News archive - [Event Announcement] Balkan Summer Institute 2011 in Serbia / Mathematics & Theoretical Physics

Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Niš (Serbia), in cooperation with International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy), Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU, Munich, Germany), Faculty of Physics, University of Craiova (Romania) and other partners, is organizing the Balkan Summer Institute BSI2011, with the Balkan School and Workshop BSW2011 as its central part. The events take place between August 19-31, 2011.

The BSI2011 will be the main event of the SEENET-MTP network program in 2011. Section of Serbian Physical Society Niš is the local coorganizer. BSW2011 will be held at the bank of Danube River, in the National Park Djerdap, east Serbia.

Directors: Goran Djordjevic (Nis), Emilian Dudas (Palaiseau), Gia Dvali (Munich/CERN), Dieter Lüst (Munich), Goran Senjanovic (Trieste) and Dejan Stojkovic (Buffalo).

Seminar: “On Trends in Modern Physics”
9 – 21 August, 2011)

SEENET-MTP Network, in cooperation with UNESCO-BRESCE Venice, is organizing Seminar: Trends in Modern Physics for the elementary and high school teachers from Balkan countries and neighboring regions, which will be held from 19th – 21st August, 2011.

Summer School:  “Cosmology and Particle Physics beyond the Standard Models”
(21 – 26 August, 2011)

Invited School Lecturers: Ignatios Antoniadis (CERN/Palaiseau), Gia Dvali (Munich/CERN) TBC, Tao Han (Wisconsin), Neil Lambert (Kings/CERN), Goran Senjanovic (Trieste), Francesco Vissani (Gran Sasso) TBC

The goal of this School is to improve the students’ and young researchers’ knowledge in the scientific fields of the event. Lecturers will give 3-4 lectures, 90 minutes each, starting from an introductory level and then gradually approaching an advanced research level. These lectures will be followed by tutorials/exercises and/or discussions. Participants of the school will be exposed to the most modern techniques in field theory, supersymmetry, extra dimensions (and other "beyond the standard model" theories), conventional and modified gravity, string theory etc. The topic of the school is in that sense very convenient for education of the young scientist all over the world, even though from the SEE region will benefit the most.

Workshop: Scientific and Human Legacy of Julius Wess
(26-28 August 2011)

This meeting will be mainly devoted to the scientific and human legacy of the great physicist Dr. Julius Wess (1934-2007), Chair of Mathematical Physics LMU and Director of MPI-Werner Heisenberg, Munich, who was one of the founders of the SEENET-MTP in 2003 and the first Coordinator of its Scientific-Advisory Committee. Julius Wess was one of the most influental mathematical and theoretical physicist in the second half of the 20th century and he made some of the crucial contributions to the Supersymmetric particle model, as well as to the new branches of mathematical physics.

The official program would consist of 4-5 lectures, and a few talks devoted to his human legacy.

Workshop: “Particle Physics from TeV to Plank Scale”
(28-31 August 2011)

Topics to be covered during the Workshop are: Dark Matter, LHC, Strings, Neutrino Physics and other subfields of modern High Energy and Astroparticle Physics. The number of participants is expected to be about 45, including a number of students from the School. We expect up to 10 participants from Germany, about 15 from Serbia. In total there will be about 35 lectures.

For further information and registration:



Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 22, 2011
Modified on February 22, 2011