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... of the "WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network" is to contribute to the modernization of the WB universities through capacity building and establishment of effective mechanisms for cooperation with the private sector in developing products and processes using the technology of virtual manufacturing. Lead partner is the University of Kragujevac (Serbia) and the project is implemented in partnership with European and regional universities and research centers, the agency for economic development and businesses in the Western Balkans, as follows: University of Padova (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Institute for Production Engineering (Denmark), research centre C3M (Slovenia), University of Rijeka (Croatia), University ...
... Lead partner is the University of Kragujevac (Serbia) and the project is implemented in partnership with European and regional universities and research centers, the agency for economic development and businesses in the Western Balkans, as follows: University of Padova (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Institute for Production Engineering (Denmark), research centre C3M (Slovenia), University of Rijeka (Croatia), University ...
... EUR per month, insurance, tuition fee up to 3000 EUR per year.  Fully funded scholarships from and to Western Balkans Who can apply? UG, MA, PhD students, Post Doc’s, Academic Staff and alumni from Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (UN Res. 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Serbia) and from EU partner universities.   Some information about Warsaw • Centre of Europe • Possibility to travel freely to other European Schengen countries • UW - the largest university in Poland, usually ranked as No. 1 in the country • Studies in 44 fields, 19 faculties, 44 independent units &bull ...
"Financial sustainability is one of the key challenges for Europe’s universities and this project report is another milestone of EUA’s work agenda on this topic. While universities need to understand better the full costs of their activities and should maintain a reasonably diversified income structure, it is clear that financial sustainability cannot be achieved without sufficient and sustainable public funding. The EUDIS project provides an analysis of the status of income ...
 With their legitimate ambition to integrate more closely into the European Research Area, the WB countries need to upgrade their national RTD information systems, and would benefit from developing a regional information system, effectively supporting these ambitions by facilitating closer and more balanced international collaboration. This awareness is slowly growing, primarily in some government and academic circles, but the first step is obviously to properly upgrade and connect ...
... covered during the Workshop are: Dark Matter, LHC, Strings, Neutrino Physics and other subfields of modern High Energy and Astroparticle Physics. The number of participants is expected to be about 45, including a number of students from the School. We expect up to 10 participants from Germany, about 15 from Serbia. In total there will be about 35 lectures. For further information and registration:             Homepage:             E-mail:   Faculty of Science and Mathematics ...
... project are available on the project website: Source: REACT consortium, Coordinator, Eleni Anoyrkati (Coventry University Technology Park, UK) Email: 'Shaping Climate friendly Transport in Europe: Key Finding & Future Directions' is the title of the conference which will be held in Belgrade, Serbia on May 16-17, 2011. It is organised by the REACT project, an EC funded project supporting research on climate-friendly transport, and the University of Belgrade. A call for abstracts is now open for researchers to contribute to one of these subjects. Abstracts can be submitted until March 15, 2011 ...
... of paper final version 15.07.2011. Registration fee payment for authors 15.07.2011. Further information: Source: e-mail by organisers Prof. dr Miroslav Trajanović, org. committee president Nikola Vitković, secretary UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ, FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Aleksandra Medvedeva 14 18000 Niš, Serbia  Tel. 381 18 500 669 Fax 381 18 588 244 The 34th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRODUCTION ENGINEERING ICPE 2011 will be held in Tami Residence hotel on September 28-30, 2011 in Nis, Serbia. A Call for papers is open till March 30, 2011 ...
... to development of the network in a whole. With goal to celebrate the end of the project and make a final promotion effort, national EURAXESS network will organize the event „Serbian researchers’ mobility day“. The event will be colocated with one of the biggest scientific events in Serbia – YU INFO conference and will include plenary lectures, EURAXESS Party and a workshop: „EURAXESS in Serbia – European, regional and national aspects“. The workshop will be attended by the representatives of European Commission, national EURAXESS networks from Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Bosnia and ...
... important contribution to achieving the broader Europe 2020 goals for sustainable and smart growth. The appointed Priority Area Coordinator countries are listed below: Background: The countries involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region are: Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Moldova, and Ukraine. The Commission proposed the Strategy at the request of the European Council. It is expected to be endorsed by Member States during the Hungarian EU Presidency in the first half of 2011. For more information: ...
... and interaction in this field. This research initiative makes it possible for the various national facilities, institutes, universities and private industry to work jointly on a wide range of Research and Development (R&D) activities. WBC Participation to COST Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia as COST Member States and  Albania and Montenegro as Non-COST 'near neighbouring countries'  are eligible for this call.     More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters ...
... distribution of European research infrastructures as well as support in access to large European infrastructures. (taken from the Executive Summary of the document) The full document is attached to this news below. The “Enlargement Countries Associated to FP7”, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey, have taken the initiative to manifest their Joint Position on the next Research and Technology Development (RTD) Framework Programme of the European Union to which currently they are Associated countries. The purpose of this Joint Position Paper is to pronounce the perceived shortcomings in the current RTD programming ...
... 477 Fax: +(30) 2310 234 205 Web:     Building on the success of the five previous Doctoral conferences which each attracted over 100 papers from countries all over the SE European region and beyond (UK, Greece, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Sweden, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Belgium and as far as USA), we are pleased to announce the organisation of the 6th SEERC Doctoral conference. Deadline: April 1, 2011 ...
... of the Milosevic regime are evaluated in great detail, including macroeconomic performance, institutional reforms, integration with the European Union, and the impact of the 2008-09 global economic crises. It is essential reading for all interested in the economics of transition. Contents: List Of Tables List Of Figures Preface Acknowledgements Introduction Serbia On The Eve Of Transition The Early 1990s: Political And Economic Instability Post-Dayton: Slow Progress With Transition Serbia’s ‘Velvet’ Revolution And Its Aftermath Embarking On Transition For The Second Time Transition Strategy Flaws: Privatization And Restructuring Integrating Serbia Into The European Union The Way To A ...
... on Innovation and Technology (MERIT), assisted by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (both partners in the WBC-INCO.NET project!). The IUS 2010 includes innovation indicators and trend analyses for the EU27 Member States, as well as for Croatia, Iceland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. It also includes comparisons based on a more reduced set of indicators between the EU27, the US, Japan and the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries. The reports states, for Croatia, Serbia and Turkey growth in innovation performance has been between 3.5% and 4% in ...
Please follow the links below to read the two resolutions:  European Parliament resolution of 19 January 2011 on the European integration process of Serbia and European Parliament legislative resolution of 19 January 2011 on the draft Council and Commission decision on the conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Serbia, of the other part (15619/1/2007 &ndash ...
... Romania. The planned activities are to be mainly in the form of expert meetings and workshops, whose exact concept and form will subsequently be elaborated among regional partners. Both clusters are open to participation of interested countries and organizations and will strive to generate concrete outcomes. Besides concrete cluster proposals Serbia evinced interest in regional cooperation the field of evidence based policy making and announced that a regional event under the working title “Evidence Based Policy Making in Education: Turning Research into Practice – Learning from PISA” is planned to take place in the first half of 2011, in ...
... building a platform for long-term sustainable cooperation in the region, and in designing and implementing concrete short-term and long-term guidelines, best practices and actions at the regional level on e-Infrastructure. The meeting brings together representatives of national authorities and partners from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey, who implement e-Infrastructure strategies and operate the programmes in their respective countries. Source: RCC Press Release. The sixth meeting of the South East European Research Area for e-Infrastructures (SEERA-EI), organised by the Ministry of Communication and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina and ...
... information:   Science Camps for students are an interesting concept to promote the scientific profession and researcher carreers. One example is the "Petnica International Summer Science Camp", a camp for students who have completed secondary school and for undergraduate university students talking place in Serbia (August 2-15, 2011). Registration deadline is 31 May 2011 ...
... related to processing industries (chemical, oil, textile, leather, metal, cellulose...) Deadline for submission of papers: 10th June 2011 For further information see the attachment and contact organisers: Organizer: ECOLOGICAL MOVEMENT OF NOVI SAD e-mail: Website: The Eco-Conference® taking place in Novi Sad, Serbia, September 21-24, 2011 is organized in order to: - Provide objective views (avoiding under - or overestimating) on causes/agents causing environmental disbalance and levels of ecological threats to urban and suburban environment. - Provide valuable information-communication basis for developing mid-term and long-term strategic programmes for (a) integral environment protection, (b) commodity quality ...
... Human Rights. Download the report (in English) The report for Albania was written by representatives of the European Movement of Albania - Mimosa Agolli and Aida Gugu. Download the report (in English) The report for Bosnia and Herzegovina was written by Sara Nikolić from ACIPS. Download the report The report for Serbia was written by Danilo Rakic, Group 484 representative. Download the report
30% Bosnian Scientific Diaspora Document 12. Jan. 2011
The reports introduce BiH scientific diaspora in two volumes on Bosnian PhD holders and researchers i.e. „Ko je ko u bh. dijaspori: doktori nauka i naučno-istraživački radnici“ – part 1 of Sept 2009, and Part II of Sept 2010       Aiša Telalović <>
... agenda survey. A team will now draft a preliminary programme, to be opened for comments with respect to the following time line: Draft programme to be posted on 20 January 2011 Open call comments to until 10 February 2011 Revised draft programme by end of February see also:  RATEL Serbia – Report on the Activities 2005-2010   The Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) is an open platform for informal and inclusive discussion and exchange on public policy issues related to Internet Governance (IG) between stakeholders from all over Europe. The 4th EuroDIG meeting will be organised in Belgrade May ...
... quot;brain-drain" policies and programmes.   Source: Grupa484; Geographic area: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, FYR of Macedonia Period of realisation: January - October 2010 Donors: The Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) and European Fund for the Balkans   Within the project "Developing 'brain gain' policies in the Western Balkans", a series of reports has been published. Project ...
... a working group was established to start the negotiations. Parallel negotiations are being led at working party level and bilaterally with a number of WTO members. Accession to the WTO is expected to make a lasting contribution to the process of economic reform and sustainable development in the Republic of Serbia. Bilateral trade commitments between the EU and Serbia are already embodied in the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) which was signed between the European Union, its Member States and Serbia on 29 April 2008. As ratification by Member States for the SAA is not yet completed, an Interim Agreement on trade-related matters has been applied since 1 February ...
This publication deals with the impact of the global economic crisis on South East Europe. Following a general overview, it also contains country chapters on all Western Balkan countries plus Bulgaria and Romania. Will Bartlett/Vassilis Monastiriotis: South East Europe After the Crisis: A new dawn or back to business as usual? 2010. LSE Research on South Eastern Europe, European Institute
Presentation on "Improving the Impact of Territorial Cooperation on Local Policies", held by George Petrakos at the 2010 SEE Annual Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece. George Petrakos: Improving the Impact of Territorial Cooperation on Local Policies (presentation held at the SEE Annual conference from 21 to 22 September 2010 in Thessaloniki, Greece).
As an applicant for a one year scholarship by the Free State of Bavaria you need to: have the nationality of one of the following countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia or the Ukraine. be living full-time in your home country at the time of application. be no older than 30 in the first year of your scholarship (i.e. on the 1.10.2011). be needy, meaning that you are not able to finance your studies at a Bavarian university ...
... European Investment Bank is confirming the clear European path of the Republic of Serbia. Moreover, after years of investing in our road and railway infrastructure, the Bank has now also recognised the goal of Serbia to become a knowledge-based economy. As a result of this, in 2010, the first €200 million for R&D infrastructure and an additional €50 million for ...
... submitted on the first priority concerning the economic, social and institutional cooperation, 10 on the second priority concerning the natural and cultural resources, 11 on the third priority concerning the accessibility and networks. The “IPA Adriatic CBC Programme” involves eight Countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Greece and for Italy, behind Abruzzo Region, that is the Managing Authority of the Programme, also Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Puglia and Molise Regions ...
... 2011 – Registration announcement. April 25; 2011– Final program announcement. May 15; 2011 – Early registration deadline. 7th – 11th June 6th – International Working Conference. Date: From: 7 June 2011 To: 11 June 2011 The 6th IW Conference ''TQM 2011 - Belgrade'', organised by the Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia) and CIRP, Paris (France) will be taking place from June 7 to 11, 2011 in Belgrade, Serbia. Deadline for proposals for special sessions: January 15, 2011 ...
... science policies towards global issues”) was updated in September and October 2010 (the first report was drafted on December 2008). The report is based on information received from our correspondents from Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo [under UNSCR 1244], Montenegro, Serbia) through online questionnaire and complemented by desk research which was carried out by staff of Centre for Social Innovation Vienna. Gathering the information turned out to be a big challenge, which could be accomplished only partially, because Climate Change research specific “programmes&rdquo ...
... R&D Industries in SEE enables users to search for R&D industries either by keywords or by selecting a sector and/or country from a list. Data is available for the following countries: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. About I-SEEMob In accordance with ERA objectives and priorities, the main goal of the I-SEEMob project is to contribute to the enhancement of the career development of R&D personnel in ERA by examining the existing legal and research policy gaps hampering the intersectoral mobility of R ...
... and beyond (especially current PhD projects and/or research results) that relate to the topic "Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans"; * Papers to be presented can deal with the region in general, or with the change-processes in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia in particular; * For more information about the RRPP's current research projects, please consult the RRPP Website. The selected candidates will be able to present and discuss their work in one of the methodological or thematic workshops, where researchers involved in the RRPP research projects will also present their studies, final ...
... search engine for anyone interested in R&D Industries in SEE, allowing both for a simple keyword search and for an advanced search concerning particular sectors and/or countries. Data is available for the following countries: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey ...
Source: E-Mail by Mr. Ugo Poli On November 23, 2010 OECD - SEE Investment Compact Committee - 7th Meeting - November 23, 2010 took place in Paris, France. Please find the conclusions and some interesting papers presented in the meeting in the attachments.
Although the strategy will not come with extra EU finance, a considerable amount of funding is already available to the region through a host of EU programmes. For instance, € 100 billion alone has been allocated from the cohesion policy (European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Social Fund) between 2007 and 2013. Moreover, 41 Territorial Cooperation programmes cover a geographical area including the Danube Region. The aim is to use this available support to greater ...
Please find attached some national input papers on FP8. e.g. e-mails ...
... through to non-academic institutions and organisations such as non-governmental organisations, companies, industries and public authorities. These institutions and organisations have to be based in the following four groups of eligible countries: 27 Member States of the European Union, 4 countries of the Western Balkan region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia as well as Kosovo 17 countries in the Southern and Eastern neighbouring area of the European Union: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the occupied Palestinian territory, Syria, Tunisia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine,  5 Central Asian Republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and ...
... education institutions and to other organisations active in the field of higher education, provided they are established in the EU Member States or in the Partner Countries. There are four groups of eligible countries: 27 EU Member States; countries from the Western Balkans region:  Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244; 17 countries South and East of the EU and the Russian Federation; 5 Central Asian countries. Who can participate? Information about Tempus: Tempus aims to promote voluntary convergence of Partner Country ...
The primary aim of the report is to monitor the EU-contribution granted to SMEs in FP7 projects. This report examines the SME participation in the Seventh Framework Programme up to 1 October 2010. Within the Cooperation Programme as a whole, 15% of the total budget should go to SMEs. So far, 14.5% of the budget has been granted to SMEs. In order to reach the 15% target, from now until the end of FP7 in 2013, on average 15.3% of the budget should go to SMEs. Specific key figures for the ten ...
... are provided through a financial arrangement with the European Investment Bank for development of scientific and technological infrastructure. Source: MSTD A Technology Park is planned to be constructed in Nis, Serbia, near the Faculty of Electronics ...
... will have investment of 20.5 million euros, 11 million is provided by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development through the financial arrangement with the European Investment Bank, whilst the remainder investment will be provided by the province town of Novi Sad and UNS. This and similar projects in Serbia are the right answer to the brain drain. This is the way to create conditions for foundation of companies within the university campus, added Djelic. Construction works for the building University are expected to start in spring 2011.   Source: MSTD ...
Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration and Minister of Science and Technological Development Bozidar Djelic, Mayor of Valjevo Zoran Jakovljevic and Director of the Petnica Research Centre Vigor Majic signed a Protocol in Valjevo on cooperation in the realisation of a project of enlargement and reconstruction of Petnica worth €7.6 million. Djelic pointed out that €5.3 million will be invested in the reconstruction of the existing facilities and construction of new ones, with a ...
29% FP7 Interim Evaluation Document 28. Nov. 2010
This interim evaluation of FP7 has been carried out by an independent Expert Group, chaired by Rolf Annerberg, Sweden. Key strengths of the current Framework Programme, areas in need of improvement, new concerns and dilemmas and directions for reform have been summarised. The panel also presents ten key recommendations, including the following issues: 1. to advance ERA and Innovation Union objectives, 2. to develop high quality research infrastructures, 3. to maintain the level of ...
28% Regional School of Public Administration Organisation 28. Nov. 2010
... and the EU Member States.       While primarily targeting officials from those countries which have signed and ratified the Agreement Establishing the Regional School of Public Administration and are thus members of ReSPA (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) as well as other entities in the Western Balkans region, ReSPA’s activities may also be open to officials from other countries and institutions. Source: ReSPA website, as accessed November 28, 2010
... EU candidate status by the end of 2011 and to determine the date for the beginning of negotiations," Cvetković stated. In 2011, the EU's rotating presidency will be held by Hungary and Poland. Both countries are favourable to EU enlargement to the Western Balkans and begin EU negotiations with Serbia as soon as possible. Once Serbia has returned the questionnaire, the EU executive will begin a process of issuing an opinion, which takes about one year. Iceland was the only EU candidate country to start negotiation talks, just one year after its  application. But Commission representatives insist that Iceland is a special case, as the ...
WIPO Director General Francis Gurry concluded a two-day official visit to the Republic of Serbia on October 26, 2010 during which he met a number of high level Government representatives, including Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković. Mr. Gurry and the Prime Minister signed an agreement laying out a framework for collaboration between WIPO and Serbia. Talks with the Prime Minister and other Government officials, including Mr ...
84% Intellectual Property Office - Serbia Organisation 27. Nov. 2010
... for the tasks related to industrial property rights (patents, trademarks, industrial designs, indications of geographical origin, and topographies of integrated circuits), copyright and related rights. The establishment of an institution for the protection of industrial property is a Convention obligation of all member countries of the Paris Union. Republic of Serbia is, in legal continuity through the Kingdom of Serbia, one of 11 founding countries of the Paris Union (1883), but it set up the Administration for the Protection of Industrial Property considerably later, on 15 November 1920. That institution has changed its name several times since then, and throughout its history it was called: Federal Administration for Invention (1948 ...
... Prof. Biljana Radojicic, PhD   President of the Organizing Committee MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES The coming Fe.Me.S.P.Rum. 2011 event promises to be another outstanding opportunity for all those firms whose programs consist of anything included in the above written topics. This conference is expected to draw to Belgrade, Serbia more than 150 experts which will get up to date and share the latest from the area of ruminant’s health protection and production. Please join us by becoming a sponsor or an exhibitor at Fe.Me.S.P.Rum. The Fe.Me.S.P.Rum. 2011 Conference offers ...
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