News archive - 7.3.2011 – Serbian Researchers’ Mobility Day

On March 7, 2011, Kopaonik (Serbia) winter resort will host a number of events dedicated to promotion of succesfull closure of SER-MORE FP7 project. The project gathered all major stakeholders of the Serbian research system with goal to establish national EURAXESS network. Events include open meeting of the project Steering group, plenary lecture, EURAXESS party and a main event: workshop on the current state of play of the EURAXESS network in Serbia.

Researchers’ mobility is one of the main factors for development of the European Research Area (ERA). It is promoted and supported through a number of funding mechanisms, out of which the best known are FP7 People programme and EURAXESS initiative. EURAXESS initiative coordinated by the European Commission, unifies and multiplies efforts of 39 European countries, with objectives to increase the transparency of the employment (EURAXESS Jobs), to provide information and services to mobile researchers (EURAXESS Services), to promote rights and responsibilities of the researchers and their employers (EURAXESS Rights) and to establish links with researchers from non-European countries (EURAXESS Links).

After more than 2 years of its development in scope of the SER-MORE project, Serbian EURAXESS network has become equal member of this pan-European initiative, with significant impact achieved in national scientific community, as well as massive contribution to development of the network in a whole.

With goal to celebrate the end of the project and make a final promotion effort, national EURAXESS network will organize the event „Serbian researchers’ mobility day“. The event will be colocated with one of the biggest scientific events in Serbia – YU INFO conference and will include plenary lectures, EURAXESS Party and a workshop: „EURAXESS in Serbia – European, regional and national aspects“.

The workshop will be attended by the representatives of European Commission, national EURAXESS networks from Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as assistant ministers for science and technological development, state secretary in the Ministry of education and vice-rectors of the universities from Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad and Kragujevac. They will exchange the relevant national, regional and European experiences, with attempt to anticipate the impact of the researchers’ mobility to development o European Research Area, in different contexts.

Related links: (Serbian EURAXESS portal)

Source: e-mail from organisers

Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Related organisations

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 7, 2011
Modified on February 18, 2011