their scientific expertise, including in scientific fields crucial to implementing the body of EU legislation. Albania is now added to other countries in the Western Balkans regions that are associated to FP7 – Serbia, Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. “I strongly believe that the countries of the Western Balkans have much to gain from participating in FP7, as part of their EU membership perspective,” said Science and Research Commissioner Janez Potočnik. “Working with EU scientists and companies, and other scientists and companies in their own region ...
35% ASO Calls 2007/2008 News 17. Dec. 2007
... policies, programmes, stakeholders, scientific projects, research institutes etc.) in their chosen field in South Eastern Europe and the main corresponding initiatives at EU level.Universities, non-university research institutions and other tertiary education organisations from Austria, the ASO countries Slovenia and Bulgaria and South Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia, including Kosovo/UNMIK) are invited to submit their proposals by January 31, 2008. Partners from Austria, Bulgaria or Slovenia are eligible as contractors. Ten to twelve projects will be funded to a maximum of EUR 12.000 per project. Event Announcement The Foresight Conference “Foresight & Policy ...
35% New TEMPUS Generation in Preparation News 17. Dec. 2007
... the European Union and partner countries in the surrounding area, including Central Asia. The programme focuses on international cooperation and not on mobility. The geographical coverage of the so-called partner countries is: Western Balkans countries covered by the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA): Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Kosovo/UNMIK, Montenegro, and SerbiaCountries of Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East covered by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI): Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel (new), Jordan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestine Authority, the Russian Federation, Syria, Tunisia, and Ukraine Countries from the Central ...
35% Book Announcements (fall/winter 07) News 17. Dec. 2007
... Ljubljana, Slovenia. The conference was organised by the UNESCO Office in Venice, the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology and the Austrian Science and Research Office in Ljubljana. It gathered together ministers and representatives responsible for science and finance from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey, as well as a number of international experts and representatives from international organisations active in South Eastern Europe. Both events acted as an excellent platform where it was possible to evaluate current and potential initiatives in the SEE region in the field of ...
The consortium consisted of seven partners from six different countries (Greece, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Croatia), geographically covering the whole region. During the lifetime of the WEB-MOB project, the partners have identified existing obstacles to incoming mobility in every country, and which in many cases had not been identified by administrations in charge of research. More specifically, mobility guidelines were developed so as ...
... have a status as cooperating EUREKA NIP countries (NIP - national information point status is a preparatory period for application for full membership) or have declared an interest in creating closer relations. During the first EUREKA meeting held under the Slovenian Chairmanship, in Maribor, October 2007, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia joined as a cooperating NIP country. Ales Mihelič says “We are delighted that one of the key elements of the Slovenian EUREKA Chairmanship programme - the widening of EUREKA’s frontiers into the Balkans - is happening so early in our term.” EUREKA Chair has established initial contacts with ...
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