News archive - Western Balkans to be priority when Czech Republic assumes rotating EU presidency

EU prospects for the Western Balkan countries will be a priority for the Czech Republic when it assumes its EU presidency in January 2009, was confirmed by the Czech Ambassador to Serbia Hana Hubackova.

Prague can help Serbia substantially in its EU bid, Hubackova told the daily Vecernje Novosti. "The Czech Republic is ready to speed up the process of visa liberalisation and put Serbia on the 'white Schengen List', as well as the process of its European integration," she noted. She said she does not believe the EU will make recognition of Kosovo's independence one of Serbia's conditions. Rather, Serbia will have to meet the same conditions as all other candidates, Hubackova said. (Vecernje Novosti, RTS, Beta, B92 - 01/09/08)

Source: SE Times (

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 15, 2008
Modified on September 15, 2008