Innovation absorption capacity and transnational FINAL DRAFT

This study aims to identify and analyze existing research, technological development and innovation (RTDI) cooperation needs in the South East Europe region, focusing in particular on possible innovation support infrastructures and services in the Western Balkan Countries (WBC), their absorption capacity for RTD and innovation, as well as transnational cooperation and regional cooperation opportunities for innovation. Particular emphasis is put on the extent of involvement of SMEs and their representatives in the innovation process, including current status and needs, in order to design appropriate SME innovation support actions and tools to be implemented as future funding schemes for transnational cooperation activities for innovation.
EUROCONSULTANTS S.A., Consultant to SEE-ERA.NET: Innovation absorption capacity and transnational FINAL DRAFT. December 2007


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 21, 2007
Modified on December 21, 2007