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In more detail, WBC's participation is as follows: Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia submitted 76 eligible proposals to the call which represent 16,85 %; The most important participation (in number of eligible proposals) came from Serbia, followed by Croatia; In the main list, 7 from the 32 proposals are coming from above mentioned 4 countries. The EC financial contribution to the call is ...
85% New Minister in Serbia News 17. Sep. 2008
... administration in one the fastest and the most successful reforms of public finances in countries in transition. From 2005 till 2007 he was a director for Central Europe in Credit Agricole Group. In the period from May till July 2008 he was vice-president of the government of the Republic of Serbia. In the name of Serbia he signed Stabilisation and Association Agreement in Luxemburg on April 29, 2008. The World Economic Forum (DAVOS) recognized his achievements in business and politics by nominating him for young world leader for the period from 2005 till 2010. Božidar Đelić, vice-president of the government of Republic of Serbia and minister ...
29% FP7 - Work Programme 2008 - People - Update Document 17. Sep. 2008
The second version published in August 2008, brings some changes regarding the version published on 28 November 2007. The modifications are as follows: 2009 Budget: ♦The figures of the 2009 budget related to calls published in 2008 (Initial Training Network and Co-funding) have been introduced. Specific actions not implemented through calls for proposals: ♦Introduction of new awareness and visibility raising activity linked to the re-branding into "EURAXESS –Researchers ...
The event will take place at Hotel “PALACE”, Topličin venac 23, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. Registration deadline: August 31, 2008 The event is part of the WP4 – Building Capacities, T4.1: Learning Groups on ERA-Indicators. The target group consists of the national statistical offices dealing with Science and Technology statistics and the representatives of the relevant ministries, responsible for the S&T policy ...
... and relevant financial operations including bank transfers and charges c. Financial management of the contract   Personal costs and time sheets;   Financial planning, Bookkeeping, cost recording; accounting records   Financial reporting   Financial certificates   Audit d. Other issues The following dates are confirmed by our local partners   Serbia: September 22, 2008 Montenegro: September 26, 2008 BiH: October 27, 2008 Albania: October 28, 2008 Croatia: October 30, 2008   If you wish to receive further information, please contact Ms. Lora Pavlova ( The WBC-INCO.NET project will carry out training workshops in all ...
29% FP7 - Work Programme 2009 - People Document 15. Sep. 2008
European Commission published Work Programme "People" 2009 on 22 August 2008. The WP is to be read in association with the Framework Programme and People Specific Programme decisions, and with the relevant Guides for Applicants. The most current Guides and other documents are available on CORDIS under The People Specific Programme of the 7th Framework Programme (2007 to 2013) acknowledges that one of the main competitive edges in science and technology ...
29% FP7 - Work Programme 2008 - People Document 15. Sep. 2008
This is the 2008 Work Programme implementing the 'People' Specific Programme of the 7th Framework Programme (2007 to 2013). It translates in specific actions the objectives and priorities in the Specific Programme, the associated funding, and the timetable for implementation for the year 2008. To support the further development and consolidation of the European Research Area, the People Specific Programme's overall strategic objective is to make Europe more attractive for the best researchers. ...
Prague can help Serbia substantially in its EU bid, Hubackova told the daily Vecernje Novosti. "The Czech Republic is ready to speed up the process of visa liberalisation and put Serbia on the 'white Schengen List', as well as the process of its European integration," she noted. She said she does not ...
29% News from ERI-SEE News 11. Sep. 2008
... in Podgorica, Montenegro. Furthermore, there is a Networking Conference of the SEE VET Agencies and Institutions, which will be held in Tirana on September 25-26. There is also a Seminar on Project Cycle Management prepared in cooperation with the European experts and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia to be held in Belgrade-Serbia on October 23-24.  ERI SEE, the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe, is providing an update on its 2008 initiatives - complementing activities which are focused on the research sector. Several dates for meetings are announced from this group ...
 The Commission launched the 'Practical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation' to help all stakeholders to find their way into the different existing EU funding. Central to the realisation of the goals of the Lisbon Agenda is the need to promote the knowledge economy, in particular through research, technological development and innovation (RTDI). EU support for RTDI is provided mainly through the 7th Research Framework Programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation ...
The  novelties are as follows: The dates of next  "Initial Training Networks" and "Co-funding calls will be known only after the publishment of Work Programme 2010. The calls "European Reintegration Grants" and  "International Reintegration Grants" will be integrated into one call. The "International Outgoing Fellowships' and  'International Incoming Fellowships" are summarised into one topic "World Fellowships". The ...
... is available) and have the following indicators: FDI total, by form, by country and by activities. Data stems from the host countries national Banks or from the central bureaus of statistics. Countries covered are: Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary and Belarus.   The wiiw Database on FDI in Central, East and South East Europe is now also available via the FIW Database Retrieval Tool.   Source: WIIW Mailing The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (Das Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche - wiiw) added ...
This year in May EUROCHAMBERS launched new inititive with focus on Western Balkan Countries: Partners for Investment Promotion. This 18 months programme co- financed by the European Union aims at helping business communities in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia develop a favourable environment for attracting foreign investments.   From the Western Balkan region Albania (Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania) , Bosnia and Herzegovina (The Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina), Croatia (Croatian Chamber of Economy), FRY of Macedonia (Economic Chamber (the Former Yugoslav Republic of ...
... 40 proposals either as project partners or coordinators. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia also  applied 9 projects as coordinator and by 68 proposal institutions from FRY of Macedonia collaborate either as project coordinator or project partner , while alltogether 166 institutions from FRY of Macedonia are coinvolved in the projects. Serbia has the highest number of coordinators, namely 13, and the highest number of the instutions from the region  involved in the projects, namely 160, while Serbia is involved by 66 proposals either as partner or as coordinator. Kosovo under UNSCR 1244  is involved in 14 projects as a ...
The working paper, published in June 2008, examines the challenges that Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia face in order to have a labour force with a significant pool of people with tertiary education qualification. These people will be needed to meet increasing demand for highly-skilled labour to support economic growth. Further details and download: Source: http ...
The Meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries was held in Ljubljana/Slovenia on June 13, 2008. It was organised under the auspices of the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. The presentations held at the meeting as well as the WBC country reports can be downloaded at The minutes had been approved by the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries at its ...
The objective of this paper is to analyze the situation in Balkan countries, outline the directions for policy reform in tertiary education and research and development, and identify options for World Bank support to these countries, both through national projects and different types of regional collaboration. Tertiary education and research and development contribute to economic growth and competitiveness by providing highly skilled graduates prepared to take up their role in an open economy ...
... The full working paper is available in English, Serbo-Croatian, Albanian and Macedonian. Authors: Toby Linden and Nina Arnhold with Kirill Vasiliev The World Bank’s working paper, published in June 2008, examines the challenges that Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia face in order to have a labour force with a significant pool of people with tertiary education qualification. These people, however, will be needed to meet increasing demand for highly-skilled labour and support economic growth ...
... available, additionally travel costs will be covered. Eligible Countries/Institutions:     Albania: Ministry of Education and Science     Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ministry of Civil Affairs     Moldova: Ministry of Education and Youth     Montenegro: Ministry of Education and Science     Serbia: Ministry of Education; Ministry of Science and Technological Development     UNMIK/Kosovo: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology The Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital (BHC) proposes to organise short term placements at key institutions working in the area of cooperation for building human capital. An interesting ...
This Poverty Reduction Stategy Paper focuses on Albanian macroeconomic and structural outlook. The paper also covers social policies undertaken  in support of growth and poverty reduction. Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) are usually prepared by member countries in broad consultation with stakeholders and development partners, including the staffs of the World Bank and the IMF. The report accompanied by consultation Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty ...
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