Brain Drain – Brain Circulation or What Else Happens or Should Happen to the Brains Some Aspects of Qualified Person Mobility/Migration

The article provides a general introductory overview of the (spatial) mobility of highly skilled/qualified persons and discusses the different terms of the mobility of the Highly Skilled, especially those of scientists. It outlines theoretical and empirical aspects of these movements and delineates the drain of European talent to the U.S., especially the outflow of scientists and researchers who contribute considerably to the U.S. innovation system. Further, it takes a closer look at outward mobility in the former socialist countries in Europe, especially in South Eastern Europe, in the period before and after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Finally, the article outlines general policy options in dealing with the mobility of the Highly Qualified.
Breinbauer Andreas: Brain Drain – Brain Circulation or …What Else Happens or Should Happen to the Brains Some Aspects of Qualified Person Mobility/Migration. FIW Working Paper N° 004. June 2007.


Publication Year


Breinbauer Andreas
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • SEE

Entry created by Elke Dall on December 21, 2007
Modified on December 21, 2007