News archive - "IPA ADRIATIC CBC PROGRAMME": a total amount of 75 mio euro have been assigned to top-ranked projects
On December 1-3, the Joint Monitoring Committee of the “IPA Adriatic CBC Programme” (2007-2013) approved the first 32 ordinary projects for a total funding of 75 million, 25 for each of the three priorities.
These projects have been chosen among the 134 considered admissible at the end of the quality assessment performed by the Joint Technical Secretariat: 11 submitted on the first priority concerning the economic, social and institutional cooperation, 10 on the second priority concerning the natural and cultural resources, 11 on the third priority concerning the accessibility and networks. The “IPA Adriatic CBC Programme” involves eight Countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Serbia, Greece and for Italy, behind Abruzzo Region, that is the Managing Authority of the Programme, also Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Puglia and Molise Regions.
The Priority 1 is divided in 4 Measures:
o Measure 1.1 “Research and innovation”: it aims at improving research capacity by rising competence levels, encouraging transfer of innovation by the creation of networks among the entrepreneurial, institutional, academic, training and research sectors, and principally by promoting joint activities.
o Measure 1.2 “Financial support for innovative SMEs”: it aims at encouraging the territorial and productive systems to invest in research and innovation by offering new and diversified financial instruments.
o Measure 1.3 “Social, health and labour networks”: it aims at creating new cooperation networks in social, labour and health policies and strengthening existing ones.
o Measure 1.4 “Institutional cooperation”: it aims at promoting innovative services to the citizenry through the exchange of technical and government expertise and best practice between the governments and local/public authorities.
The Joint Monitoring Committee of the Programme, on the meeting of 2nd December 2010, approved, for each Call for ordinary projects (Priority 1, Priority 2 and Priority 3), the ranking lists of all the formally admissible projects.
The projects are financed according to the available budget of each call for proposals and under conditions set by the JMC.

- Finest S.p.A., Financial company for the promotion of economic cooperation with east European countries, Italy
- IDA ‐ Istrian Development Agency Ltd, Croatia
- Abruzzo Region ‐ International Activities, Italy
- Local Health Authority nr 10 "Veneto Orientale", Italy
- Region of Istria, Croatia
- Indipendent Forum for the Albania Women, Albania
- Municipality of Bushat, Albania
- Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Region, Italy
- Province of Gorizia, Italy
- Marche Region‐ Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Department, Italy
Source: IPA Adriatic Website, accessed Dec. 18, 2010
It means that Albania will be benefitting 6.4 million euro of funds from the European Commission in this programme (source: Tirana Times).
- Albania
- Croatia
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on December 18, 2010
Modified on December 18, 2010