News archive - The WEB-MOB Project: Development of Researchers Mobility Policy Guidelines for the Region of Western Balkans

The WEB-MOB project (a Specific Support Action financed by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme) started operating in September 2005, with the objective of developing guidelines related to issues of policy on researchers’ mobility in the region of Western Balkans. Taking into consideration the importance placed by the European Commission on issues of incoming and internal mobility in the Western Balkans region, WEB-MOB’s main objective was to attract to the region researchers from other regions (inter-regional mobility) or from other countries (intra-regional mobility) – geographical mobility –, and to promote the intersectorial mobility (mobility between industry and academia) and intra-national mobility in the Western Balkan partner countries in order to raise regional cooperation and prevent brain drain in the region.

The consortium consisted of seven partners from six different countries (Greece, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Croatia), geographically covering the whole region.
During the lifetime of the WEB-MOB project, the partners have identified existing obstacles to incoming mobility in every country, and which in many cases had not been identified by administrations in charge of research. More specifically, mobility guidelines were developed so as to be useful to national governments for the formulation of common policies in terms of enhancing researchers’ mobility and eliminating mobility barriers in the region. The mobility guidelines include recommendations for measures and policies needed to improve national legislation and national research strategies.
Furthermore, the most important dissemination tool developed has been the WEB-MOB portal ( The portal is a single-access point which provides visitors with the opportunity to exchange useful information about problems in the area of mobility of researchers, provide information on research organisations and universities and news related to the WEB-MOB project implementation.
Even though the project has just been completed (October 31, 2007), the impact already seems to be not only on a national, but also on a European level, since WEB-MOB project has contributed to national and EU actions related to the mobility and career development of researchers. Another important impact of the project has been the valuable experience on mobility policy issues gained by partners from the Western Balkan countries leading to the establishment of national ERA-MORE Networks (the Serbian national network and the Croatian one). Finally, synergies with European research organisations, universities and Mobility Centres have been encouraged and have influenced the visibility of researchers, universities and research organisations active in R&D in the Western Balkans region.

Article published in eJournal fall/winter 2007.

Entry created by Dimitrios Sanopoulos on December 17, 2007
Modified on December 17, 2007