News archive - From Fragmentation to Cooperation: Tertiary Education, Research and Development in South Eastern Europe

The World Bank’s working paper, published in June 2008, examines the challenges that Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia face in order to have a labour force with a significant pool of people with tertiary education qualification. These people, however, will be needed to meet increasing demand for highly-skilled labour and support economic growth.

The objective of this paper is to outline the directions for policy reform in tertiary education and research in the countries of the Balkans and identify ways in which the World Bank can help these countries pursue this reform agenda, especially through regional collaboration.

The paper is divided in 3 sections, the first section discusses the performance of tertiary education and research systems in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) region and how well they help countries and individuals become more competitive. The second section discusses some key policy directions that the countries in question might consider adopting, based on international experience. The third, final section discusses options for how the World Bank can support these changes in the countries of SEE through regional collaboration.

The working paper is available on:

The full working paper is available in English, Serbo-Croatian, Albanian and Macedonian.

Authors: Toby Linden and Nina Arnhold with Kirill Vasiliev

Entry created by Elke Dall on August 19, 2008
Modified on August 19, 2008